It's Happening. In four days. June 6th, the start of World War III. Financial collapse like the world has never seen, Terrorist attacks and Martial Law. All orchestrated by Mossad. Are you ready? Get Cozy!
It's Happening. In four days. June 6th, the start of World War III. Financial collapse like the world has never seen...
What do you mean by this?
Are you suggesting this will take place on US soil? UK? Russia? Or all?
Fuck off faggot
Continuation of yesterday's thread.
>What do you mean by this?
How much do you know?
What can you tell us?
>June 6
STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
cure your autism asap
Hs graduations are in a few days that's all I know. What's the point of wasting a good happening on an otherwise happy summer fun day like June 6? Am I the only one who waits for June 6 thru July 4 all year? Warm weather is magical in my opinion, the only thing I find strange is why humans don't have more fur if winter is 2 /3s of the year.
I don't think it works this way. Not that I saw anybody use it before some stupid article about it.
Also Mayday! Mayday!
End yourself my man
Remember that whe are in Yovel faggots
Shemitaiad crank it up to eleven
Last year's September was only a drill
This is the big one .
I t's happening
>this will take place on US soil
How many Syrian Refugees does USA have?
var SR=SyrianRefugees
If SR > 1 than
print "War excuse in USA"
end if
>it's another roleplaying episode
Oh guys, some random amerifat posted it on Sup Forums, and on Sup Forums of all places, it must be real
that's it i'm a #happeningfag now
I believe this middle east fiasco was planned long before we were born
Not in 4 days, but it'll happen this year. Where? Poland.
Almost satantrips dubs has spoken
>that date
>those digits
Also, good. The earth needs cleansing by fire
Speak like a human, cybernigger
K. It won't happen, faggot.
>implying the eternal Neanderthal didn't plot out our trajectory from the very beginning
Oh, just like how nukes were supposed to go off on the first of May? "May Day"?
Happening threads like this should be a perma-ban
mornin pol lol
A war of Ideology, an unwinnable war, it won't be over till all those wasabiist are Erased
Said it best yesterday.
Russia will attack Turkey
USA will retaliate with nuke threats to Russia
Obama declares state of emergency and elections are suspended
NATO forces mobilize in East Europe and Kosovo
Russian nuke threats to USA
screencap this post, pack your shit and run to the mountains
Plz, I don't want to die
I worked with Mossad. Would have know by now.
>Obama, the human vagina, threatening to use the nuclear arsenal
Is this becoming Sup Forums's Boy Scout Jamboree 2.0?
hey remember when Sup Forums thought a big boy scout gathering would usher in TEOTWAWKI?
You guys really are monumentally fucking stupid. All it takes for you to proclaim the end of the world is for some random troll in an anonymous message board to say so, with literally no proof whatsoever.
And he's wrong, the world will end in 36 days. I have insider knowledge, you can trust me.
No need to screencap anything, unless you're an ignorant who never knew about the existence of PNAC.
I have been waiting since 21/12/2012
Sadly, nothing will happen
nothing will happen
nothing ever fucking happens
Good thing I'm leaving for a mountainous, village area in the next few days
wew lads
Can confirm.
Same day as D-day, lets Make Europe Great Again
I fucking hope not; HOI4 comes out that day.
My sides
Your doubles and date of history makes this June 6th the happening
Bless this burger
ISIS is an American and Israel Proxy Army, designed to justify 10 more years of war spending. WE USA needed to flood Europe with Brown people to make it look like an invasion. To create unrest and insecurity with the population of angry people nobody wanted. Unrest would happen naturally.
Than Have same refugees brought to USA under humanitarian efforts but you know those brown people they just can't stop waring so they will let off some attacks in the USA probably making some needed to be not lived in city for 500 years uninhabitable.
President will call for Martial Law, all the while the financial markets will have there own collapse. The goal is to do a blitz or shock and awe. Where so many news events can't be talked about and this will compound the chaos. The fear will multiply begging the governments of the world to do something. World War III is a war on the civilians. Martial law.
Just don't forget its all a staged shit show from Mossad. Its Synthetic Terrorism.
I suspect a loved presidential candidate will be assassinated. "not really but made to look like it".
Thank God, I won't have to take two of my worst finals.
Hmm, I'm traveling to US that week (CA). Am I fucked or the other way around - did I hit the lottery?
Nothing will happen, OP is just a faggot
shit, that is my revenge of the nerds marathon night.
Do you have your investments in place. We're going to be rich!
Is this in the US or Europe?
Wait what am I saying, Europe is basically Islamic at this point, of course its in Europe.
Remember in october 2010 when we were expecting nukes to hit LA and there were live streams and everyrhing? Remember how it went from xx:xx pm, to xx:xx pm pacific
The heavenly Reich is waiting to receive us. Lay your life down for the cause Sup Forums
You said this a while ago too faggot, kill yourself it's not happening.
We better get it from the Library before its vaporized and TV and Internet are gone. Don't forget your last hord of hotpockets.
Invest in oil.
not joking.
Production will be destroyed and it could go to 500 barrel before July. If markets are even open that soon.
Expect the world as we know it to stop.
Ok, now I'm truly concerned
Prove your Judaism first goy
Your post number is truth
>invest in oil
If you mean stock, why? Companies would just collapse.
If you mean product, why? No one will be able to refine it.
Hide denial threads
The world will never be round.
Man will never fly.
We'll never put man on the moon.
Nothing will replace the horse as transportation.
>get cozy
It's 80 degrees fuck off
זה צריך להוכיח את זה
>tfw you will never share the gold with a fellow kike banker
Why even live.
The real answer is to start collecting cans of beans and water bottles, make a bunker and collect weaponry.
Forget money, just become a tin foil wearer and prepare for the end.
We stopped using speed in all forms.
i fear for you user, don't go talking about this shit publicly. you might end up in some undocumented prison.
Happeningfags trigger me
>but posting on Sup Forums is fine, surely the authorities of the world can't find our secret lair!
The world is almost ready for sasquatch disclosure
Has anyone been monitoring EAM frequencies for unusual activity? I've been busy lately and haven't had a chance to do so.
I'm part of the government. I'm in a bunker already dumb dumb.
Notice the short supply of aluminum foil? That was US.
I'm hoping it does happen...hell it'd make this board right for once
War on american soil will be more glorious than in your native cuckland m8. I've got plenty of rounds and weapons to share. Come to the east coast, not commifornia.
Your trips just triggered my happening
Its fucking 90 and 9 in the morning you fuck off
>It's Happening. In four days. June 6th, the start of World War III
>June sixth, the Swedish national day
Why not?
Not good enough fellow burger
>We'll never put man on the moon.
>Man will never fly.
>Nothing will replace the horse as transportation.
How is that the same as saying "HURR WW3 IN 4 DAYS!!"
Happening fags wouldn't have called the moon landing, they would have been saying "ALIENS ARE GONNA DESTROY US THE MOMENT WE LAND ON THE MOON, IT'S HAPPENING!"
D-day all over again
2016 edition
Reminder to buy gold or gold mining stocks. Decreasing operating costs and increasing consumption of inflated populations will put gold at over $5000 in the next 5 years. Screenshot this comment.
Thats the only logical correlation this putz is spewing out.
>June 6th 1944-largest amphibious assualt on northern europe
>june 6th 2016-?????
Execute General Order 66.
Markets could crash because of the kike Yellen's remarks on raising interest rates.
car full of gas, new batteries in flashlight,$100 cash on hand, and food in fridge for ten days. Going out for a foot long vegi sub for the last time in a few. Then a dip in the pool, followed by doing laundry. I'm a few days early but prepared for the breakdown. Will watch porn in the meanwhile.
Shut up britbong, we all know that you're the main base of operations for the sandniggers.
fuck off atleast post some sort of cooberating evidence for your batshit insane theory
Come at me bro, give me fucking false flag, I will be good goy and will enjoy every piece of this madness.
6th 6th 2016
makes sense.. should I spend my cash now?? how long until its worthless??
one can dream....
4 days are so far away....
>falador massacre was 10 years ago
Holy shit where did the time go
But I am busy that day. Can't we push it to the 10th?
>could crash
Guess what day.
See image for clue.
After the London Olympics not happning I am don with hapoening threads
Go buy food that stores well.
Yeah the rule of happenings is that they never happen. Sorry Moshe.