What restrictions would you have on voting?

What restrictions would you have on voting?

>25 years or older
>must not be on any type of welfare
>must have a child and be married

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>must have a child and be married

Fuck this, only boomers allowed to vote? Country is even more fucked.

>must vote only for trump
>must not be mexican
>must have 20y younger wife/gf
>must have 1mil or more on bank acc
>must have your own boeing 747 with your name on it
Humble restrictions

Must be a white male who owns property. Boom, every problem solved.

I've had a vasectomy. Fuck your stupid rules OP. Breeding shows a lack of intelligence over using your intelligence. Any idiot can pop out crotch fruit.


Good one *salut*


founding fathers had it right.

must satisfy 2 of the following
>be male
>own property
>be 25 years
>served in the military
>have children

Own land equal to or larger than 10m2

Well 25 males that is too izi at least 3 so they must have property

>be 60 years old or older
>must have fought in a war
>must have a net worth of 5mil or greater

>>must vote only for trump
This is the only requirement for me senpai.

Founding Fathers knew best.

Haha ikr senpai :*

>Be a homeowner
>Be head of household
Surprise, surprise, the entire political landscape would change when only providers and people with something to lose get to vote.

>no welfare in the past two years
>must be a real citizen (muh ID)
>must pass a basic test at registration composed of a limited selection of citizenship test questions (because this removes muh jim crow argument)
>18 years of age (test filters out most retards)

>Must be 21 or older
>No criminal record
>High school diploma minimum. GED's are excluded.
>Must be currently employed

And, must bring a form of identification.

Conservative votes would literally skyrocket.

IQ over 100
>no women
>no criminals
>21 years old
>only 1 media is allowed to report on the election and they are impartial alt media may state their opinion but anything they say will be fact checked and penalized for spinning
>no BLMers (they are killed)

>must be male
>must hold at least a bachelor's degree
>doesn't smoke or do drugs

> Must be hetero white male non cuck

cannot have served time in jail (not just the current cannot have been convicted of a felony)

cannot be taking any medication for mental disorders or stress. medical records can indicate if this is the case without penalizing some one who may have had antidepressants prescribed in the past but is no longer on them

iq of at least 90. i would like to set this higher but soon it will be the average for the country... point is people with below average iqs shouldnt be allowed to vote. while liberals would cheer thinking they have a advantage black males would be even more uncommon at the voting booths

>be white cis male
>have 100 confirmed genderless ppl kills

Ok i agree there
>fedora rant about being a loser with no girlfriend a la sex means you're dumb im super intelleckt
Elitist faggot loser

Fuck you nigger, i got my ged at 16 and finished an AA faster than you could come yourself while fantasizing about your crush that would never fuck you.

>21 or older
>No criminal history
>Must be a citizen
>Cannot be on welfare
>No women

At least 25
No prior conviction


WoW triggered af

yeah u right
keeps women from voting u til they have children too

no women
21 voting age at least
landowner or will inherit land/property (grandfather clause kind of thing)

Haha ye thats good one and no short haircuts haha

>Minimum age 30 for males; 40 for women
>Completion of course on national history
>Completion of course on national political institutions and processes

Any votes for leftist parties are thrown into the trash.

There, I fixed democracy.

On a serious note:
>must have a job in the private sector or self employed

If you own land you get a vote. Everybody else must write an exam on basic economic principles, geopolitics and questions about each political party in your country.

This is not hard to implement and will immediately fix modern democracy.

Are 100 IQs really so fucking rare? How retarded are niggers actually?

>must own land
>must have job, pay taxes
>no criminals
>no welfare for at least two years

>no women
>no niggers

Welfare is a good point. Welfare = disenfranchised.

Under your system, a McDonalds employee gets a vote and an army NCO doesn't. That makes sense.

Send a check for 100 dollars to every person eligible to vote. In order to vote the person must forfeit the check at the voting booth. Would keep away the niggers and welfare babies who can't prioritize

>What restrictions would you have on voting?
Implying I would have voting.

White person + in an employed position or legitimate business owner

This is genius.

I had a college degree before I could legally drink alcohol in this country

Nothing, the problem is cultural, that is where we must start.

kudos to my dad who told me the idea

By definition, 100 IQ is average.

Assuming IQs have a normal distribution, about half of the population should be over and half under.

-Minimum age of 25 years, only people allowed to vote at 18 years of age are ones actively serving in the military.
-Must have valid US driver's license/ID card.

>30 years of age
>18 years of age if current or prior military

>Income of greater than $65,000 annually
>net worth greater than $150,000

I really dont think this is unfair. By age 30 people are generally mature, have some life experiences, usually have a family, and are less selfish. If you are/were military, then you've earned a vote at age 18. As for the income, it makes sense because the middle class is paying into federal/state programs and so they need to have the say. If you're low income, you enjoy the benifits, but you dont get a say as to how the country is run. You wanna vote? Get your life together and make more money.

I love how we all agree that universal suffrage is shit.
What a world.

>Have a degree
>Have a job
>Be independent (e.g. no welfare)
>Have citizenship
>No criminal record
>Sit an exam about economy, politics, history and maybe culture of the country they live in

Avg white IQ niggers sit at 80 in the US due to EU genes, in africa their IQ is 60, even with the bell curve there has never been an african intellectual pureblood. An africans Einstein equivalent is probably someone with an IQ below the avg white guys.

Fascists supported universal suffrage in the 1920s

>Universal suffrage with a lowered voting age to 18 years, and voting and electoral office eligibility for all age 25 and up


A full battery intelligence test measuring g - general intelligence as well as moral integrity and quality of judgment. People who say things like "You can't be racist against White People." or "Who gives a shit about the poor." or "Evolution is just a theory." should never be allowed to vote. Ever.

We never put a man on the moon though

>Age of majority
>Citizen with no dual citizenship and has lived in country at least 5 years
>Standardized test with randomized questions about the country's history, economics and politics to determine eligibility

Standard stuff, but either way it won't fix anything.
The problem is democracy itself.

A quantum computer to do all kinds of screening on voters as well as voting choices with the imperative to seek and adhere to truth.

Democracy and freedom are mutually exclusive, as democracy will always, and can only, be used to destroy freedom.

I believe in liberty, not democracy.


>service guarantees citizenship
>everyone can attempt to become a citizen through national service
>people will test and be placed where they can best be used
>government must find something suitable for all candidates.
>the point of national service is to show you can be responsible for and put the nation before everything else.
>national service will be anything from infrastructure construction, military, forestry, mailman in remote locations, mining critical resources in dangerous places, medical test subject, research assistant, etc.
>no one is a citizen until they have done two years at least and then left their service under honorable conditions.
>you can quit at any time, but you never get another chance
>any national service position allows you to vote and hold all public office but head of state.
>head of state must have gone through the military and attained the rank of general.
>citizens and legal residents have all the same rights except the vote and ability to hold public office. though citizens will have priority and easier times getting permits and some other things.


>must have Y chromosome

problems would sort themselves out eventually

...aaaaaaand this poster right here is the argument against blind, unqualified democracy

Sure they would. Untempered pure machismo bullshit never lead to the fall of any democracy. Oh wait, except the one of the people who created it and constantly voted to go to war.

You must be 18+ to post on this website.

>implying having a y chromosome makes you macho

>Implying having a society of just men is better
So which flavor you want, senpai? Sharia law or total faggotry? Maybe a mix?

Is simple:

If you don't pay a single dollar in taxes, you don't get to vote.

Otherwise your voting to spend other people's money

But I'm Mexican and voting for trump.

>must be a citizen of the US for 10 years
>must be 25
>must have less than $5,000 in debt (possible exception for student loans)

Keep everything else the same. I think these are actually reasonable and wouldn't unfairly suppress people on the basis of race or gender

>must have served in the military

A devilishly delightful suggestion user, I like the way you think

Evolution is just a theory, pham.

>less than $5k debt
>no one with a mortgage can vote

How about a system where the voting pool gets increasingly smaller until the turnout is less than 5k?

Only the incumbent party voters get to vote, and the losers lose privileges until the voting pool gets too small. After that, everyone can vote after that again.

>must have a child and be married

So go pop out kids and marry some woman at a young age before you have even found yourself as a human being? Essentially you want us to be niggers/spics.

Many logical and intelligent adults wait until they are in their late 20's to early 30's before they do that sort of shit. Your 20's should be spent becoming financially and emotionally stable.

Shit requirement. Drop it.

>GED excluded
Fuck off.

i would say only the first two

IQ test, if you're retarded you don't vote.

anyone in the country at the time of the election that is at least 14 years of age should be able to vote. young adults deserve to have their voices heard

>Must have bachelor's in history or poli sci

Must be me

>14 years old
>young adult

This would effectively turn the US into a communist nation.

young adult is 12 -18

"Service quarantees citizenship!"
Only those willing to defend the country should vote.

Also, check these

We should lower the American voting age to 16 on the condition that the person works at least 20 hours a week average. If you're paying taxes, you should get to vote.

That said, remove voting rights for people without jobs, or are employed in tax-exempt organizations.

Saved the fuck out that pic...

Photo ID and legally a citizen.

Other than that none whatsoever.

>must be married
>letting women take away your right to vote at will
OP is a fucking retard like always

Just because your harry potter books are in the young adult section does not mean 12-18 is young adult.

Marriage should be a requirement for women to vote, that restriction should not apply to men.

>must be male
>must have served in the military
>must acknowledge that naked force is the ultimate authority from which all other authority is derived

service guarantees citizenship

>Must have served in the military
How does it feel to be retarded. Inb4 muh Heinlien

>straight, white, christian, conservative, land-owning male

if you believe anything else you're a cuck

get back to your country so you can die in nuclear fire when trump drops a bomb on your desolate, god forsaken land.

Service guarantees citizenship.

Retard detected

Must be male landowner. (Possibly business owner) with no welfare and no drugs. Must present identification at the voting booth.

Straight, white, land owner I can get with.

Christian and Conservative is not only hard to determine/verify but also not the most objective metric, specifically the conservative part.

No niggers, no immigrants


I only finished half of the questions on a iq test and still scored 97. Niggers are truly retarded.