Daily reminder that if you're a manlet you have failed as a man and are a pathetic degenerate loser and need to be gassed
Daily reminder that if you're a manlet you have failed as a man and are a pathetic degenerate loser and need to be...
wtf is going on here? Where is this?
Midget tries to seduce nigger
>implying this isn't alpha as fuck
How is height relevant in an age of automization? Being taller has no intrinsic value in the 21st, and actually lowers life spans. Being of average or slightly below average height helps motivate the ignored into greatness. Hitler, Alexander the great, Napoleon, and Putin are all short, yet show great leadership skills. When you listen to tall "alphas'' you get cucks like mitt romney who want to appease everyone, or niggers like obama who are retards.
muh cherrypicking
also OP, everyone in that video needs to be gassed to be fair
Link to vid
Easiest game of spot the manlet. What's it like down there, little buddy?
You really think women think all that out when looking for a partner?
"If you are short you should be gassed, trust me Goyim"
>That very cute girl in the pink talking to that guy who obviously doesn't care about what she has to say but is listening just to get laid
How does he do it?
I too want to know of this place where whores are plentiful. Is this really the type of stuff women wear now?
Found the manlet. Lemme guess, 5'4?
dunno. women for some reason always want men taller than them. they don't even know why.
I'm 6'4" and I never post cuck shit about my height.
Although being taller makes getting gains harder.
What's the cutoff for manlet sizes these days anyways?
He should've just stayed at home and played video games / watch anime.
Go to any club next to a beach or with a pool. La Vela in Panama City has both.
>molesting nigger
holy fuck americans are fucking degenerate
Kek at the manlet. That was almost painful to watch.
no, it is painful
dat chad at the bottom of the screen
>Repeatedly chasing a fucking 2/10
Yes. Being over 6' requires more work to get similar definition and results compared to a shorter man. Sucks.
The bad part is that he's going for ass crack each time. Fuck. Touch her ass or hip. Who goes for the fucking ass crack?
If you're in the mood to cringe a little go watch the new Chris chan video.
Other than sexual value to women, who we all understand to be vapid cunts until maybe marriage and motherhood (and not even then for a large percentage of the time), what value does height have when physicality is becoming obsolete? Tanks and planes can make the soldier obsolete if we committed total warfare, and industrial jobs that may have at one required long arms and height are now preformed by robots, what value to tall people really have other than ascetics. Them being tall even requires more resources to feed them, and taller people often underachieve due to easy school life, where as the shorter males who are picked on often times motivate themselves to greatness.
6'4, even if goyim are 6'4 and up, you still shouldn't associate with them
if you're beneath 7'2 you automatically graduated from manlet university
I was thinking about two Shapiro's
>western ""'"'"'"'civilisation"'"'"'"'"
>Hitler, Alexander the great, Napoleon, and Putin are all short, yet show great leadership skills
is this the manlets' wewuzkangz?
What's funny is that even the anthropomorphic ape girl turned him down.
He probably has a job and be a good provider, while she is destined to suck off a bunch of Jamals, and end up pregnant with 4 welfare kids.
This. I'm a manlet and you need to playword shit and be yourself.
Just make her laugh and make her think you have another bitch waiting for you.
That is all.
The guy of OP's vid is just a beta fag who can't even talk and seduce an old hag.
lmao I was just about to post the same thing. look at him in action just nodding along like stfu bitch.
Where he's raping the blow up doll? Seen it.
ChrisChan has been an endless cringe factory for about a decade now. It's really quite remarkable.
Yes horrible people who are wrong, just don't talk to other goyim altogether, trust me goy, you don't need them
Is this a /fit/ meme?
Please jump off a building, OP.
He really does need to be gassed.
This is why you don't hit on dark skin girls and fat chicks. You feel way worse getting rejected by them, because they are the bottom of the barrel.
Shit, I have to get out more then.
>Being of average or slightly below average height helps motivate the ignored into greatness. Hitler, Alexander the great, Napoleon, and Putin are all short, yet show great leadership skills.
C'mon, this is like saying being celibate motivates the ignored to greatness because Tesla and Newton were virgins for life. These are exceptions, not the norm.
6'0 Masterrace reporting in - basically best of both worlds.
But the kids won't be manlets
Sounds like a fair trade-off to me
I think she likes him!
Come gas me then you degenerate
Oh what's that? Leaving your mom's basement give you anxiety? Well okay then
Alexander and Napoleon were average and above average for their time tho. Hitler was 173 cm so about average as well.
dwarves and orcs don't mix anyways
Name a great tall leader than faggot. They were all leftist faggots or cuckservatives who tried to appease everyone and ultimately left everyone off worse. Short people make the hard and correct decisions, as they have to work harder to achieve things in life (sexually, work,life in geneal, etc) and just don't have things handed to them like taller people often do (idiotic women are more likely to vote for a tall guy than any other metric).
He's the only man I can see in the video that doesn't look like an inbred manchild. Let's assume that most men at this event are, and that they are also drunk as shit and gropy. This guy is probably the first guy she's talked to who doesn't try to grab her tits within 5 minutes, instead he sits down with her, talks, maintains eye contact, smiles, makes discreet physical contact. Just my interpretation of a 5 second clip but seems pretty clear.
I wouldn't fuck her with a stolen dick
She's like Oprah Winfreys uglier half sister
napoleon was of average height though, and alexander was considered a great warrior so it's doubtful that he was a manlet
Also, yesterday, for the first time, I saw one of those super compensating roiding manlets at the gym. Looking at him from the bench I was impressed but then I sat up and realized he was about eyelevel with me still sitting.
Pretty sad.
They're all over az, and Las vegas.
too many gentlemen here
But you're german goyim, people shouldn't associate with you anyways, you should gas yourself too
Runaway sexual selection women want to be protected height determines whether a woman feels intimidated by you, they are dumb animals who believe height relates to power.