What do you think about the death of America?

What do you think about the death of America?

would prefer 10000 mexicans to a single muzzie

are you white?


I can finally say I'm white (hispanic)

>white hispanic

I am a white(Hispanic) girl(male)

I know it's insane. I've been job searching and when I put in my ethnic information it's like
"Are you white?"
"Are you Hispanic as well?"
W-what no wtf?

huh, turns out mexico is white (hispanic) after all

>I've been job searching and when I put in my ethnic information
why would they even ask that?

there are 3.3 million muslims in the US

that means you'd prefer all of them to live and be replaced by 33 billion mexicans

the US would have a population of 33.3 billion, 99% of which would be hispanic

>would prefer 10000 mexicans to a single muzzie
this, or blacks

>why would they even ask that?
Mo money fo dem programs

>white hispanic

are you a mongrel?

kek thats fucked up

Isn't that kind of a given?

after islam, someone have to stood up against the poo and nigerian menace la

As soon as a Hispanic commits a crime, our media calls them a "white Hispanic".

Just like when niggers commit crimes they are "teens", "youths", etc. regardless of their age.

Diversity quotas.

America was always socially fucked up, it's just now that we're learning about it.

Is this a white hispanic?
God fucking dammit, America

yeah but 33 billion is a bit too much m8

Says you. Diversity is our strength

>death of america
literally nonexistent, it's just fear mongering

>"white" hispanic
this shit ticks me off

Look at that guy's Twitter, everything is white supremacy to him. Don't think people should listen to anything he spouts.

Meanwhile we watch Europe being invaded.

99% mexican is not diversity

I like tacos

I agree that "the United States of America" is a non-existent concept, yes

It's near-maximum diversity you racist

hispanic and latino is a made up american race term anyway
what they really mean is european mixed with amerindian, or full amerindian

that's not accurate at all tho, anyone can be mexican, from miguel layun to gio do santos

If you're not white you're much more likely to be hired because there are equal rights laws and companies have to fulfil diversity quotas otherwise they're racist.

Problem is that diversity quotas are literally racist and add preference to racial characteristics rather than personal ability.

For example,

Mutambe Bonobo went to University of Michigan with a 2.6 GPA in Architecture

Chadwick Semensprayer went to the University of Michigan with a 3.3 GPA

They both apply to the same job. There are already plenty of white and Asian Architects here but literally no black ones. Therefore in order to fill the diversity quota and get big federal tax incentives/don't have some journalist buttrape your public reputation and plummet your stock you will be forced to hire the black guy. Simply because of the color of his skin and not his ability to preform the required tasks.

But blacks are oppressed and disadvantaged.

>tfw according to americans, I would be the Yeti

Tha's also garbage, while there was a big influx of immigrants, this won't really affect us in any significant way.

The real problem is the dissolution of the EU and the jewish tricks big banks are trying.

blame your other white/Asian co-workers they took your quota for your race. Sucks to be dumber than most of your race.

do any of the refugees want to go to Greece?

Its funny because they even have 'united' in the name of the country. Like imagine if the soviets had named it the united soviets after conquering all that land in ww2 and were arresting people and shit. lol. almost as bad as """""the people's democratic republic"""" of nk

I guess the more insecure you are the more flashy words you need.

>Its funny because they even have 'united' in the name of the country. Like imagine if the soviets had named it the united soviets after conquering all that land in ww2 and were arresting people and shit. lol. almost as bad as """""the people's democratic republic"""" of nk
> I guess the more insecure you are the more flashy words you need.

no, but we're stuck with them and they're stuck with us.
There is a spike of violent crimes near their camps, but it's limited there.

Literally what

You have pretty hands :D

You don't stand out enough. They can find someone like you easily. Nothing wrong with selective hiring.

hows that a white hispanic lol


another yurotrash made empire ending the same way they all did.

history repeats.

The american continent should have been left in peace to the Natives

It was called union of soviet socialist states of russian dude, that pretty much is synonymous with United soviets. Are you a dumby?