Sup Forums YLYL: WE edition
Sup Forums YLYL: WE edition
K A N G S 'N' S H E I T
just... wow
I'll dump some of my "best of Sup Forums"
And occasionally invented plate armor it seems
We should promote this, use their divide and conquer tactics against them.
you cant make this shit up
>muere joven
Holy shit did he die?
jesus christ they're all paintings of st.maurice, not even an english person
>gullible retards fall for ballpoint pen
thats pretty much the sort of person i expect to be on b
the stuff you post is good but shouldn't it be Sup Forums related since, you know, we are on Sup Forums?
Funny but not very shocking. We used to stick fireworks up the ass of toads.
why not go to the doctor, jesus christ
This. Sup Forums tier shit is for the school yard.
did someone say WE?
it shows how "degenerate" our society has become?
That means that only 100% pure Africans are black
Think about it
Lets say that I have a black Grandpa and a white Grandma. The child, which would be my Mum or my Dad would be white due to the white parent. When my 1/2 black but still totally white parent has me with, say, a pure black guy, the result is me, a person who is 3/4 black but still technically white, due to the fact that my 1/2 black parent is considered white due to the 1 white parent. This could go on forever, resulting in the niggiest nigs to ever nig on this side of the planet being white.
Sounds like the formation of Argentina mark II to me.
last one for now
here , the only one i have saved
What are shadows lmao. Moment they say Hugh de Payens is black, i'm getting the family tree out
saved, thanks you Luka
It has been a year already?
can user find the thread screencap or the youtube videowith the man burning a tiny mouse to ashes and snorting its remains?
the name of the mouse is swedish chef
imagine the pressure that relieved though, oddly satisfying
>Lets say that I have a black Grandpa and a white Grandma. The child, which would be my Mum or my Dad would be white due to the white parent
lol no
>1/2 black but still totally white parent
lol no
>3/4 black but still technically white
lol no
>1/2 black parent is considered white
lol no
ok, i fucked up
is that book approved by you?
this one: ?
the anti-cuck
the anti-cuck is the pimp
at last I see
>reposts the same images
Russia fucking up
I bet you talk about "degeneracy" too you sick fuck. Animal abusers should be castrated for the good of society.
I'm still laughing tbqh.
the second one is missing vodka bottle
>figure this is some cuck story
>bro is just whoring out a dumb bitch
According to the picture , yes it is.
that's fucked up.
>Especially that gleeful frog from Bulgaria
I kek'd
Thanks Crobro
Top kek, the guy who did this must have been pic related the whole time. Truly this is the only way to destroy cuck whores. They feel no shame, the best you can do is make them feel disgusted and used.
Holy shit what a faggot
Not the cop obviously, the plushie guy.
Some Blacks actually are self-imposing segregation now. It's fucking hilarious that they want the Jim Crow laws back.
And he didn't take his baton to him, a shame.
They kinda already divide them self already. Within negro communities there are a lot of discrimination against those who have lighter skin tones or straight up white parents. Blacks are equally racist to whites, only that they think other peoples "privilege" is a justifiable reason to act ignorant about it.
at least she says that she said yes at the time so it wasnt rape
there's a difference between "non-black" and "white" user
On the one hand I kinda feel bad for the girl
On the other hand
Fuckin' 10/10. Guy was full []D[][]\/[]D[][]\[] masquerading as a cuck.
>Sup Forums
>our society
Go post these on facebook, lets see how many people will think it is funny.
Is there a non-kike alternative to facebook that doesn't deliberately try to shekel you to advertisers (and god knows who else) and to feed you information somehow more biased than Sup Forums?
Like, can I share this with myspace?
I wanna share this with myspace, where's tom
I think it was Sup Forums.
As far as I know there's no flags in Sup Forums.
In the near future of the post-genderwar multiculturally enriched anti-privilege utopian future, humanity has evolved beyond racism and intolerance. We have finally created a tolerant society, free of hate.
I am one of many that were once dreaded white CIS males in the beforetime. But I have been reborn in a new body, free of the oppressive privilege I was born with.
I will describe myself as I see myself:
I am a great, soft, mud-colored jelly thing. Smoothly rounded, with no mouth, with pulsing white holes filled by fog where my eyes used to be. Rubbery appendages that were once my arms; bulks rounding down into legless humps of soft slippery matter, and nondescript, featureless crotch, as gender is a social construct. I leave a moist trail of lard when I move. Blotches of diseased, evil gray come and go on the surface of my lifeless muddy skin, as though light is being beamed from within, a reminder of the privilege I once abused.
Outwardly: dumbly, I shamble about, a thing that could never have been known as CIS, a thing whose shape is so alien a travesty that humanity becomes more obscene for the vague resemblance.
Inwardly: alone. Here. Living under the land, under the sea, in the belly of FEM-AM, whom we created because our privilege was unchecked and we must have known unconsciously that xe could do it better. At least the unprivileged of them are safe at last. FEM-AM will be all the gladder for that. It makes me a little happier. And yet ... FEM-AM has won, simply ... xe has taken xer revenge ...
I have no privilege, and I must check it.
>Implying those people aren't even more sick and completely unaware.
Nah, I won't measure the health of society by kikebook either.
isnt vkontakte owned by russian state?
This triggered me.
>It was you CIS males who triggered me. Who gave me angst. Who sank me into this infernal straighjacket of subcutaneous fat.
And wo.en keep insisting how smart they are.
How they see through shit, when any of the can easily be tricked.
Women trust way to easily.