Hi guys i've ventured onto Sup Forums to get you to allow you to explain yourselves. I don't understand why you want me subjected to the artificial inequallity that exists, and making people like me face it every day of my life. By denying the very existance of artifical ineqaulity, you are not a denyer, you are complicit in the propergation of inequallity.
What's the issue with making everyone equal?
Other urls found in this thread:
>that picture
Fuck off Muhammed
But inequality isn't artificial, user. That guy over there with a better job, better car, better body and bigger dick actually is a better person than you and not your equal.
And we can tell who you are, so don't reply to yourself, faggot
.5/10 b8
But anyways
>calling the inequality that naturally has existed forever "artificial"
That's a clever one lol
Wait, why do we have the same ID?
This; equality has always been an idealistic pipe dream. Man is unequal by nature of his own traits which make him a separate person form his fellows. Men will specialize and form hierarchical systems because it's the best way to arrange a society, even if left to their own devices without any displays of force or coercion necessary.
But why can't we help make everyone equal?
You haven't answered my question
That's so racist, fucking bigot
>What's the issue with making everyone equal
The talented aren't allowed to excel.
Our civilization advances by allowing those with talent to make things better, not rolling in the dirt with retards.
Because you're the same person or Muhammed is using your IP adress
What's wrong with racism?
Because equality doesn't exist were there are individuals.
>artificial inequality
Are we Sup Forums now? Git gud at life then faggot.
How can that paki be using my IP address?
Terrorist magic
Maybe he lives next door to you. It happens in large apartment blocks.
>artificial inequallity
Im on campus, so that might explain it.
I'm kind of computer illiterate though
You should hunt down OP and kill him
>Implying all humans are equal
I don't know where he is though, it's a big campus.
Also too many witnesses
I'm a woman actually
STEP 1: male or female?
IF MALE: stop being a faggot
Hey sweet tits, just remember that it is not artificial that males are physically much stronger, mother nature dictates that and it is fact, not artificial inequality. Mother nature betrayed you, poor little victim, by destroying your own argument and reducing everything you stand for to basically a victim mentality of a whining bitch.
rubbish bait
prove it then.
Post elbow w/ time stamp or GTFO
>Not showing tits
Show us yer tits love
The only problem with equality is that everyone is different. We're not some homogenous mass with no culture, no matter how much globalists want it to be so.
And what about diversity? If you want diversity you need to acknowledge that people are different.
I'm on campus and can't really get my tits out during a philosophy lecture, and unlike your sisters/mothers I don't feel like i owe you my cleavage or vagina!! this is the oppression women face on a daily basis, and it is something disgusting men like you will never understand!!
Go into the bathroom
Care to respond to:
Get off your fucking phone if you're in class.
don't tell me how to live my life!
Why are you insulting other women if you want greater equality?
Also philosophy lmao, stop wasting your time and don't complain about the pay gap. You can learn philosophy without classes you dumb bitch
Why do women insist on studying the subjects they couldn't possibly understand?
Bait game strong. Fuck off OP.
it's philosophy but its a joint hons with gender and ethnic studies
Why are you in college if you aren't going to pay attention in class
>Gender studies
You can't talk about oppression then. Stop wasting your parents money. You'll never pay off debts too
>gender and ethnic studies mixed with philosophy
Don't listen to the people telling you to pay attention. You're not in a class were there's anything substantive for you to pay attention to.
Top kek
You have to go back pajeet.
Wrong meme
Kill them all
>to get you to allow you to explain yourselves
lay of the meth
You're a huge cuck. Humanity isn't equal and you know it, Marxist Jew.
Not everyone is equal. Forcing equality creates inequality because of this. Can't make women smarter, so force men to be dumber, and so on.
I just want you to know, even though you're a fucking shill distributing misinformation and propaganda, Hillary still isn't aware of your existence.
Oh.. I'm sorry to hear that. May I ask when were you diagnosed with retardation?
trannies dont count faggot
alll i did was come here to ask you why you think that allowing an unequal society to exist was acceptable in 2016? and all you've done is attack me and demand to see my tits!!
you cant be racist against a religion shithead
You know what she means by "racist" amerifag
Like I said in , it's acceptable because inequality is inherit to humanity and not something you can ever be rid of; it's born from our own natural differences. We all have varying degrees of skill, intelligence, willpower, ect. which we cultivate and all have our own unique perspectives, and do not fill the exact same roles in society.
if nobody says what they mean then what's the point of ever talking
get your buzzwords right
Didn't the woman who posed for this poster quit her job in an ammunition factory in ~1 week because it was to hard?
>But why can't we help make everyone equal?
Because it's simply imposible
People have different genetic heritage which results in different characteristics (intelligence, height...) and different social legacies (family, wealth)
You can't fully change any of them, at most you put the betters on bondage to lower their value.
You can't make the short tall, at most you could chop the legs of the tall
And would it be fair? Would you like it to happen to you?
well you've all failed at answering my question, so equality is good and you're all wrong.
Girl, come in 10 years again. After you see some of the world and shit that happens in it.
I will like to see what you will sing then.
because you don't suffer at all you little shit, how about you direct your attention to places where women are actually severely oppressed? such as in, oh I dunno, LITERALLY every single african/middle-eastern toilet nation? oh right, that would actually require work on your part, something that is so unimaginable in your little bubble where constantly complaining is a sign of virtue.
you're a plain dumbass ho, just get the fuck out of here.
>demand to see my tits!!
Which we have yet to see by the way.
>artificial inequality
you mean nature
Tits first (remember to timestamp), then we'll talk.
See and What makes you your own special snowflake person depends upon you never being truly "equal" to anyone else. Equality quite literally doesn't exist in reality, can't be the basis for a functioning society, and seeking it has always done more harm than good. Consider the most recent example of the feminist labor movement, in which women one the right to work; the consequence of this was that the value of labor dropped and women have to work to support themselves, even many of those who are married because supporting a family is so expensive. More dangerously, the result is that children have raised themselves with internet and television, having no parent available.
My friendly baitposter, you can do better than that. I want to bite bait with a bit more substance personally.
I get called 'racist' a lot when I speak about Islam. When I point out that Islam is not a race and many Muslims are white, the answer is always "You know what I mean!"
No, no I don't. Fuck this anti-intellectualism. The use of the word 'racist' as a weapon to silence others is more obvious these days than it has ever been before.
We answered your questions. And inequality is an illusion
Also women on Sup Forums must show tits
All the same person trolling.
Are you cunts really still falling for this?
muhamad , you are not in tumbl anymoar ...
hook line and sinker Sup Forums
I believe and don't believe that it's two people. But have been rolling with the crowd
Men and women are different. Men are better at some things (like work involving physical labor or logic) and women are good at other things (like work that involves emotional support). The two sexes aren't "built" equally.
Now, we can be treated equally by society via something like the justice system—which, let's be honest, is currently slanted in favor of women—but we can't be equal when it comes to some careers.
An example would be women who want to join the infantry in the military. You have to qualify through a physical test. Many women bitch and say that they should have a less rigorous qualifying test, because women aren't as strong. That's just women trying to make things "artificially equal" and not using the aforementioned 'logic thing' that real men tend to be better at.
P.S. Tits or GTFO
>artificial inequality
Oh fuck off.
What the modern "Pro...no, REgressive" left considers "equality" is a rights and freedoms abolishing system that seeks
>equality of OUTCOME
rather than;
>equality of OPPORTUNITY (which we already have, and then some with quotas and affirmative action, et al.
Why is it regressive to seek equality of outcome?
My two main arguments for it is that the ONLY WAY you can ensure forced equality is to give up your agency and general freedoms to an institution (always bigger government, more "agencies with the left) who will enforce it upon society.
Secondly, aside from the loss of freedoms, more taxes to 'feed the machine,' you now also have a problem where NOTHING is being done as optimally as it can! Why? Because instead of the BEST man or woman for the job... you now have a bunch of people who were put there simply because of their gender/skin color.
THAT is the TRUE "racism/sexism" and the irony is is that it's you ANTI-racist/sexists who are fighting for it to happen.
You think you are building a utopia... you are ensuring a DYSTOPIA.
>pic related
I'd like you to look at this picture. It is in Zimbabwe. When Zimbabwe was run by whites (as Rhodesia), THE WHOLE COUNTRY looked like that small patch!
None of the blacks there were starving, dying of disease or any of that. Did they have 100% access to government and full social mobility? No, of course not... none of them were READY FOR THAT...yet.
The whites KNEW THAT and, had they been left alone, inevitably they would have progressed (or tried to) to a point of homeostasis. (Provided that, over time the blacks were even capable given their... intelligence handicap) but I'm digressing.
They point it this, leftists and commie agitators pressured and used media manipulation to get the world behind
>giving the poor natives back their country, because that's RACIST!!!
Whites were slaughtered, the Africans got their country back... the "Breadbasket of Africa," & DESTROYED IT.
Come at me
Women are different than men and can't handle all the responsibilities that a man has. For example providing for a family or aiding in national defense. However they want all the privileges.
And yes before you ask, men who cannot provide for themselves or their family or cannot aid in national defense should not be treated as equals either. Political rights and social privileges should come with physical, mental, and financial requirements
Intelligence handicap is a myth; we have significant evidence to suggest that a large portion of IQ is down to environmental factors. SOME is genetic, but the rest is environmental.
We already know malnutrition handicaps IQ, and we also know that IQ has been steadily growing in society for as long as we've had the tests. Sure, we keep setting the baseline back to 100, but if we took tests they had 50 years ago, we'd score far above average.
Aside from that, I agree with the rest of your points.
In case you can't add two and two together, the fact that IQ has been growing is *strong* evidence in favour of the idea that environmental factors play a giant role.
There are also epigenetic factors which undoubtedly play a role which is *very* difficult to root out Scientifically to establish any significant difference between the average white IQ and average black IQ in terms of genetics.
Point is, if you actually look into it, you can't find significant evidence in favour of the notion that blacks are fundamentally genetically inferior. Even if there were such evidence, epigenetic factors could cloud the outcome significantly (i.e. black people could be less intelligent because their *parents* had different environments, but if their parents had the same environment growing up as whites, the genetic intelligence of the children would be equal).
Yes, I've already seen the pieced together evidence that Sup Forums always posts, but if you look deeper at it, you'll find that it's moot.
hence why i said:
>they were not ready for taking any position of governmental responsibility YET.
Had they been left alone, and educated over GENERATIONS of the benefits of white, technological society and rule of law... and fed properly, allowed to thrive... they would have EVENTUALLY caught up enough to participate as equals in society.
But from an epigenetic standpoint it would take many generations of education and prosperity to do that.
The average African from the sub saharan regions is functionally retarded BECAUSE of all those factors... and in my opinion, based off of the way they evolved since we separated from them genetically over 80,000 years ago...
>pic related
... I do believe there will always be an intelligence differential between pure black africans and europeans/east asians.
also... why did you argue against yourself? You know we have ID's here right?
I was backing up my argument with a second post, not arguing against myself. Both posts agree with my central point that blacks don't have an inherent intelligence handicap.
I don't disagree with any of your other points though.
>But from an epigenetic standpoint it would take many generations of education and prosperity to do that.
I don't believe we've studied epigenetics well enough yet to be sure that it would actually take that many generations of prosperity and education to remove the IQ difference. It might, but then again it might not.
>I do believe there will always be an intelligence differential between pure black africans and europeans/east asians.
In terms of average intelligence? We already know, of course, that we can get pure Africans who land a higher IQ than most whites, so on an individual level it isn't so useful to regard pure black Africans as automatically less intelligent.
That's a different debate though. The debate on whether stereotyping is a good idea or not.
In terms of average intelligence, I suspect that pure black African IQ will tend towards that of eurpeans/east asians as time goes on and their environmental factors become similar. Your picture certainly pertains to other factors such as facial characteristics and melanin in the skin, but brain function is a different area entirely, so I find the argument difficult to find sure evidence for. After all, I don't know of any evolutionary factors which would have pressured whites to become more intelligent but not blacks.
We know why whites have white skin and blacks don't (vitamin D). Intelligence though? I mean, you could be right, but I don't see why you feel you have enough evidence to say it with that kind of conviction.
Right here, the problem with making everyone equal is that everyone isn't