Can the Alt-Right please condemn this faggot?

Why can't this guy just make sensible arguments without having to constantly remind people he loves BBC or calling people "darling". It's actually become cringey to watch.

Because he is a kid who blames women for being gay.

Then don't watch it.

What the fuck is "Alt-right", you dumb nigger?

>Why can't this guy just make sensible arguments

Because playing fair is how we got into this shit in the first place.

The alt right is shit, become a fascist and grow some balls.

People who think that communism still exists, that the capitalists aint the ones behind mass immigration and cultural marxism, and that Trump, Geert and other morons should be flayed alive.

Basically fake opposssition

Idiot, he's using his gay status as a way to strike back at libs. Sure, I don't agree with him on a lot, but I sure do love using minority status to shut libs up.

Being a white-passing hispanic is great for getting cucks to shut up, since I am effectively a stealth 'poc'

The Right Stuff literally posted an article calling him a jewish faggot that is at most a useful idiot.
The home of the alt right.

He is a literal kike faggot it is sad there are so many redditors here defending him.

I don't understand who he is or why he is """supposed""" to be important just because he's spammed around all the time, but I could hardly expect a person who takes myspace photos of himself sucking bananas seriously.

Because many of the leftist arguments rest on the premise of "identity politics", and constantly reminding people that he's a faggot means they can't scream "BUT YOU'RE A HETEROSEXUAL MALE YOUR OPINION DOESN'T MATTER" at him.

The left wants to maintain the image of the right as old fat white guys, and will try their hardest to discredit anyone on the right who breaks that stereotype. Conservative blacks and gays ruin their position, so they hate them, and constantly reminding them that "darling, I'm gay" is like a missile defense shield against their retoric. It allows him to say things that straight men would be ruined, or at least would not be booked for speaking engagements, for saying

I don't like him either. He's not either that intelligent either. I don't see why he is giving such a large platform to speak.

Y'know, in those video games, where if you're rolling you're invincible? If he keeps saying he's gay and loves to get fucked by black men, he can't be stopped. It's fantastic. Why try to contain him?

>People who think that communism still exists

It does. It changed its imagine a little, but it's alive and well.

>that the capitalists aint the ones behind mass immigration and cultural marxism

Rich Jew bankers aren't capitalists, dummy. They don't own any means of production, they just shift money around.

Just accept him. It's making the right fun again for a generation of kids that would other wise believe that the spectrum of acceptable political opinions extends only as far as communism and democratic socialism.

Calm down, user. Now's not the time for intellectualism. That comes later.

Nice proxy, faggot.

>ITT: Manlet insecure about his sexual orientation

Move along folks, nothing to see here, go back to your homes.

Sup Forums confirmed that he pays people to crash his events so he gets hits on jewtube

Plenty of jews have been on the side of conservatism.

Not all jews are enemies. Just most of them.

i personally hate him because he parades his homosexual propaganda all over my computer screen and panders to autistic manchildren for fame and money

He is a degenerate. His endgame is damn near exactly the same as the majority of Liberals, ignore him.

>hate one of the only media figures that likes you because I'm triggered by him

No, he is our true lord. OP is the only one who can't wait to bend over for Milo's amazing penis. There are no women on this site or in alt-right anyway, so just come out of the closet already.

>Making it his job to trigger SJW and BLM
>Some how he isn't Sup Forumss guy

You've got it backwards, faggot. You're supposed to agree with almost everything he says, it's his flamboyant homosexuality that is annoying.

No. I think he does good work.

Positive or negative attention, he still wins... guy knows how the meme magic works which how he's garnered this cult following.

You beat guys like milo that jack-off to all this attention by simply ignoring them.

Just accept a kike who normalizes degenercy and claims our racism is ironic.

Trusting Kikes to not infiltrate and destroy the alt-right.

He is truly a hero.

>Plenty of jews have been on the side of conservatism.
Good goy

I've never paid any real attention to him, he brings up sex too often which discredits his stance among conservatives.

>I hate people for being on my computer screen
You are 100% in control of what is on your computer screen. If you are tired of all the homosexual propaganda you are being bombarded with maybe yo should STOP CHOOSING TO VIEW SO MUCH HOMOSEXUAL PROPAGANDA YOU FUCKING FAGGOT

Here's a tip: If you hate Milo's faggotry then stop clicking on his face every time you see it. Maybe OP should stop making threads about him. I think hockey is dumb but I don't go to Sup Forums and find hockey threads then bitch about "ugh why is this hockey on my screen its so gay"

((((Milo)))) has done more to gain support for the right in the past 8 months than the entire Republican Party has managed to do in many years. You don't have to hate faggots and dindus to be considered right wing anymore. You don't have to be a fundie to want to conserve our culture. Stop being babies because he's a cocksucker. Enjoy the ride. We're getting back in power thanks to people like him. Old white guys don't run this shit anymore. Young cool guys do. Guys the left can't silence with their typical ways. Goddamn it feels good to be a republican again. MAGA BITCHES

((((TRUMP)))) . Trump is why I'm alt-right, he was the first step. I didn't become alt right because of a Jewish faggot.

Lol. Ok

5 good goy points have been deposited to your account.

He's witty, intelligent, well-spoken, and has a somewhat twisted sense of humor. What's not to like?

Besides, homosexuality is a tradition of western civilization, going back to ancient Greek and Roman times. Why shouldn't men be manly together? I think most people on this board agree that women are shit, anyway...

Purity spiraling is what is killing SJWs. Milo may be a degenerate but he's making headway with normies by making the right seem cool again. Milo, Gavin, etc. are the gateway to more redpills, just as that single marijuana leads to inevitable heroin addiction

We can't. He's far to fabulous to do that.

Only neo Sup Forums kiddies likes him

>le based faggot jew racemixer

Wtf are you doing nigger. Never use the echo again.


>stop pointing out things you don't like

when you have atleast 5 different "based milo" threads shoved in your face on the front page any day at any given times, its a difficult task to avoid you fucking cock loving faggot

Why do you faggots pretend he's jewish? He has said many times that he's catholic from a catholic family. Are greek jews even a thing?


Parodying his use of ((((Milo)))), faggot.

ITT: the sensitive

If you can't avoid clicking something then you have a neurological disorder and should seek medical help.

The rest of us are in control of what we click.

He has also said multiple times he's a Jew, although I imagine he says it just to gather more Oppression Points so libshits can't tell him to check his privilege.

He has even said himself that he is a kike its not a secret or anything.

He uses BBC and darling as a shield. They can't call him a straight cis white male if he's not all four

I thought that went without saying user. Certainly trump is the man that blew the door open for us. We all hail him for that obviously. But this kike faggot worked hard to make Trump cool for the kids. If you think we don't need allies like this to fight for people's attention then you're not paying attention. Look I have kids, I don't expose them to faggotry and degeneracy but it won't matter because the entire world around them will do that. People like Milo show that degenerates can have a conservative outlook. Is it ideal? Of course not. But denying the effectiveness of his work is just being stubborn.

>is a homo

The hypocrisy is outstanding.

I hope he does get press secretary, I really do

Yet another funny thread to humiliate and deride Brits.

(((milo))) is one of them and one of their supporters
(((trump))) is one of their supporters
the fake american far right is getting more and more ridiculous

> bankers arent capitalists


>lefties constantly uses non-arguments like
>white privelege
>cis gender straight person

He's a Jewish, gay man-woman who exclusively dates black men. He's virtually untouchable by the left, forcing them to address the points which they don't have in almost all cases.

>having a lot of money makes you a capitalist

Well shit, Kim Jong Un most be an icon of capitalism then.

I think he overdoes it but what do you expect, he's a flamboyant faggot, that's what they do.

Take him for what he is, one fucked up yet basically decent person among billions of us. Encourage him to have confidence in his wit and maybe he will feel less need to camp? It's worth suggesting it to him, though I would do it with his email instead of here where he'll almost certainly not see it.

Why's it matter to you anyway?

Who cares faggot? He does more for our cause than you or I will ever do


>practicing catholic
>raised catholic by catholic father
>mother happens to be ethnically jewish
>wut a kike
You have been on Sup Forums so long that you no longer understand what it means to be jewish

this guy gets it

(((you))) Are fucking retarted. Kill yourself nigger.

>faggot jew who posts pro nigger shit on twitter


>constantly remind people he loves BBC

Look, to be a successful public figure, one needs to craft a larger-than-life personality. This includes audacious humor, extreme opinions, etc. The BBC jokes serve a dual purpose:

1) It's part of his schtick as a performer.

2) It reinforces the idea that he is a non-racist, non-homophobic man who subscribes to conservative values, thereby shattering the liberal sterotype that "conservatives are all racist, straight, elderly rich men".

Although I'm sure he wouldn't mind being wealthy.

Hate to admit it,but yes.thats pretty much how you roll today to keep attention and convince people.

the islamo-leftists won't touch him
the true left will go after this faggot because the real left doesn't discriminate
not beating up a fag cause he's a fag is not leftism that's discrimination, smae for muslims, blacks and jews

>to fight monsters, we created monsters of our own

He's basically an extremely liberal faggot who holds right wing views, which is what is so great about him. He's bulletproof.

>You have been on Sup Forums so long that you no longer understand what it means to be jewish

Which part of "he considers himself Jewish and has said it multiple times" do you not quite understand?

nice try JIDF

>mother happens to be ethnically jewish
>not Jewish
>ignores the fact that jews are considered jews through the mother's side
Why are you so adamant in denying he is Jewish, Shlomo? No one has even said its good or bad just fact, stop being such a sensitive little faggot, only a Jew gets this mad over being called what he is

>jesus was a greek jew

If you are correct then perhaps being a greek jew is not something that you should hate someone for, assuming you are christian

That said, believing that Jesus was greek is hitting levels of retardation that shouldn't even be possible.


Wow so many r/the donald posters defending this kike. Lurk more you miserable cucks. Next you will be telling us Sargon is "based".

source pls

>jewish on mother's side
>must be jewish because that's how jews determine lineage

Why do you follow the Jewish rules of lineage? Are you a jew?

Does his catholic father follow the jewish rules of lineage?

It's what retards call Sup Forums because they think this board is a cohesive political movement as opposed to just a load of guys shitposting


The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>Why do you follow the Jewish rules of lineage?
I don't you ducking idiot, the majority of jews do. Keep denying he's not Jewish I dont care, you just sound like a retard, even Milo would tell you you're wrong. Fuck off

Looks like somebody got #Triggered

The ethnic makeup of Judea was Hellenic as fuck, you retard.


The more gay he is, the less ammunition the left has with their identity politics toolkit.

The more a bunch of EVIL WHITE CIS MEN clap and cheer him on, the less intolerant and homophobic the right looks.

Win Win.


Yeah man, triggering those feminists is sure helping! I'm so glad I have a guy who openly states he sucks black dick trying to represent my views!

His mother is Jewish, so according to Jewish tradition he's Jewish

hey milo

Capitalism is ABOUT shifting money around, hence CAPITALism. It is defined by the banks and the stock market, neither of which has ever been any good.

Money lending gets you money by preying on those who are already down on their luck (why else would you take out a loan?), and by simple virtue of already having money in the first place. If they don't pay up, just sic the government on them and take everything they own.

The stock market is just a massive ponzi scheme, run at all levels by the banks. Banks loan money to people so they can invest. They invest their money through the banks or their proxy companies, which manage it for them. Most of the trading is insider trading, so they know exactly what every stock is gonna do. They keep people paying into the system until it it gets too big and they collapse it. The bank then swoops in and collects all the pieces, because everyone is indebted to the bank. Then they reinflate the bubble all over again. The stock market never produced anything, and the entire economy suffers for it's existence. Publically traded stock needs to be made illegal.

Capitalism is not interchangeable with the free market.



Oy vey, Slide it!

Why do you keep watching him then, retard?

When he calls trump daddy it takes me to cringe city.

He's alright but I don't bother to listen to him or anything. He seems like a right winger that uses liberal tactics and makes right wingers look stupid.

Beggars can't be choosers at this point.

I'll take anyone to the right right now, even Milo.

>Why can't this guy just make sensible arguments without having to constantly remind people he loves BBC or calling people "darling"
Because he's beating them at their own game

>When he calls trump daddy it takes me to cringe city.

But when you refer to him as "God Emperor Trump", that's not cringy at all, eh?


>implying modern jews are in any way related to the people of Judea

And according to catholic tradition he's catholic

>making sensible arguments
he does actually most of the time. if you dont like his occasional banter then dont watch.
>reminding us he loves the BBC
fair point.
>calling people darling
northern scum detected. its pretty common to call people that down south. Either that or you're a filthy paki who dont know english.

I don't think he actually fucks that many black men. I hardly ever see him with any.

it's the right with memes

Milo is the Alt-Right. The entire movement is based in nerd virgin rage. It's a way for Gamergaters to continue into politics.