Aboriginal teen model makes history after reaching Miss World Australia finals

>Aboriginal teen model makes history after reaching Miss World Australia finals
>teenager from a tiny outback township will be the first indigenous model to represent the Northern Territory in the Miss World Australia after she was spotted by a scout while withdrawing money from an ATM
>telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/01/aboriginal-teen-model-makes-history-after-making-miss-world-aust/?cid=sf27606494 sf27606494


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>looks like monkey

She is so pretty

Wow, I will sure feel outblown by austrailia losing some irrelevant contest

she legitimately has the facial structure of a fucking gorilla

Is her nomination just a case of the famous Australian "banter"

Looks like the average american citzien.

Oooga booga

When she wins it will be just as good as when the Ghostbuster disaster is released and still gets a 99% of rotten tomatoes.

People will know there is something fishy in the system.

>she legitimately has the facial structure of a fucking gorilla

Agreed, but she'll win because current year.

the only one getting btfo is us

>teenager from a tiny outback township will be the first indigenous model to represent the Northern Territory in the Miss World Australia after she was spotted by a scout while withdrawing money from an ATM
> spotted by a scout while withdrawing money from an ATM

wtf does this even mean what what??!?

>Average American citizen
Pick one

>Oooga booga

That's now how they speak you racist cunt.


It's a prank bro. But it seems to be getting too serious of a prank...

Don't let any little dindus around here, she might get shot senpai

Lets celebrate with some freshly brewed Petrol

>Nominating something that is clearly an Australopithecine for Miss World Australia


God damn if this isn't some of your best shitposting yet, ya magnificent cunts


>She is so pretty
SJW's will say that in public, but in private they'll mock her for looking like a monkey

Whereas Sup Forums will call her a monkey in public, but in private...

Nice attempt at a you there buddy

It means a modeling scout was withdrawing cash from a cash machine, and usual aboriginals were loitering around said cash machine waiting for some Asian kid they could bash and rob, and the model scout noticed her and thought "I can get some headlines and attention out of this".

When I saw that pic I thought it was going to be a Zika thread.

Elect the Abos, beauty pageant now!

>Whereas Sup Forums will call her a monkey in public, but in private...

And...sure enough...The poster directly below you is waving an Irish flag.

Are you psychic?

>but in private...
>how the fuck did ausies managed to get hard and fuck these things

Beauty contests are political circlejerking and nothing more

>"Maymaru is smashing stereotyped notions of blonde, blue-eyed beauty," Dr Liz Conor, an Aboriginal studies academic, wrote on The Conversation website.

It's fucking embarrassing that they actually think this.
Even lefties I know will, if pressed, reluctantly admit they realize abos look like cavemen.


>Aboriginal studies academic,
free university is good they said