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Article : Girlfriend's Shinbi ranks #1 girl group brand... #2 is Momo, #3 is Irene

Source : X Sports News via Naver

1. [+4,491, -269] ......?

2. [+3,208, -223] Huh?...

3. [+3,078, -206] So who picks these ranks again??

4. [+2,657, -248] Is this made up?

5. [+2,251, -202] ...? Did she do anything though..?

6. [+543, -45] I've always been curious about where they source this data from. They always say it's from media/communication/community data but exactly where?

7. [+244, -25] These rankings are put out every month using the same standards but the reactions are vastly different each time

8. [+162, -17] Anyone else think it's really damn pathetic to see people fighting over these rankings all the time?

9. [+154, -20] Funny how no one was complaining about the authenticity of these ranks last month but suddenly they all have a problem this month

10. [+123, -13] Really scary how easy it is to kill off a fandom like this

i don't mind sinb actually


concept looks uninspired as heck desu

Great thread

nice thread

is it Shinbi or Sinb

why do I see both of these be used

I likey

This is now the #1 idol‘s thread


Most talented girl in the cosmos

it's pronounced shinbi but spelt SinB officially

don't believe this guy it's safe and the information is accurate

its a sin to be that...

that guy/gal has a pretty big crush on sinb

this looks like Seunghee

the guy who writes kpopalypse seems like a fucking duncelord dbh

why is cub giving the lewd eyes in all the teaser pictures?

sinb did nothing to warrant that
everyone knows irene is always no.1

The best thread


Post kpops you can bop fat nuts too

i only trust based asianjunkie

i likey jeongers airport fashion from earlier today

That's not a very nice thing to write.


Except releasing a banger album and repackage and being younger

>he will never fart on my face


Hate her hair, chingu

that's attractive to lots of people so yikes yourself for having terrible taste ya idiot



cute kid

anyone got the webm of cub from the likey teaser?

>that results
choashitter is a beast....

it's bros and lots of people like choa even if she does have short legs

you got some weird taste, man


It's cute


it owns tho

this is why nobody likes rvposters who complain all the time and ruin the thread

Is there any official video from the Halloween party Twice just did?


is it any surprise that gfriend is good at mediaplay?
i mean yuju was a jyp trainee once upon a time

I would tower over Choa and her short stompy body

Dubu irrelevant now because memes can’t beat hard work and talent

sinb would never say this

and i would tower over you and scare you off to protect my choa

do you even know how hard their choreo is?

Gfriend choreo is hardest choreo, you better respect

nvm I found it, thanks for nothing guys


But I would and i love SinB now

Red Velvet choreo is the hardest

dubu and sinb are actually bffs

i love the styling this comeback

posters who respond to themselves, why do they do it?

Epic meme
I‘d say it’s 2nd

aoa choreo is the hardest that's why they're the only ones that do it

i meant she wouldn't bag on dubu

word i love her too


There are no friends in rankings and competitions
Also it’s irrelevant to speak about friendship when comparing the skills of two people


it's the hardest for their pride, not physically

I missed your post, mianhae

nothing shameful about this

eyes like a cow

crayon pop choreo is the hardest

Looks like an everyday outfit on that chinese uggo

the rest of her as well

it's the hardest for their pride, not physically

i hope siwon release his dog on the stage while twice is performing

She's Taiwanese

Mamamoo choreo is definitely the hardest

FM is a good song

who hurt you? completely unnecessary

i love my husband

mina wants it

twice did

and bing bing
and saturday night
and bar bar bar

>daily reminder that she can’t even hold up the flag of he own country and had to say that taiwan belongs to china herself


She already gets it

i didn't realise that was a compliment, i was just piling on

>so many new pictures

this song is dedicated to choa

Wtf I love subin now

it was more just a statement, cows have big eyes
i didn't mean it negatively


>go to OH/twitter
>12yo girls saying yikes all the time
truly pathetic, kpg

Jihyo is a cow from India