>Was living with shit ADSL2+
>Now I have the NBN
>mfw there is literally no difference to 90% of my online activity
>mfw the country blew 40+ billion to reduce my latency from 29ms to 3ms
>mfw based tone was right about the 25mbps being all the average home really needs
National Broadband Network General
Other urls found in this thread:
>Ever doubting tone
What did you expect?
3ms? to where? america?
that sounds pretty fucking good
I remember uni of melbourne being 250ms away
oh, 3ms to melbourne, I see
do some pings to america for me?
Besides gay marriage, the NBN is the biggest non-issue in Australian politics. An absolute waste of time and money.
My understanding is that Australia's Internet infrastructure is poor and out dated
The initial solution was a costly fiber optic replacement.
The revised solution is half assed fiber-copper hybrid and worked out costing almost as much
Either way the ultimate goal is to help cunts pirate more efficiently and secure the "internet addicted millennials" vote
Is fast internet the most degenerate investment of our history?
Quite possibly, yes.
>muh game of thrones and muh netflix
It's a bit shit
But this has always been the case
there are plenty of legal uses for extra bandwidth
don't people netflix or whatever the amazon one is?
skype? steam?
I was flawlessly streaming 4K ketflix on 6mbps
Exactly. Christopher Pyne was correct: Australians don't need faster Internet.
>legal uses
and how many of you could do that at once per house?
My new house has this, just haven't quite moved in yet
Five or six, according to our Minister of Innovation and Technology.
what are you using it for right now?
fuckin straya SAGE SAGE SAGE
there are plenty of other uses for video, distance learning, video conferencing
FTTP NBN is a meme. Pic related (not NBN)
we need him back
yeah im sure the government would find a much better use for the money, like more rainbow street crossings and trannie acceptance courses at uni
fuck having infrastructure on par with the rest of the developed world, amirght?
I wish my government would spend some fucking money on our telecom infrastructure.
If the telco's would just enable all upload channels, there wouldn't be a problem.
Fucking pricks they are
Based Tonez could win if he had Jason Oldbourne as his second and as attack dog (pro-pot guy)
Hello fellow NBN shitposters
this tbqh
i get basically the same speed straight from the router (still on copper)
pic related is wifi
Imagine a team up between
Based "blow up the fuckin boatpeople" Tonez
The Pot-party
Pauline Hanson
$48 per month is my internet worth it? I only tolerate this speed because of the unlimited downloads
>NBN is the biggest non-issue in Australian politics
Get fucked cunt, the internet is one of the most important tools used in business today. The fact we have third world internet speed is fucking embarrassing. We had a great plan under Labor that would've actually had a profit return eventually but now Liberal has gone and fucked everything by spending more money than Labor proposed on a shittier service. Liberal voters are actually cucks
I'm currently using ADSL 12/1, it costs $109/mo for 200GB. New house has 50/20 fiber $80/mo unlimited
>Christopher Pyne
>Correct about anything
Wow fuck Australia is literally just bowing to the fucking Government.
>Letting a Politician tell you how much of something you need or don't need
What's next? Telling us that houses don't need that much electricity, don't need that much water? It's up to the consumer to decide what they need and don't need, not Christopher fucking Pyne
That's a great Idea,
>spends and still assuming that they become successful students
>that they get jobs
>that they pay tax
>that they innovate in their respective fields
to shitpost of course
>isn't that my point in all this?
Agreed. But its on older fibre optic cable. Not as good as whats available today. It can still go fast but cant handle congestion as much as what was supposed to come out
>don't need that much water?
They already did.
>What's next? Telling us that houses don't need that much electricity, don't need that much water?
Heard of the carbon tax m8?
just kill me fampai
>It's up to the consumer to decide what they need and don't need
If it was paid for solely by the consumer, perhaps.
Internet company here in Lexington, Ky upgraded their overall speeds and I'm hitting 300mp Download and 70 upload with roughly 12ms PING
You weren't literally capped, if you want your grass to look greener because we were in a drought then you pay the fine, deal with it.
>Heard of the carbon tax m8
They're not putting a physical cap on anything, you just pay extra. Either don't be a poorfag and deal with it or reduce emissions.
>muh highspeed rail
basically other kids have it so I want it to
We don't have the need but it is a sick idea
problem with ADSL is that half the lines are beyond fucked and cunts get nothing (and telstra don't bother fixing it, of course)
also we've been forever started of upload bandwidth making pretty much everything on the internet useless except for downloading/streaming tv shows
it's another world once you can upload more than 5mbps
>there are plenty of legal uses for extra bandwidth
like side businesses/working from home (from software shit like me to my cousin's photography business or even those cunts with their youtube channels or vidya streaming), using shit like skype to stay in touch with family and friends who live abroad, being able to send them photos and shit without it taking all night
plenty of legal uses for internets at home that aren't just mindless consumption of the latest game of drones episode
>what is a representative of the people
>what is resourcefulness
if you can be bothered, this is the NBN debacle explained
how many levels of irony are you on right now?
>if you want more you have to pay for it yourself
I think you are on to something here.
imagine how much more shit you could post as a country with more bandwidth
you'd turn the internet into india
>its on older fibre optic cable
the cable is fine, it's what you put on the ends that gives you the speed
>plenty of legal uses for internets
That's where their wireless idea would have been suitable, though.
From what I've gathered from this thread apparently Australians only use the internet for shitposting so they don't need no dang fancy internets
I live within 20 KM from Brisbane CBD. I pay $50+ for ADSL2+ network, the only two providers are TPG and Telstra. My suburb is not on the projected NBN map, I will never get NBN.
>2.4, 0.44
Fuck FTTH NBN (or should I say the technology formerly described as FTTH but since we're off the hook now we'll just do mixed technology, too cuz yeah we were never capable of delivering that shit anyway).
I just don't care enough.
Yeap. Still not voting for the pro faggot, pro tranny appreciation in schools program a.k.a no bully, pro pump money into the barrier reef because Greens and maybe that will stop temperature change, pro bandwagon everyone else's policies cuz we're out of ideas populist party.
The ALP is lost and stands for nothing - or maybe something, it depends. What's cool right now on twitter?
TPG are literally the shittest ISP. They're absolute garbage.
Just bite the bullet and get Telstra
Well that's queer. I live in rural QLD (but just outside of the town) and we have private NBN, with business NBN coming. What suburb are you in? Sunnybank?
Neck yourself.
The current government took a perfectly reasonable plan and destroyed it, now it will cost more for a lesser product. They did it because it was labors idea, they had no plan going in and just fucking scrapped it without any thought. I will never vote for Turnbull or Pyne or any of those faggots for the shit the pulled with the NBN. They have cost us billions and set us back a decade for no reason what so ever.
>Most important tools in business
email and web based communication require virtually non existent bandwidth
>It would've made a profit eventually
what do you mean by this?
muh industry will suddenly boom due to higher clarity skype conference calls?
they cost $20 more for the same plan and projected speeds. I don't want to pay $70 for a capped data plan with no speed improvements.
Leaf here. Be glad you got an Internet upgrade. Trust me there are FAR WORSE things the government could have spent that 40 billion on
For instance:
>40 billion dollar Internet
>40 billion dollars spent on environmental programs
Which would you pick?
Our government chose option 2 for us. We still have nigger tier Internet
Get to my level weak faggots.
They should have just gone full fiber optic. That's where everything is headed anyway. They'll just have to spend more to replace it sometime down the line.
No longer Verizon, but shit-tier Frontier.
They fucked everything up.
> tfw you have a T1 bussiness connection for your home
Better than here, I've been using 4G wireless box from Choice Wireless, the speeds are okay but the latency is a shit. The only other option is to pay V.I Broadband $600 to get my place on their grid, living in the mountains is shit for internet.
The server I chose for this test is literally just the next mountain over.
libs don't understand long term planning
>Forgot picture.
Eh, i can sort of see that making sense, sorry. But that blackout map is weird as hell, with people surrounded by it in their suburb, and just a tiny block not getting it. And not even that transmitter shite.
>email and web based communication require virtually non existent bandwidth
I believe remote surgery was the big one. But that could have been achieved with the cheaper wireless plan.
Keynesian economics at work.
Yeah, fuck companies needing high speeds.
Wew virgin flag.
>TFW 300 Kb/s is my internet speed at peak times
What do you do with it though?
>mfw I sound like a cuck asking why people like to own automatic rifles
Compared to which of our other shitty populist parties?
Well that makes me feel better about having the same.
Yeah. some streets already have fiber, maps have no projection for our street. Shit's dumb.
whats that fibretech where they daisy chain it?
but businesses and schools have always had access to the latest technology.
My old highschool had a fiber connection back in 2007
Mfw the most expensive 120$/month connection in this shithole buys you what is in average 40ms on a good day it might be 18ms
Conservatives if re elected promise to invest in technology industry and Internet
Liberals promise more environmental programs and taxes and legal weed
Why the fuck did the liberals win? How did even 36% of the country think they were a good idea?
We still have shit that slows down when more than 2 people are on it. I swear I should switch back to dial up
>Download 4.95 mbps
>Upload 0.68 mbps
Pretty good speeds if you ask me and it only takes 2 minutes to upload a 3mb gif, thanks based tones :^)
>Ban assault internet!
>Low capacity caches only!
But seriously, it's a lot easier for Euro nations to do stuff like that, so it isn't much of a question of usage. Same with the high speed rail networks.
You obviously aren't interested in things that may require high speeds.
Learn to internet.
Cryptocurrency is a big one, though some might need even more speed than the NBN gives.
Run supercomputing codes.
Also, what I love is that there's no data cap here. I wouldn't be able to live with that shit.
Nope, not in every major Aussie city. EEVblog made a video about it.
What about having internet that isn't so slow and overpriced that it's literally cheaper and faster to give someone an external hard drive and send them on a plane when sending files larger than 20gb
Also if consumer plays vids or something they should have the option of even buying Internet that is fast enough
Cheater, it is your university internet.
4 at the same time, but not all 4k
>imagine a world where an entire family watches ketflix at the same time for the same show but in different rooms because of high functioning autism overload
Fuck your God damn T1s
Congratulations on slowing down the neighborhoods internet
>Tfw living in eastern bavaria
At least here aren't rapeugees or niggers
Home is similar desu. Even faster. Hail Orange.
>>and still assuming that they become successful students
>>that they get jobs
>>that they pay tax
>>that they innovate in their respective fields
Mate the way things are heading we'll be making you obsolete in no time.
You oldies are still living in the 20th century. I literally have to help my parents because they are computer illiterate.
They don't get that computers could improve the efficiency of even a trade business. They just see a microsoft office tool.
I do Law Finance, but in the meantime I read programming books because I will need to teach oldie lawyers how to encrypt their information soon. They're so lazy with their info at this point in time.
>ping 4 ms
That upload speed. I don't get their logic. Give them triple digit download but 3rd world tier download
>162ms ping
>faster than 95% of AU
nigger infrastructure desu
>they called it their "big pipe"
>the IT guy was a beta cunt
>i'm sure he exaggerated
Either way the speeds at the school were lightyears ahead of what we had at home and we went on for fucking mathletics
Point remains that even telco provided the good shit where it had a chance of counting.
You have no idea how much energy a high speed rail could save.
And the income generated by linking cities by rail could be HUGE.
Business meeting in Melbourne, train, another meeting in sydney in one day.
And you can work on the train while you travel, unlike a car.
It's a very smart investment. China and Japan thought outside the box for this. It was more about increasing the ability to work while on the run.
Tradies don't get this.
Nope. Introducing more environmental programs is far more important. Why spend money on something useful when we could spend money literally committing economic suicide
holy privatisation canadian batman!
you absolutely should have options if you are willing to pay
You now understand my pain.
They don't get it.
It's still 1980 in Australia.
fiy ping>speed in most situations. I see a lot of muhinternet posters from Poland and other CE places that have really good speeds but Australia tier 20-30ms,which is like having a Ferrari engine with a Lada gearbox
I only recently upgraded to around 25-30mbps from barely more than 1. We have some of the worst Internet in the world.