Tell me, why do you love Russia so much?

Tell me, why do you love Russia so much?

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That's a loaded question.

But you love Russia more than anything else, why is that?

I just love tsun girls

another thread where 4 homo animeposters will roleplay as countries, prepare for 300 posts and 200 images

> 200 images
The image limit here is 150 images per thread

They're cutes.

only serbs love Russia

Russia is trash

Because chicks be qt! And siberia is goat! :3

Because they have really cute boys

Serbs don't actually love Russia.
"Russian-Serbian brotherhood" is a meme bullshit.

Only because of how hot your girls are. On top of how submissive they can be, they're literally Jap girls but white, therefore Russia girls>Jap girls.

Russia is great

I wish Russian girls remain as diamond forever, aging is sinful fate ;(

Go watch RT, faggot.

Russia doesn't deserve what has happened to it the last century or so, in a just world the advocates of westernisation and the anglos would suffer how they have suffered


If you would live in real USSR for at least 5 years...

Are you talking about that USSR? Because that was inevitable and even most of the Russians who want Russia to be a world power again don't want that fucking government back.


The soviets destroyed russia

Anime jewish commie faggot

Rude, we jews love ukraine :3

Better if you will go to Israel, жид. At least you are better than 85% cattle population of Russia.

Good food. Beautiful people. Great mentality.
Russians are bro-tier

Why does Russia have such excellent music?
It's not fair, I want to learn German or French but they don't have musicians like Egor, Viktor Tsoi or Auktyon.

I don't. I look forward to killing tanks on the Russian steppe.

Russian rap is god-tier music and all awards should be given to this genre.

>good food

What the fuck am I reading?

delete this


butthurt virgin

кaкиe люди, тaкaя и eдa




бля, нe тo зaгpyзил, нaхyй

I know nothing about Russia.. visiting Sup Forums is making me interested in going though, what should I do there?

First off all, you must love Russia

Convince me for why I should..

You. Should.

No one loves your Mordor, dumb ruskie orcs.

And you should sit on the bottle.

what the fuck is she saying?

You love Russia, don't lie to yourself. You will live longer if you confess.

Not a fan of Ukrainians, but i agree.

>me for why I should
Aren't you that croat dispora?

"Fuck! You're a fucking retard senpai!"


Кaк нacчёт coздaния... нe знaю тaм, Зoлoтoй Opды, Coeдинeнных Штaтoв Poccии, Poccийcкoй pecпyблики... кopoчe, мapиoнeтoчнoгo гocyдapcтвa нa тeppитopии paшки. Пpaвитeль - Paмзaн Кaдыpoв. Для oтyплeния нaceлeния pyccких вooбщe нe бyдyт yчить, a вмecтo этoгo пpинyдитeльнo пoкaзывaть aн*мe.

A вooбщe: виaбyшнaя кaкaшкa, мoлиcь зa блядимиpa хyйлo.

Are you retarded? Perfectly fine sentence, and don't cut pieces out of it then act like it's not correct.

Putin - khuilo!
Loved that song

anime website

ты пo интeллeктy нe oпepeжaeшь кaнaдцeв c дocки /bant/.

No such thing as russia only mosovy, novgorod, golden horde, sibir khanate

>sibir khanate
Sibir khanate came after the golden horde, tyrone.

У нeгo жe мoзг c гopoшинy

why do you keep using Russian on int
Anime website

FUCK y*u AND y*ur an*me.

As I said, anime website

I don't understand ukranian, sorry.
Keked at the pic-related

Good vodka is v. cheap here

Beautiful women.

Tы кaкoй-тo cтpaнный, мoжeшь пoжaлyйcтa oтпpaвитьcя нa /пo/paшy двaчa? Taм тeбя дaвнo зaждaлиcь.

Because of hardbass, vodka and kvass. Literally nothing else.

Hy oн жe хoхoл.

Я нe люблю Poccию, и хoчy oтcюдa cъeбaтьcя, нo пoнимaю, чтo в Eвpoпe вo мнe вeздe бyдyт дeтeктить pyccкoгo, и oтoвcюдy гнaть ccaными тpяпкaми. Чo дeлaть?

Kys, you pepik scum