From an economic perspective, what's wrong with Fascism?
It seemed to work well for Germany, Italy, and Spain before they got involved in War.
From an economic perspective, what's wrong with Fascism?
It seemed to work well for Germany, Italy, and Spain before they got involved in War.
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Fascism will inevitable provoke severe backlashes from neighboring countries or even from a global scale. Embargoes and sanctions will quickly fuck your country over if you're not 100% self sustained which no country is.
What you want is Economic nationalism. look it up in IPE.
>Fascism will inevitable provoke severe backlashes from neighboring countries or even from a global scale.
People don't dislike fascism because of economics, they dislike fascism because they like freedom. How out of touch with reality can you possibly be?
>Muh freedoms
>Muh evil nazi's must be stopped
>hurr durr they want to do another shoah
Fascism is a militaristic, expansionist social-democracy.
>they dislike fascism because they like freedom.
Now that people are free from fascism they should be really happy, right?
It sounds tinfoil but if you try to detach the yourself from the international banking system you'll find your country quickly is destroyed from without and within.
Yeah I'm pretty fucking happy I'm free from fascism.
Spain was never fascist before getting involved in a war, was neutral in WWII and only got in a less than a year war against morocco in '57.
>literally had to pillage neighboring countries to sustain itself
>worked well
Ideology aside, it's a terrible economic model.
>could not fail
quit posting fumblr trash.
How do you know? What could your experience with it possibly be?
Ask hans' grandpappy how happy he is to live in a "free democracy"
>free from fascism
nigga i got some bad news...
Your grandpappy thinks you're a faggot for your internet Hitler obsession, get some perspective.
I like having a say in my own life and how my money is spent.
there is literally nothing wrong with fascism
Yeah if you're a bootlicking submissive faggot.
how about we embrace global fascism and just piss off ayy lmaos instead?
>I like having a say in my own life and how my money is spent.
But you don't, that's what taxes and laws are for. There's not one place in this world where that's the case.
>t. person(tm) with jewish cock in their mouth
That pic is fucking awesome.
Regardless of what everyone is saying here, fascism is also less-than-ideal economically: It includes the economy being controlled by the government and that's simply inefficient.
Most ideologies are shit, the best thing is taking the best elements from all of them.
Germany did the right thing to take the power from the worst banks and capitalists and to put the focus on the simple honest worker, but apart from that, it wasn't the biggest success.
Taxes and laws voted on by a democratic system.
People who want to live under fascism are the epitome of submissive cuck.
says american who likes to lick boots of the rich :^)
>"democratic" system
You poor retard. Democracy is nothing but plutocracy.
>meanwhile, in anons perfect country
There's a significant amount left.
>I like having a say in my own life and how my money is spent.
>A large portion of your income, that you got up every morning and worked for, is taken from you and given to D'Quan fo dem programs, so he can participate in another riot, and torch the place you work at and deface more monuments of your nation's history.
Okay, fellow patriot.
>Taxes and laws voted on by a democratic system.
So you "like having a say in my own life and how my money is spent" regardless of whether it's respected or not? Because that's the case with democracy unless you vote for the winner, and how's that any different than fascism where the fascists are happy with the system while the ones that aren't have to live with it?
>People who want to live under fascism are the epitome of submissive cuck.
Why don't the ones who don't just leave?
Doesn't mean that it doesn't work in some capacity. Inherently in a democracy there will be things that you pay for which you didn't want to.The alternative is fascism where you have absolutely no say.
The ignorance and stupidity of basic concepts on this board is remarkable.
tbqh senpai, this probably happened already back in the days.
we usually looked at the past either sanctifying it or demonizing it, when it was really just another human period of time were humans were just living their own life.
the one, big difference between back then and now is that we exported abroad all the shit we used to have at home (wars, extreme poverty, easy access to primary means of survival).
fascism in italy (i'm italian) started almost like a revolutionary movement, with ideas that had a MASSIVE support coming from the population. the reason why fascism failed is that it didn't keep those promises.
what leftards want you to believe in italy is that fascism was always perceived as shit, it was imposed by a ruthless ruling class while nobody really liked it and lived in a horrible north korean kind of country.
what neofascists wants you to believe instead is that fascism and nazism never failed or had any of that horrid shortsightedness that brought european nations to almost total collapse.
still, look at the situation today: information control, harsh silencing of oppositions, taboo topics, reality show-like politics...
can we really say we're living in a free, non-totalitarian world? i seriously think that they just got subtler while we got more anesthetized and never rebel.
People do have a say in fascism though. I doubt you even know what fascism is.
>Inherently in a democracy there will be things that you pay for which you didn't want to.The alternative is fascism where you have absolutely no say.
"unless you vote for the winner, and how's that any different than fascism where the fascists are happy with the system while the ones that aren't have to live with it?"
"Fascism" has worked pretty well the last 6000 years up until the 18th century. Dunny why would anoyne assume it shouldn't work today. I think it's liberalism what it's not working.
fascism is when mean people kill 6 gorrilian jews
And inherently it's possible that only a tiny minority of people living in a fascist state agree with what is being done, in a functioning democracy, that is not possible.
It's an authoritarian system, you don't have a say relative to a western liberal democracy.
Those dubs convinced me, I'm a #fascistabarista now.
You would still be an unhappy weeb without friends or a girlfriend in a fascist state, the problem isn't our system, it's you.
>From an economic perspective, what's wrong with Fascism?
Depends on the type.
Some types are HARCORE market control (like the Nazi type) to the point the US banking bailouts look like a Hayekian banquet by comparison, others are much less damaging.
TL;DR: Fascism can work, but Nazi Germany was so hardcore Keynesian they'd have collapsed eventually.
I'm not for fascism. I'm just saying you have no idea what you're even talking about.
>in a functioning democracy, that is not possible
If it's just a tiny minority, you kill that tiny minoriy.
What are you supposed to do in a democracy with 30-80% of people supporting a system that's detrimental to your own interests and not only that, it's detrimental to their own as well and they're too stupid to understand it?
>in a functioning democracy, that is not possible
Oh really? Maybe we should have a referendum on immigration and tranny bathrooms.
It's an authoritarian system inherently restricting your freedom to a minimum.
>If it's just a tiny minority, you kill that tiny minoriy.
They have the whole authoritarian state on their side, you can't kill them.
There's a keyword in that sentence that you're missing.
You're only free within the bounds of the law. Real freedom is anarchy.
I too want to be free, within a stricter set of laws.
Economically, fascism is doing what fits your country. Mosley's fascism of representation based on your economic role is way different from Hitler's bureaucracy carefully controlling the issuing of currency to exactly meet market needs while perhaps nationalising a few industries and letting the fuhrer and his cabinet run the show. The sheer amount of nationalist regulation that a fascist country goes for to avoid corporate/bank exploitation like you see in the US (exporting jobs, dodging taxes, lowering wages, printing shit tons of currency like in Weimar Germany, usury, speculation and all kinds of moneymaking schemes that harm or crash the economy) means that global bankers and businessmen will use all of their leverage to stop it and keep the money flowing to them and their friends. It also depends on nationalist sentiment and general virtue in the populace of the gov doesn't rule with an iron fist (this could be fixed by a detailed constitution).
Trump's nationalist economic ideas, for example, are pissing off a lot of multinational banks and businessmen and they are yanking the chains of world leaders (who also want to keep growing their economies in trade deals that are good for them but leave a deficit for the US) and could lead to a trade war of sorts and some minor political bullshitting in order to try to turn the people against the plsn and get foreign civilians to also oppose Trump by making him look bad, and he's not even fascist.
If a country is to be fascist, it has to tighten its belt and get ready to be shilled hard until it establishes itself, basically.
Functioning? Maybe you should give me an example of functioning democracies in history.
>You're only free within the bounds of the law. >Real freedom is anarchy.
>I too want to be free, within a stricter set of laws.
This directly contradicts itself.
Denmark, The Netherlands, Iceland, Norway, Finland.
You can't even link to the right post, yet you have the same voice in a democracy as everyone else.
>They have the whole authoritarian state on their side, you can't kill them.
How can that authoritarian state be big enough to be unkillable if there's not enough people in it, supporting it?
fascism did not restrict freedoms very much, in fact unless you were a subversive element it gave people far more freedoms than the liberal or communist hellscape alternatives.
Nations can survive and thrive with a couple of embargoes, it's really more a question of WHO is doing the embargoing. The embargo that killed the third reich for example was an Oil Embargo, they were fairly self sufficient in everything else, especially considering they had trade and exports from eastern europe. Today this would be more problematic, as a modern embargoed Germany wouldn't have access to "rare earths" that are essential to a war time economy.
But as long as a modern fascist country could maintain a couple of trade relations, specifically with developing nations in order to get resources, they would be economically viable. I would think nations like China, Indonesia, and many african nations would look the other way on extreme social issues of their trade partners, so long as they were benefited by the trade. They have done so in the past.
what's another option then, without a government or even anarcho-capitilism, it's a lot less organised and simply complicated, where power vacuums exist and big corp call the shots, every man for himself. Fascism sounds like a single angry parent that at least forces direction and everybody is united under daddy!
along with that, shit gets done.. apart from nowadays democratic government apes giving in to minorities, and screwing your identity over! i'll pick for former..
>How can that authoritarian state be big enough to be unkillable if there's not enough people in it, supporting it?
Because one side has all the guns and tanks.
That's some pathetically bad revisionist history.
>It seemed to work well for Germany, Italy, and Spain before they got involved in War.
It did not.
Germany was heavily indebted before the war started, the government barely managed to keep the economy from collapsing by plundering the local jews and at the breaking point finally invaded Poland. There they coincidentally also pulled out tons of gold.
The Wehrmacht was infamous for plundering like Vikings for a reason.
you might think so due to the popular opinion spread by movies and propaganda departments but its true. one example is nazi gun laws which were far less restrictive than in weimar germany or even modern america
>le debt maymay
Nice try shlomo.
Voting on representatives who represent them and freedom of assembly was not allowed. People who opposed the system were in mortal danger, that's not freedom you cuck.
Numbers were reported by the Nazis and not double checked.
Nice try ahmed.
No it does not. What you call freedom is strictly defined and limited by law. The muh freedom so commonly espoused as the only real kind of freedom is a meme, an attempt to define the only real freedom as existing under law, when one would easily be more free in anarchy.
As such, a fascist wants also to be "free", under different legal circumstances. Muh freedom is literally a game of choosing hoe much freedom you want and calling it THE freedom, THE set of inalienable human rights or whatever.
Also, just to be clear, you do know that you live in a republic, not a democracy, right? You don't even pick the president for god's sake.
Freedom is less a function of government and more a function of the social network you've built. The more dense it is the more constrained you are. You think a 40 year old dad who is the sole provider for his family has any freedom whatsoever? He might as well be a slave. If he quits or loses his job his family will leave him. Not being able to lose his job means he is the property of whoever employs him.
>Mein fuhrer we are almost bankrupt, what are we going to do?
>Easy Goebbels, we invade the rich nation of Poland and steal all their gold. After all you don't need money to make an army, right? Just cool looking uniforms.
Makes sense, Merkel.
Also I remember to have seen a documentary where a lot of older germans would say that life was better under the nazi regime that it is now.
It's the from the league of nations not nazi sources. It literally says so in the image.Learn to read english Mehmet. Anyway site your sources if you have any.
Pro tip: you don't.
>before they got involved in War
You literally said the problem. Incompetent leaders. Hitler launched a miscalculated attack on the soviets in the middle of another war when he had a non aggression pact.
He literally fucked germany's shit up.
>But muh economy
Not so hard to do when you start with a shithole. See: China, India, and Nigeria
You can't have freedom without a form of democracy. Not having a say in the laws imposed on you, how your money is spent and not having civil liberties is not freedom. You inherently have less control over your life. It's not as abstract as you're making it out to be.
>Also, just to be clear, you do know that you live in a republic, not a democracy, right?
A republic is a representative democracy with a founding legal document to restrict government overreach. It's a type of democracy, you're referring to a specific subset called direct democracy. Everyone who knows what they're talking about refers to the Republics all across the world as types of liberal democracy. There are no major nations with direct democracy on this planet and all the representative democracies and republics are referred to as democracies.
Stay in school. Hell maybe you might realize that living under authoritarian rule is generally unpleasant.
democracy, representative or not doesnt work either. in a democracy public perception is everything and whoever controls the sources of media controls public perception, which is in most cases controlled by the state either directly or through secret services. and of course in a system like america your choices are limited to the point where it doesnt really even matter who you vote for because both options will pursue the same pre planned goals
True democracy doesn't exist, at least not in the modern world. I would rather be ruled by a benevolent dictator than hundreds of politicians controlled by a faceless conglomerate of lobbyists. When you know who has the power you can reign them in. Right now we don't know who is in charge, since they hide behind a hidden trail of money.
Maybe you are just a low information voter, but a significant portion of any population learns about their world from a multitude of sources, not restricted to mainstream media networks.
False, several of the nordic nations have functioning democracies with very low corruption and high satisfaction rates as well as great stats all around. There are functioning democracies in the world, you need to do more research.
>where you have absolutely no say.
What? Fascism is by the people for the people.
It's the banks and corporations, who are oppressed.
The only thing you aren't allowed to do is something that harms yourself or the nation as a whole. So no homos, no drugs, mandatory fitness and higher education. If you aren't ok with that you're a degenerate scum, that should be shot anyway.
>by plundering the local jews
Wait, are you saying that 3 millions Jews were so rich that their riches were enough to keep a whole country afloat for 6 years? Wasn't the holocaust justified then?
You are a brainwashed retard, who doesn't know anything about German pre-war economy.
Does labor-based currency ring a bell, you drooling retard?
>False, several of the nordic nations have functioning democracies with very low corruption and high satisfaction rates as well as great stats all around. There are functioning democracies in the world, you need to do more research.
You can't really find the same conditions of those nordic countries everywhere though.
>fascism is for the people by the people
>authoritarian state takes the reigns and gets its nation completely destroyed and its women raped in 12 years
Sup Forumsfag delusion is off the charts. Get a girlfriend.
>a significant portion of any population learns about their world from a multitude of sources, not restricted to mainstream media networks
kek do you really believe that? what sources? the internet has opened new vectors of information that have given a lot of people access to different ways of thinking but 90% of people in any society have always and will always get their information from the newspapers and the radio and tv programs. democracy is excellent for placating the population and putting many walls of bureaucracy and light shows between the people who make the decisions and the people who are affected by them so no french revolution can happen again
Sometimes there is corruption, but it's still better than a fascist system unless the corruption is critical.
In Mosely British style fascism you do have a say in the law, within your profession. You can influence the regulations and conditions of your existence, but can't be a pipe fitter telling the farmers how they have to regulate, say, pesticides. I think that there's some freedom there, some choice or representation.
I don't think that you're wrong, but I'm talking about freedom as a general idea of agency in life (including politics) that you can have varying degrees of.
You are I think talking about freedom as a political idea.
Thanks for replying, the occasional good pol thread is well worth sliding past shitposts.
and i should add they are closing down on the internet too and it will probably be no different from tv channels very soon, at least for the majority of the voting population
I'm sure you could find authoritarian countries with high satisfaction rates. You don't need corruption to make democracy a bad system of representation. Lobbying is always present in one form or another, even if the monetary form is banned. Groups like the jews will always have more of a voice in any hierarchical society since they have better verbal and power management skills. Democracy is all about who has a louder voice, no matter whether that voice comes from the majority or a unrepresentative minority.
Fascism is actually state co-owned capitalism. China and Russia are pretty close to Fascism economically.
Go get a course on political science, then come back and we'll talk.
You're either out of touch with reality or Czech land is very different from America. No one under 80 trusts the media here.
>>authoritarian state takes the reigns and gets its nation completely destroyed and its women raped in 12 years
Not seeing much difference from fascism to modern democracies then.
Because Russia and China are great places to live right? Lmao kill yourself hans
We've had a liberal democracy for 250 years and it is still going strong.
>several of the nordic nations have functioning democracies
Wait, the same Nordic countries, that are collapsing right now? Like Sweden?
I'd rather lick the boots of a virtuous white man than wear the Jew's noose.
Specifically left out corrupt and fucked up Sweden, I mentioned the other 4 and the Netherlands.
Russia is actually one of the greatest places to live currently. Way above Europe or US - they don't have niggers, refugees, feminists, homos, debt slavery and other things. Plus free education and healthcare. Plus if you are into farming or mining you get free land in Siberia. Plus if you're into having children, for every child you get free money to build a house.
Meanwhile you live in a totalitarian plutocracy and have to pay for living in it.
You mean the nigger-infested homo capital of the world, that has no military or democracy?
>Russia is one of the greatest place to live currently
You reek of repressed sexual frustration.
Have any actual arguments? That's what I thought.
So you have never visited the shitholes you mention, yet you have the impudence to talk out of your ass?
Germanys pass is that their country was in ruin and fascism or anything really would have worked since it was creating jobs and such.
By most measures of how good a place is to live, Russia does not rank near the top. It's laughable user. I wouldn't take you seriously if you said the same about Somalia either, it's blatantly not true.
I was talking about the fact that those nations have functioning democracies and you made it about your closeted gay hate and irrational level of racism.
we will all look like weimar germany under the poison of liberal democracy
Have any actual measures perchance? You are clearly talking out of your ass. you have a nigger muslim president, you economy and media is completely ran by kikes and niggers rioting on the street, yet talking like you shitty country is a decent place to live.