Tell me why you hate niggers, Sup Forums.
Tell me why you hate niggers, Sup Forums
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I live in Brazil
I love EDP tho
EDP. That nigger cracks me up tbqhf
I find it hard to hate them as a group, but I'd prefer them to be relocated out of White countries
specify black Americans (There yanks awsome) or niggers that kill there own people in there communities and blame the man. Or are you referring to different nations.
Rio de Janeiro here
probably because black culture is a fucking blight on civilization.
Not all blacks are niggers, but all niggers are black.
I don't hate them, but I don't think highly of them. When you need your own tv channel, BET, but claim racism to anything that doesn't go your way is a sign of weakness. I only like strong humans.
>hate niggers
this would be raycist desu
Sup Forums is a board of love
I hâte thugs whatever they are black white chink or spaniards
Feel bad for ya mang
I was born and raised in Pomerode so i never really saw any blacks, currently in Brasilia for university, i don't really see a lot of nigs because i live in a good place but i see them everywhere in uni because of the quotas
My sides...thanks man that was great.
I live near them
This is the place where they want the 2016 Olympics too....
Take your pick:
•Dumb (average IQ in the black community must be 80 or less)
•Vote democratic-makes sense as most dumb people have to leech of others
•Highest crime rate in the USA
>Vote democratic-makes sense as most dumb people have to leech of others
They don't even know that the Democratic Party created the KKK.
niggers bad
black people are cool
"hate" them because they are bad, good enough?
kek, is the difference genetic?
Most niggers don't even vote in the first place.
This is why.
Because they act like fucking retards.
>Tell me why
Youre overthinking things.
the difference is the choices they make
If a man shot you, would you hate the bullet he fired?
No, the jews are the real enemy.
Don't worry about the Olympics, the only time our government takes something seriously is when a lot of tourists are involved, if something happened to the people visiting for the Olympics the government would lose money, and they can't let that happen
After the games it's going to be back to normal though
Cause they fucking steal shit off me more than any other race.
lel the only correct answer. I didn't hate them until I had to deal with them every fucking day. Luckily I'm to the point where I can almost afford to move away from them finally.
Hello c.u.c.k
Dumb phoneposter
I don't hate niggers. I'm white male.
I live in a town with high Indigenous population, I'm used to having them there, can talk to them, everyone treats each other equal.
I don't know why the US has such a fucking problem with this.
Pull ya fucking heads in, ya ripe dickheads.
>posts non criminal
>calls him a nigger
you're the evil whitey
i dont hate them. i just dont care about them. they are like 2 year olds wanting attention and im not a fan of kids
I don't hate nigros. I hate people who hate them.
I was once judging presentations in an engineering design class. Those classes typically introduce some retarded constraint. In this case, the product had to be manufactured in Brazil. Of course, this resulted in dumb assumptions by almost every group, and several presentations featured claims like, "These sunglasses are constructed entirely from mud and sticks so they can be easily manufactured in Brazil." (Moderate exaggeration here.) My friend who is a Brazilian engineer was there and I spent much of the time laughing at both the stupid projects and the WTF look on his face.
>Tell me why you hate niggers, Sup Forums.
with such a genetically low IQ, it's difficult for them to make good choices
especially when society has pretty much given up trying to get them to choose right
my choice would be physical separation, there is no real way to tell which are the good ones in advance, and anyway we need our own homes for our children
>brazilian engineers
You're in the wrong place then my fellow huemonkey friend.
Damn. That was newly built and failed almost immediately? That's horrendous.
all this IQ bollox
I grew up around stupid poor white people, lots of them (I'm white too).
Niggers are black people that follow nigger culture. Does the IQ of the average white chav represent white people?
>I grew up around stupid poor white people, lots of them (I'm white too).
they've found dozens of genes connected to high IQ, as expected they correlate with race
no one is saying there are no stupid Whites, but there are much fewer as a fraction than with blacks
have you read the minnesota transracial adoption study?
They hadn't finished the pillars or something like that
Yep, and killed two cyclist as well.
The bodies were found ashore some time later, hues kept sunbathing and playing soccer, ignoring the bodies near them completely.
pic related
OP there's a difference between a nigger and a black man. I pay a black man to mow my lawn when it's needed, and he provides a good service. I have no problem with this black man.
No I haven't read it. I don't even deny there's a correlation. I'd be interested in what factors effect adoption though that don't apply to regular kids and their upbringing that could effect IQ. Either way I have no issue with their findings.
I'm not gonna support segregation or racism when there's so many stupid white people that go against muh master race. I've had white people stab me in the back (figuratively and literally) and I've met black people that where the nicest people in the world.
For the record I am against illegal immigration in all forms and think borders should be tightly controlled. I just don't use IQ studies to look down on a large group of people without reason.
Eww what fucking beach is this, looks like India or something
>I've had white people stab me in the back (figuratively and literally) and I've met black people that where the nicest people in the world.
and you think your anecdotal evidence is significant?
statistics looks at large groups to determine averages
did you know that in 2013 niggers in america committed 55% of the murders, whilst only being 13% of the population?
>For the record I am against illegal immigration in all forms and think borders should be tightly controlled. I just don't use IQ studies to look down on a large group of people without reason.
do White children deserve their own countries? like black, brown and yellow ones have?
just saw a nigger walking around/looking through my car's windows
>tfw expensive porsche cayenne
is my car rip?
Oh yeah i'm aware of the accident thing, the beach just looks really shitty
I assume that's the beach poorfags go to right? Copacabana is alright if you ignore the darkies selling shit
I don't hate niggers per se. What I hate are individuals who take pride in belonging to underdeveloped regressive cultures and sub-cultures that promote and celebrate antisocial behavior (I.e. mudslimes, gypsies, ghetto thugs, etc...). Unfortunately niggers and nigger variants with a brighter skin are well represented in this category.
>No I haven't read it.
it's up to you if you want to be willfully ignorant of the subject, you can get a copy online
the results showed that blacks raised in White adopted households gained maybe a few points of IQ, but nowhere near enough to be equal with Whites, thus proving IQ is largely heritable
Mainly because they are racist.
why did you not ask him what he was doing?
Honestly would love to have a JD-tier scrubs friend where I would exchange racist banter, having honesty (in racial matters) with a white friend would probably be great.
Because I am an intelligent and rational human being. I chose not to group entire races and classes of people consisting of literally millions based on a single notion.
>can this be the future default response to racist topics on Sup Forums?
Because simply if the lower classes are engaging in race baiting and class war it would be wise to acknowledge this and transcend above it.
i was inside, car was at the other side of the road, nog was on his bike too, quickly left when i went outside.
>tfw cops will still arrest non-whites here
>tfw not as cucked as germany
They're useless human beings who kill and attack over the smallest of things. They give black people a bad name.
Holy shit that video fucking kek
if you have a shred of intelligence you can see the compromise, which is recognizing demographic trends and statistics
>I chose not to group entire races and classes of people consisting of literally millions based on a single notion
so you'd prefer a White IQ spouse and child for your child? or would you prefer the lower IQ(and life expectancy) of a mixed race grandchild?
Of course it's significant, to me. You're asking me to change my opinion on a large group of people because they have on average a lower IQ. I'm not even denying it's true, but my life isn't going to improve if I'm racist towards black people, I live around scummy white people like I said. I would have improved nothing.
I did know that statistic. Ghetto culture is a real problem that needs solving. Do you ever post about crimes that are predominantly white? or do you cherry pick the ones to support your world view? do you hold the white people that cause financial depressions up on a pedestal?
Not sure what you're asking, I said I supported border controls. British people deserve to self rule as do people from any country, colour doesn't really come into it.
Having not come across one specific study that you keep a reference to doesn't illustrate willful ignorance. I even said I wouldn't have a problem with their findings regardless of the outcomes. You come to some odd conclusions.
It doesn't really prove that does it? I'm not saying that it isn't true either. It shows that children from specific backgrounds who end up in adoption have a difference in average IQ. Do the black children come from significantly different backrounds than the white children in order to end up adopted?
because niggers are cancer
I live in Chicago. I don't remeber the last time I haven't seen them kill someone
The proper question is why niggers hate themselves.
Was driving down the road yesterday and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this little gem
goddamn EDP is going bald
It's not that white people have a problem with niggers it's niggers hating us that has created even more hate for them here, as they have no reason to hate us, but yet they preach white privilege which isn't privilege it's guilt,for thier plight when less than one percent of whites owned slaves throughout the Era of slavery in our country. blacks in our country are the most racist out of any ethnicity. you never here of a black person getting the shit beat out of them for being in the suburbs or even poor white neighborhoods, but yet there are thousands of areas all over the US that if a white person goes into that neighborhood. its gonna be a fight they are agression so we have become agressive thier anger has created a new generation of white anger not out of hate purely because they are black but because of thier culture and anger toward us yes there are purely white supremacist here but they are not common by any means we have developed hate for niggers in thier hate for us after we have already been apologists about something that was never the majority of America's fault and I wonder who like the way things are going? Pic related
>Do you ever post about crimes that are predominantly white? or do you cherry pick the ones to support your world view? do you hold the white people that cause financial depressions up on a pedestal?
I tend to regard violent crimes as worse than non-violent ones, but I do agree that the kikes caused all the financial problems
what crimes do you claim Whties do at high rates? are they worse than murder, robbery and rape?
> I live around scummy white people
no one denies there are scummy White people, but when you look at the races as a whole, there is a much higher percentage of stupid and criminal people in the black race than the White
>Not sure what you're asking, I said I supported border controls. British people deserve to self rule as do people from any country, colour doesn't really come into it.
you know EXACTLY what I was asking, why are White children denied a home for themselves, whilst every other race is allowed one?
> Do the black children come from significantly different backrounds than the white children in order to end up adopted?
yes, obviously, one has White ancestry and one has black
it is an established fact that American blacks have an AVERAGE IQ of 85, Whites 100, and mixed black-Whtie are half way between.
just as it is an established fact that forensic scientists and archaeologists can determine the race and sex of an individual from a bone fragment using a density test(to 98% accuracy), and almost 100% with a chemical component analysis
This is a problem
If you meet a black person in the street, do you denounce them because of statistics, despite him individually having done nothing wrong? This is as bad as me treating all white people badly because of the white people I grew up around isn't it?
Black people do commit more violent crime in America, and it needs to be solved. Nothing you're proposing solves this problem as I can see. Being racist towards every black person you meet certainly doesn't solve it. I've met black people that want to solve this problem too.
>why are White children denied a home for themselves
I'm honestly not sure what you're asking. I support any country's right to deny migrants on most basis, that includes white people. No one complains when Japan does it, no one should complain when England does it.
I have no issue with blacks on average having a lower IQ, it doesn't change my position. I've met more intelligent black people than myself as well as white people. None of these statistics supports being blanket racist in my view because it doesn't solve any of the problems you purport to want to solve.
The older generation of blacks tend to be fine. Anyone below 40 has a "gibs me dat" entitlement and has absolutely no sense of Western etiquette.
>If you meet a black person in the street, do you denounce them because of statistics
no, I avoid them, as I know they are more violent and criminal than Whites
any sane person does this
>Black people do commit more violent crime in America
in EVERY country where they reside!
> Nothing you're proposing solves this problem
segregating the people from the criminals?
> I've met black people that want to solve this problem too.
anecdotal, IKAGO IKAGO I Know a Good ONE!
>I'm honestly not sure what you're asking. I support any country's right to deny migrants on most basis, that includes white people. No one complains when Japan does it, no one should complain when England does it.
I'm sure you do, there are no all White countries anymore, the immigration policies were DELIBERATELY changed to reduce our share of the population and reduce us to minorities in our own lands. Name me a White country not being forced to accept millions or tens of millions of 3rd world backwards barbaric savages
you can't
> I've met more intelligent black people than myself as well as white people
well get your smart black friend to explain averages and outliers to you then
>None of these statistics supports being blanket racist in my view because it doesn't solve any of the problems you purport to want to solve.
excluding all the wolves doesn't exclude the maneating wolves?
> you will never let Ann Coulter dominate you during sex and produce 5 children with her
You're REALLY dodging his point. He's talking about white people going extinct on a global scale and being denied homogenous homeland. Do you think we do not deserve such a right?
I love EDP though.
think she would sell some eggs?
I wouldn't let her dominate me in bed though, I'm stronger
Baltimore, DC, Philly, and Wilmington.
Perhaps there is a price she would accept.
I'm into powerlifting, I just picture her liking to pin a guy down though.
Compassion towards others is the nemesis of intelligence. It will ultimately bring to an end the white race.
Logic tells us to remove low life, compassion tells us to take care of it.
I don't get this conflict thing, everything she says is correct(well almost), so why would that be dominating, that would be an adult conversation, it's not dominating unless you disagree and are forced to see, if you are open to discussing the subject, then it is just an exchange of information
compassion to ingroup, not to outgroup
>no, I avoid them, as I know they are more violent and criminal than Whites
How do you avoid white criminals? because there are lots of them too. Do you just avoid all people in general? Specifically as we are both from the UK where there are lots and lots of towns where the majority of inhabitants are white, and therefore the the criminals are white too.
Just accept for a minute that in [the current year] segregation as an idea is never going to take off. Do you actually have any practical ideas for solving the issues you mention?
I don't see a problem that we are not a 100% white country. We celebrate the fact that we ruled a third of the world at one point, imported people from various cultures to come and work for us and then complain that we are not a 100% white. Don't take this as a position of wanting to increase migration, I don't. But you live with your head in the clouds if your goal is a 100% white nation, as I mentioned above, do you have any practical goals or ideas?
What is the historical white homeland? There are cultural homelands, but is there actually a white one?
It's not that I hate niggers so much as I love looking down at a culture that brings it upon themselves.
Her political points are correct, but for the most part are very stern and can sometimes be aggressive.
She's more assertive in her language than she is in her energy levels. This gives the impression that she has bottled up rage for the left, which I would love her to release in the bedroom.
>How do you avoid white criminals? because there are lots of them too
the majority of criminals in a 90 odd % White country are White, did you think this was shocking news? yet the prisons are full of non-Whites, as Whites are much less criminal pro rata. I avoid White criminals by staying away from known bad areas, and steering clear of anyone who looks like a thug who I do not know
>Just accept for a minute that in [the current year] segregation as an idea is never going to take off.
why should I accept our races genocide? why do you?
>I don't see a problem that we are not a 100% white country. We celebrate the fact that we ruled a third of the world at one point, imported people from various cultures to come and work for us and then complain that we are not a 100% white. Don't take this as a position of wanting to increase migration, I don't. But you live with your head in the clouds if your goal is a 100% white nation, as I mentioned above, do you have any practical goals or ideas?
even with no more immigration, we will become a dwindling minority in OUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY! due to the imports tripling or quadrupling a generation whilst our own fertility rate is below the sustainability rate of 2.11 children per woman.
you make it sound like a 100% White area or country is impossible, when we had that for thousands of years
nothing is impossible, don't give up
Can someone tell me what is going on there?
kek, but I am not one of the moran lefties she hates, so she wouldn't try to dominate me, and I wouldn't let her anyway, since to me all her arguments would be things to agree with, no conflict
That's not really hard to define genetically or culturally. White being an imperfect term, the presence of people of European descent can be traced back thousands of years to Europe.
Of course I'm only speaking geographically; in terms of the European people themselves, the numbers are taking a very deep dive in the negative. I believe every ethnic group has the right to survival and "white" people are being denied that right. Further more, their destruction is being evidently facilitated by globalist forces.
Not a leftie either. Let's agree to disagree that some time behind the curtains would be highly enjoyable with her right m80?
White man has to hurry and build that spacecraft and leave this planet, as we probably left some other planet at some point in the past. This time we don't take any other race with us or anyone who suggest we do.
There's a difference between niggers and black people.
Black people contribute to society, and are integrated well into it. Niggers are the hood rat, drug dealing, impoverished version of black people.