Who else is with her? I know I am.
The First Woman President
This meme needs to die.
Now I'm a #clitmissile
I am with Her.
First woman president? More like first reptilian president
>those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it
I am now #hairyforgary
>that quote
If you type sage, I can just reply to you and bump it myself.
I would but Im still with #Jeb!
Obama "war criminal"? Come on.
that's a meme and an exaggeration
why is he a war criminal?
He's even won a Nobel Peace Prize ffs
She doesn't want us to look at the past, because of all of the horrible shit she did in the past.
People were with Obama for being the first black president, and look where it got them.
>water is wet
on the right side of history
fun and quirky adventures. please push us all forward. zika today, gulag tomorrow.
Is your country all morons, or is it just your family?
How many shot this weekend in Chicago?
Just keep overlooking what a piece of shit Obama the communist is.
Good thing faggots from Canada can't vote here.
Now I'm #ArtilleryForHillary
Deadliest month of may in 21 years
>its the current year
>i'm on the right side of history
when liberals run out of anything to say they turn into autistic tards. we are talking about a election not some social agenda faggotry. what you say isnt pertinent to the discussion
now I'm #ChivalryforHillary
Why do people say this? "Right side of history". What does that mean?
I kind of do want her to win. I just naturally want somebody who is constantly attacked to persevere.
Plus Bill is hilarious and will probably do some funny shit.
Think how mad everyone would be if we all just switched to #clitmissles overnight ?
I think trump will win and the entire world will be forced to make 1 last stand for isolationist nationalism.
Are you kidding me? It's [current year]!
I'm a bernout, but don't you think Trump is also constantly attacked. Don't you think he'll be constantly attacked throughout his presidency if he were to win? I don't see why "just naturally want somebody who is constantly attacked to persevere" doesn't apply to Trump as well as Hilliary.
Ditch the Witch ~ Trump 2016
No (you's)
Still never voting for Clinton.
She's old
She's fat
yada yada
Endless scandal
Foreign policy is a wreck
Owned by banks
Yada yada
Fucking hate her more because of these threads
>Moving in circles is still moving forward.
She would at most be more of the same. This is why people are choosing her over Trump even if thy don't like her. Trump is too unhinged and crazy, the next election will have better candidates.
Like anyone has a choice.
> trump is batshit insane
As per the script.
Forward to what though? A shambling brown horde of manlets speaking, at best, pidgin English mumbling about "labtops" and waiting for more free shit? Another huge war in the ME or needless confrontation with Russia to prove having a pussy doesn't make you one?
And it's because of all that horrible shit in the past that makes me dread any posible future where she is in any position of power.
Twirling, twirling towards freedom.
You're a fucking moron puppet who's probably afraid to take a shit with the bathroom door open when you're home alone. Go fuck yourself.
Freedom in this sense being a black out and waking up in your own puke, as darkened people are tea bagging your head.
>choosing a fucking criminal for a president
Honestly I hate the American public for this. We should be at the White House demanding her arrest but there's people who want her as President.
Everyone should be laughing at us and I hope they are.
Not like Hillary, she's been constantly attacked for years ever since she started her first run.
Trump is barely attacked at all, he is treated with kid gloves compared to Hillary.
Look at that Benghazi shit, That alone is far worse then anything Trump has ever or likely will ever have to put up with. Even after she has been completely exonerated in the situation by multiple republican-led investigations, they still keep hammering her for it, despite being the people who actually blocked funding for security improvements in Benghazi before the attack.
I'm not sure why I typed this, you don't care about/can't comprehend nuance at all or you wouldn't have asked such an autistic question.
current year meme the quote
I've been here 2 years and I still have no idea how sage works
>serious amounts of scandals and crimes committed either by her or people she hired
I'm no conservative OP, but I sure as hell would rather vote Trump over this crooked whore.
Report that campaign for sexism.
When you post, there's "Options" below "Name". Put that shit there.
She probably just says that because if anyone ever looks back at her history there is no fucking way they'd be willing to go forward with her.
will you upgrade to 480?
Fuck you leftie
I know my repeating digits confirm that she'll be sent to prison when Trump becomes president.
Lurk moar
Lurk moar
Really made me think. I'm hilldog now
Do you even get paid? Or do you shill for her for free in attempt to troll us?
you dropped these. and it will probably be slightly after desu senpai
That's it, I'm #ArtilleryforHillary
The sarcasm flew over your head.
my repeating digits prove that she is destined to win
trumpfas btfo (bump)
"Every moment wasted looking back keeps us from moving forward." -Clinton
...in endless circles.
Every lawyer does this. It's their job. This is definitely not the worst thing she ever did, nor even in that category.
>Every lawyer laughs about the moral grey area their job occupies
You are paid to defend, you don't have to be a smug cunt about it.
Fuck off low paid intern