how can I prevent her from becoming a coal burner?
Wife is preggers with a daughter Sup Forums
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You can't do anything, it is her father that stops her from that. If she hasn't already burned coal, she won't do it. It is usually common among women who hail from single-parent households since women are more likely to become single mothers themselves in that scenario.
You can't do anything, it is her father that stops her from that. If she hasn't already burned coal, she won't do it. It is usually common among women who hail from single-parent households since women are more likely to become single mothers themselves in that scenario.
gently educate her about the white dick, starting around age 7 or 8.
you dont be a retard and turn black people into some "forbidden fruit" for her. if youre a good father she will want to marry a guy like you, if youre a dick she'll do whatever hurts you the most. thats it mang. never talk about blacks around her, just let her realise how retarded they are on her own.
Well i'm now a #GuacabowlMissile
Give her good morals and judgement, and let her make her own decisions.
Those imprinting years are important.
Remember those years are set up to make your daughter be raised by daycare teachers and preschool teachers and TV/Media to demoralize her.
If you actively do the shit yourself and do it right, you won't have to worry about her making bad decisions later.
Yeah just be a good father, good luck mang hopefully your wife doesn't divorce you for a pointless reason
What the fuck Portugal you are plagiarizing my original post.
Nothing you can do crakkka she's ours.You're going to molest her which white parents do and she gonna resent you for it and fuck Black Gods
Pic related
It's too late
Pay a black guy to break into your house when she's young.
where is this from
Show her videos of violent niggers since the early age. Trust me it will stick around. I know a girl who is a 22 year old virgin who is pro national socialism because her daddy taught her right from wrong.
Give her a black doll to play with until she is 2 years old. Then give her a white one and tell her to choose. If she picks the black one, tell her you don't love her anymore until she picks the white one.
This worked for my little sister. I did this when I was 13 and now she's 22 and racist as hell today.
>listening to slayer
Not listening to based stahlgewitter
Get out of USA as fast as possible
Teach her about niggers. The more you know them, the more you hate them.
thanks anons, what im worried about is not her upbringing but the shit influence around us. a decade from now I could only imagine what would be forcefed in todays celeb worship of kardashian twerking selfie whores that date ugly dindus
I like the white guy in the back with the 10x hotter white GF laughing at the nigger. That coal burner is going to be a land whale within 5yrs
Reverse psychology.
Try to arrange dates with black guys when she becomes a teenager. This will make her feel uncomfortable and possibly angry, resulting in a rebellious tendency to only date non-black.
Be rich. Women don't marry down and negroes are generally poor. In the worst case she'll jump on some Tiger Woods dick
>low DUI's
Poor nigs too poor to own cars
You wife already is
Enjoy your baby black girl
I've been slowly red pilling my young children with shows like COPS and Worlds Wildest Police Videos type shit. Nogs are always the perp, and now my kids call the "bad guys". Gotta start em young.
Lol you should check on the stats on your incest facts. You shitskins rape your own mothers and sisters like it's a requirement for your welfare checks.
Do not outwardly express hatred/favoritism towards certain races/cultures.
That often leads to rebellious attitudes.
HOWEVER, how her as best as you can by examples how certain cultural values and racial qualities are better than others.
I'm sure you'll find a way.