Hey Sup Forums...

hey Sup Forums. its the samefag that made a thread complaining about my bitch sister on the 18th around 8-9 pm eastern time. i talked about how she kept talking to older men 30+ years old while she was 20. she is dating men older than her big brother, whos turning 25 this year (me). i also talked about how she verbally abused me every day while we were on vacation, and has been abusing me our whole childhood together. i talked about how i was pretty sure she was a narcissist because of how she thought she was better than everyone else and constantly tried to exert power over me.

well guess what? she got raped. she was seeing a 30 year old sandnigger who was possibly a terrorist and even gave off creepy rape vibes that i dont get how she didnt catch.

and you know what? i dont feel bad. i told her hundreds if not thousands of times to stop dating older men because all they want is sex, and that she was going to eventually get raped. but the more i told her, the older the men got and the more she became a sick cunt to me. and now it finally happened. i might be a sick twisted fuck but it makes me feel good that she finally got what she deserved, after all the manipulation of our parents to make her the favored child and leave everything in the will, after all the incessant bragging about how great she was, she is now gonna be a sick, damaged whore fuck like the rest of the thot cum dumpsters that were like her.

what do you guys think of the whole thing? its horrible and i thought i would feel bad, but i actually feel a sense of relief that something i predicted finally happened and now its too late for her to fix it. im a pretty vengeful fuck. thoughts?


Tbh, it's her fault.
Still, you could have prevented her from being raped. Even though she's a massive thot, she's still your sister user

"kiss your sister"

there was literally nothing i could have done. she goes to the city every day for school and who the fuck knows what shes doing if shes even going to class. me and our parents warned her more than several times about this happening, and im pretty sure she was partially doing this to piss us off, specifically me because i know more about her life than anyone else and she comes to me for advice or to vent when she feels like im good that day.

just 2 days ago she went to a different state with him and he drove her around the entire day. none of us had the guy's number and none of us knew where she was

Thank the sandnigger, then kill him.

why do you care so much? yeah, you're her brother and you're "family" but you said she's been abusing you your entire childhood.

I suppose I'd warn her once, maybe twice if anything because I don't want to deal with the hassle of being a family member of someone raped.

fuck it; you're not obligated just because you're family. even less so since she's a bitch to you.

Well then i guess you could say this is like that story of the boy who cried wolf
Or the sandnigger who raped thot
Anyway yeah if your whole family insists on telling her to stop and she doesn't, I guess she paid the price.
She'll probably won't do it again though after what happened, that's for sure

Dating old men isn't the problem, dating old niggers is the real problem

technically im not even supposed to know, because usually what happens is everyone in the family knows whats going on except me, or if i do know i get notified last. ive always been the black sheep of the family and ive always been treated like i was mentally inferior

Tits or it didn't happen.

> witnessed.

Even more reason to fuck off of your family. If you haven't moved out, move out. Let them deal with their shit. be self-sufficient. You can't choose your family but you sure as hell can choose how you're treated. If they treat you like shit, then leave.

Wow nigger you sure have a massive inferiority complex. You know what is really pissing you off? You wish you were the one raping her. Instead you are busy feeling sad, posting mgtow bullshit, and sniffing her crusty panties from the hamper. Op really is a faggot.

autistic edgelord is autistic edgelord

Generally 30 year old men don't want to rape women. If you are single in your 30's you are pretty humble, and quite possibly a beta virgin who won't so much as look a women in the eye if they are alone together. I don't know how bad the insults were or the context but I would be pretty pissed if someone did that to my sister. Personally, I would skin that sand nigger alive if I ever saw him in public, maybe that's too edgy but shit I would not just let him get arrested if that was my sister.

Should have warned her about dating a sand nigger in general. I would have called trump and have him raid his house with Delta Force and SEAL Team Six.

shut the fuck up faggot, this user is speaking real shit, your the egdy one

samefag much?


thats the thing. ive warned her multiple times. our parents did as well. before this she was talking to a shoenice doppelganger. thank god she never went on a date with him. shes said pretty much every heinous thing under the sun to me that a sibling should never say to another sibling, and like i said before, she manipulated our parents into leaving her everything in the will, and she even bragged about it to me. thats 1 in a hundred things that are equally as bad that she said. she also regularly talks shit to her friend about me on the phone right in front of me. but again, so many other things

you little bitch you let yourself abuse my your little sister? are you fucking retarded or something? you will be the loser your whole life. face it and stop being sad about it or whatever you feel right now that you have to post about it.

learn how to speak english you deadbrain fucktard

OP is a fag.. remember when Sup Forums was good ? pepridge farm remembers

>not knowing the meme name correctly
Fuck off newfag pretending to be an oldfag