Well, thats it. I'm done.In my place emergency state has declared. I live 1km from the dam.
I'm fucked
Well, thats it. I'm done.In my place emergency state has declared. I live 1km from the dam.
I'm fucked
ha ha have fun dying, kraut
Dam breaking I would assume the worst, get on your roof if you can, if you are a tanned german disregard.
Kleve here ... it's just raining a little bit here and yesterday was all sun and shit
Ich kann nicht Deutsch sprechen, translatieren, bitte.
>Katastrophenalarm im Kreis Wesel
>Katastrophenalarm im Kreis Wesel
>Katastrophenalarm im Kreis Wesel
I hope you drown.
just put your finger in it dumbass
getting to higher ground?
they didn't wear stahlhelms in the trenches of ww1 bro
they wore pickelhaubens
I'd like to read the article to see what you're talking about but it's written In some foreign language.
build a wall
disaster alarm ... so it's basicly Isengard 2.0
They started wearing stahlhelms in ww1. The french had new helmets too.
The Stahlhelm protected well against shrapnel from above.
There's also the issue of a presumably British soldier being in the background lel.
>the state of German engineering
This is God's will dear Hans. He's going to clean away the sins Merkel comitted. Now die with pride!
Nevermind though. Google translate actually works pretty well for German. How big of a flood are we looking at here?
Rest in piss Kraut
ireland you stupid fucking wanker.
>The Stahlhelm was introduced into regular service during the Verdun campaign in early 1916.
I'm coming to save you Hans
It's not all bad, Hans. Refugees will likely inherit your house after you are dead so it will not go to waste.
Is it going to take out any refugee camps?
Pack your shit and move it upstairs, tahn charge all your battery packs and stream that bitch from your laptop or phone. Hurry and make a livestream account, we'll watch the happenings.
just some million liters of tanned water
This is the only true answer.
Water tanks in 30
CNN confirmed
Is this Turkish terrorism?
Before you die, say "well dam!" For some end of life humor to ease yourself to an eternity of nothingness.
Get to hire ground then. Why are euros today so helpless? Are you going to just sit in front of your computer frozen in fear unless a fireman comes and holds your hand to safety?
Sorry about that old chap
Thank you Finland. Here in my part of America we see flooding like this on a daily basis due to hurricanes and very bad storms. Me and my neighbors do this shit all the time. Its hella fun to throw a party right before shit hits the fan.
Maybe Muslims will die with dam breaking? Silver lining.
How does this happen in the engineering capital of the world? Don't you have diversions?
>design dam decades ago
>complicated but effective like all German engineering
>fast forward to now
>pay shitskins 1 euro a day to maintain the dam
>amazingly, it falls apart
That's just the rivers flooding? Oh boy.
>Absolutely nothing about this on the Western MSM
The Lugenpresse is working overtime to cover this one up.
>not living by a near-indestructible earth dam
You asked for it.
>hire ground
just like during WW2 we are outnumbered
I would just surrender to the flood desu
Maybe if i close my eyes and think hard enough i can pretend it's a water park
This, they could have hired Dutch engineers to build the best fucking dams in the world, but nooo, gotta be diverse and hire clueless idiots instead which you can underpay.
We get spring floods here in Ostrobothnia, but nothing quite like
Just a bunch of water everywhere.
God fucking dam it!
Man am I ever glad we don't buy VWs anymore. I always knew their "four wheel drive" systems were shit.
I knew this thread was going to swarmed by us when I saw it
>anyone but dutch in charge of waterworks
this pretty much describes modern germany
Of course the Frenchmen would surrender.
The state of germany in general.
>mfw isis claim responsibility
Better preper some shelter for refugees. You don't want them to get wet
Do we actually know the maintaining jobs were given to shitskins or is that speculation?
It makes sense, since they're technically government jobs and the government would try to curb any rates for ethnic unemployment in any way possible, but still, citation needed.
keep calm and fight the russians
>clearly very deep water that keeps getting deeper
>reaches the traffic lights at its depth
>drives right into it
the refugees are expert mariners. I wouldn't worry. They'll be boating around in no time.
souvenir from the 2014 Balkan floods
The Muslim community will be happy to pitch in with the recovery efforts. You all have taken such good care of them I just know they have been itching for an answer to how they can give back.
Even on Land the Refugees can't escape Poseidon
maintaining jobs weren't given to refugees ...
but the money for maintenance was most likely cut for our new citizens
>Implying ISIS or the precursor to ISIS didn't plant those niggers in there to get jobs in public infrastructure.
there is no doubt in my mind the staff at the dam was 70% or more Turkish
pic related mfw "911 Turbo" will be in Arabic on the back of Porsches in 10 years
Good luck, would be funny if you die
>can't pay for proper dam maintenance
>"let's take in as many refugees as possible"
What a country.
>German engineering in 2016
Come on man
You literally live next to us
Just a single calls and you can get some pumping gear and water routers
This is God's punishment for Germany
The wrath of God is sure to soon come down upon Europe
End times soon, lads
our plan is to flood Holland from the backside where you least expect it
Top post
Top kek
No stream don't care, sorry Germany
If an asylum centre got flooded I might come over for some schadenfreude, I live in Nimwegen so it's pretty close.
There are no fugees involved yet. If that happens Merkel is going to call you immediately.
>flood us
We've already prepared overflow measures of the rivers
Ain't nothing you can do my brown friend
We're going to build a dam on our border with Germany and Germany is going to pay for it.
OP needs to livestream this event for our amusement
It's summer. Go for a nice swim.
Wait so there has been extreme flooding in Germany for 3 days?
Was it because of a dam breaking or just shit flood-routing infrastructure?
rest in piss krauts
Been a lot of "acts of God" lately in Germany and France.
Lightning hitting 35 people in Goymany and what? 10 people in France?
Storms, rain. LEL you gon get drowned, like the med migrants.
Hey OP go setup a livestream of this for us
kekkity kek
Shit flood-routing infrastructure. Don't have similiar flooding issues here as in the States.
If your name is muhammad nothing of value will be lost if your actually German godspeed user I'm sure we will be there for the relief effort
>Flooding the Dutch
They are human beavers
It's German engineering anno 2016, being German effective is racist, it has to be diverse even if it ends up failing horridly.
God is angry at the Allah enablers.
not letting tanned water into your home is pretty intolerant desu
Is this what Sup Forums meant by Die Flut Kommt?
Using refugees as maintenance workers did not go as swimmingly as you'd hoped? They are probably still wet behind the ears.
But I shouldn't be kicking the DAMned.
No hard feelings Klaus. Water under the bridge eh?
Like removing kebab. Thanks mister Emanuel, for your advice.