BUTTHURT CONTINUES: German Parliament Declares Turkish killings of Christian Armenians as 'genocide'

Roaches epically BTFO



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>Erdogay on suicide watch


The decision on the parliament of a country unfortunately means nothing.
I know that Canadian parliament has accepted the Armenian genocide as a fact 3 times in total. France i think 2 times.
Why would they decide to go over it multiple times if they accepted it already?

What the Germans are trying to do is obviously to appease goad the Turks to be loyal to their promises regarding the refugee agreement.


Gonna post again.


Why the fuck should we care about what Germans think about it? They killed more than 5 million people in the middle of Europe, so called the "most civilised" place in the world. They built gas chambers, ovens to kill them in most painful ways. They made soaps out of their fat. And now they are telling us that we genocided Armenians.

And why the fuck should we care about what you think Sup Forums? Nazi's genocided Jews and you liked it. You LOVED it. Some of you faggots even idolise Adolf Hitler.

We don't give a shit about what you think. We know the truth. Armenians killed our ancestors, our ancestors killed Armenians. It was not a genocide.


A roach seems triggered.

Weiß jemand ob durch die Resolution gleichzeitig die Leugnung des Genozids strafbar wurde?

>getting kicked out of germony
what's next? PESTICIDE!!! LOTS OF IT!!!

Once again, Greekman, don't associate your tragedy with those two subhuman groups.
If anything, we should blame Turkey for failing to eradicate Armenians, not for trying.

there is also a “Holocaust industry,” and so on. I think that is one thing that ties the Armenian diaspora together, regardless of how unaccepting they are of each other. Iranian Armenians, Lebanese Armenians, Syrian Armenians, Armenian Armenians and Armenians from the former Soviet Armenia... They cannot stand each other. There is always the “Other.” Always, even in Los Angeles. But you see, one thing that ties the diaspora together is the denial. What if Turkey said, “We are sorry, we did it?” What would be the reaction of the Armenian communities? This is an important question because then Armenians would lose the platform that ties them together

damn this roach is MAD

Did an Armenian fuck you girlfriend or something? WHy are you butthurt?
Or you can be Azeroach in Russia.

didn't read

Now Turkey really is going to start WW3!

REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab
you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey

Stop shitposting the same shit again you idiot. Both of you got roasted in the previous thread.


Somebody call Terminx . We have roaches in the thread.

>Armenians killed our ancestors
Sadly, they didn't get every single one of your kind.

>Armenians look like jews
>whine about genocide just like jews
>scream genocide until they get what they want just like jews
>they're greedy exploiters just like jews

It's just a symbolic gesture. After Merkel got openly cucked by Erdogan multiple times in the last months they had to demonstrate that they are not just his fucktoys.

Ironically enough, Merkel, the vice chancellor and the minister of foreign affairs were all not present.

I think this roach is right. Killing 1,5 million people is NOT genocide. Everyone go home now.


>failing to eradicate Armenians, not for trying

top kekerino

Is there any better entertainment than buttblasted roaches?

Get fucked you subhuman scum.

I'm not mad guys I actually find this pretty funny. You guys hate us so much already, you can accept every story that is against us. It is pathetic :D

Is it now punishable to deny the genocide?


True. Armenians are hairy, nasty apes. But you're still a roach.

where is that post of roach raging at europeand and armenians?





You literally whine how you are the victims of everything and how the Kurds are nothing but terrorists that deserve being cleansed and you just compared the Armenians with the Jews... holy keks

>Is there any better entertainment than buttblasted roaches?

It will be even better when they find out what Erdogan did to their financial reserves to keep up this charade of being a strong international player.

germans are mad bcuz they keep getting cucked by jews, and only thing armenians get are tears. salty hypertension triggering tears.

Is this why you feel the need to repost every single bit of dumb propaganda from the previous thread? At least be creative and post something else.

no im not

Choke on kurd cock m8

You can insult every race as much as you want you wont find a human race looking worse than you guys.
Fuck even in the animal kingdom you have to look hard for them.

Try this: youtube.com/watch?v=Xq-I0JRhvt4

now who's acting like a victimized jew, huh? BIG NOSED ROACH


who runs the site?

which intellectuals, historians support it?

More questions the roach cant answer.

Erdogan is like every other despot. He needs enemies from the outside and inside to line his supporters up behind him and the roaches don't get behind this scheme. Every turk i know believes in the most redicioulus conspiracies trying to weaken the turkish republic. these people are so sunk into their nationalism and obvious inferior complex. i hope it will destroy them once and for all


stop lying. and stop posting drunk. you will go to hell.

Is he really? Because Europe is giving him billion of dollars because of the refugees crisis and his people has visa free travel now

pirates apparently

ahmed and mehmet gulums support it.

>believes the holocaust meme

I don't need to be creative or post new stuff for the same bullshit over and over again kike. That post already covers everything.

Kek are you mad guys :D

Kurds are currently genociding christians and kurds played a key role in the assyrian and the armenian genocide. Stop pretending that kurds are dindus.



This explains that.


>these people are so sunk into their nationalism and obvious inferior complex
Sounds familiar


Turkroaches still mad.

Can the Germans and CIA/JSOC not find a way to assassinate this little maggot scum and make it look accidental?
>threatening to flood Europe
>the other day, told Muslim women they must have "At least 4 children."
> within 30 years, Germans and many other Euros are going to be fucking outnumbered.
Have to believe-- with the technology JSOC has-- they could pull this off, and Putin would likely be willing to help as well. Why not do it?

tfw nothing changes in my life
islamist and erdogan supporters can deal with the consequences of their diplomatical fails.

Anyone who knows the history can claim the fact that instantly genociding 1,5 million people needs great men effort and preperation like the nazis did to jews. Although most of our men power was in the war in Gallipolli in 1915, fighting and dying, we still managed to annihilate 1,5 million people in like a year kek

> That post already covers everything.
some bullshit source and some completely bullshit claim about how Armenians hate each other cover everything.
yeah nice job

Go ahead and trust factcheckarmenia.com guys, they are totally honest and definitely not roach shills xD

Yes we create 500.000 more people for genocide them we are truely evil


Here it is. First prime minister of Armenia supports it.


>when you hear the Dhimmi trash-talking you

So you want people to either admit you are really effective or it didn't happen?
What a dishonest sneaky way to argue.
Also I love how you try to post like you don't care but it is incredibly obvious to everyone here that you are posting through your tears.
If your species can produce tears.

>germans are mad bcuz they keep getting cucked by jews
Ever consider they are mad bc you roaches show up in Germany bc none of you want to live in your glorious roach state, then come to Germany and hold these sorts of protests?

Tell me, user, how would it be received if a bunch of Germans were parading around in Anakara outside your gvt buildings with german flags with the Iron cross on them?

Why do you still convince yourself this double standard is OK, esp given the history you scum have with the Germanic people.

How many times did you try to seize Vienna again? Fucking shameless.

>some completely bullshit claim about how Armenians hate each other

Who claimed that faggot? Anyways, I'm not posting this shit to inform you. You are Armenian. Even if I've show you the indeniable proof, you still would believe the same stuff you believe in now. Stay mad.

>indeniable proof
Yeah sure

Stay mad kikes :D

>Turkey doesn´t have the balls to call it genocide

Think about it: genocides are marks of power - every empire which was at least somewhat functional genocided someone else at some point. The bigger the genocide, the bigger the empire.

Want to really rage? He's a 60 minutes story on how the Roaches treat Patriarch Bartholomew, the leader of Orthodox Christians:

can assure you, not a kike and I despise you..

Dude, there is no indeniable proof, but if there would be one, and if I would show you that, you would still believe in the same shit you believe in now. My post is easy to understand already but I guess you're not so smart. Don't make me explain again.

wird bestimmt unter § 130 StGB kommen
Thanks, burgerbro


you guys are pretty dumb aren't you

>Even if I've show you the indeniable proof
What about the guy who coined the word saying the armenian genocide is a perfect example?

Also it is undeniable not indeniable you roach.

>you would still believe in the same shit you believe in now
My real fucking complaint is that you managed you let the Kardashians escape. You had ONE JOB Mehmet. ONE JOB....

Any idea how many White girls this piece of shit has corrupted with help from the Jews?

What's with all the Turk hate in this thread?
Turks are literally bro tier.I visited Turkey last summer and made friends with two guys in the Turkish army. I was at the war museum, lost as hell, and they helped me get back to my hotel and later we hung out at a cool club near the nightlife.

Where did all the Turk hate come from? Not even sharia law governs them.

Can confirm, even we committed genocide against the jews and gipsies


But unlike roaches we have balls and our honest about it.

Suddenly 500,000 rapefugees are heading towards Germoney.

Reminder that Kim Kardashian wouldn't be famous today if the BLACK GUY O.J. Simpsons wouldn't have killed his white wife.

it will, when erdogoon gives his roachy arse to the sandniggers

t. Mehmet Röachülü

>Turks are literally bro tier.
Oh yes. Ergodan, esp., is "bro-tier" as he blackmails the EU into letting 70 million roaches run free in the EU or he will open the floodgates through Greece again.

What a "Bro.."

Look, as long as propaganda and brainwashing goes, Turkey beats Armenia by miles. There is far better chance that my beliefs are actual.

>US Flag
>Not actually kike
Kikes despise every race but their own :DDD:D:D
I guess it's something about your religion kike.

>Also it is undeniable not indeniable
I don't give a shit dude it is not even important. If you wanna tell something make it something important.

It is your job to protect your women from degeneration cuck, not ours ;)

Roachland's face when


When I went to bed at night as a kid, my grand-parents would cross my forehead and say: "may God bless you and keep you from the devil and the great Turk".

>y-you killed 6 gorillian
>y-you're now allowed to discuss historical facts

Fucking turkroaches being this analdevastated is pathetic.

REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab
you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey

>BLACK GUY O.J. Simpsons wouldn't have killed his white wife.
True. The strange thing about those sluts-- not only is everyone a mudshark, not only is the father the epitome of American degeneracy, but even the mother has a BBC now.

Biggest piece of scum on earth, followed by 75 million White girl around the world, all aspiring to grow up and do nothing but have a fat ass, make a sex tape, and marry a "rapper."

i'm not implying anything. Can you really believe that genociding 1,5 million people is quite easy for an empire at which is at its weakest time and in the danger of getting invaded? Was ottomans that strong and capable? Even I say wow as a non-nationalist turk.

I accept that there are people killed, but it was on both sides kurds,turks,armenians all died/killed eachother. But 1,5 million people is big fucking bullshit joke which makes me laugh my ass off.

Accepting the genocide ? Okay, then whats next? Are we gonna pay Armenians in cash or give them the soil which we are trying to defend from kurds for like 50 years? Both choices are already fucked up friend. But we are already living hell in this lands, trust me nothing can get worse in anatolia.

>that obvious proxy

Uccording to our law, guards can shoot down rapefugees. I hope at least one will find the balls and open fire.

>*not allowed to

According* sweetheart, but good try with language

why the fuck would we care about this honestly? we won't recognize it since it wasn't a genocide. simple.

Dude that agreement isn't about refugees and. The Turks just want to make business easier to and from Turkey. Lots of Turks don't even like Europe. Turkey isn't some backwords country. Its developed and the people make decent money. They're happy in turkey. The agreement isn't even passed..

I just think bullying turkey is literally Jewish tier.
Turks are secular and don't do all the bullshit Islam makes then do

>dat video

I want to tear ass around Turkey in a modified ice cream monster truck with mounted machine guns with that song blaring.