Is being a homo similar to owning gunz and apple pie in USA circa 2016?
Is being a homo similar to owning gunz and apple pie in USA circa 2016?
You wish, fag.
America is the cesspit of degeneracy in the world, look at any degenerate behavior and you'll find that it most likely originated in America on part of whites.
They are a subhuman nation that needs to be replaced or extinguished from the face of the earth
It's probably due to the recent influx of illegal alien buttfuckers.
study: canadians are massively gay shit posting faggots.
Completely accurate source.
>Juan projecting this hard
How was the donkey pussy last night?
Then why do your people constantly migrate to it hose'?
Aren't mexicans the subhumans?
>they need to be replaced
Hmm Paco I wonder who you want to replace us with
Oh look, another assblasted paco.
10 feet higher pendejo
Your sister probably sucks off donkeys and other farm animals in Tijuana for $5
>Then why do your people constantly migrate to it hose'?
I wouldn't say constantly because illegal immigrant numbers don't represent a significant part of our population in Mexico.
Regarding your question I would say that some Mexicans emigrate because they can make shekels in the US working unskilled jobs, aside from that there is little to salvage from American society.
Look at all these assblasted memers
It's easier to meme your way around reality than it is to refute it, amirite?
America is the gay capital in the world. In Sweden gays are literally given money from the government just for being gay, and the priests in churches are forced not just to to wed gay couples but they also have to give them a complimentary blowjob during the ceremony. And America STILL has more faggots per capita than Sweden. It's like Americans just can't stop gobbling cocks and taking it up the bum. It's their natural instinct, they're born to suck black dick.
Poor bait
I got so sexually frustrated I finally let my friend give me a blowjob. Felt pretty good. Still only fap to girls and looked at girls on my iPad while he blew me.
Sorry Sup Forums, you lost another one to the Jews
Check out this article I just found
Really makes you think...
Yes especially if homo=taking nigger dick
Refute whoring poverty people? I don't have the time of day paco
Pretty much.
As expected the west is crumbling morally and God is punishing them.
Just like we planned.
Who won the cold war now bitches?
You seem to be very invested in shitposting maynays though
How's that job search going cletus? Getting ready for those floor mopping jobs trump is promising to you?
If you combine niggers and fags in usa it equals more than the population of russia. Really makes you think.
>not a single non-ad hominem response
He's right and you know it. Everything wrong with society started in the United States.
Says the guy from the country who elected this guy.
I have a HS aged brother. ALL the girls in highschool now have fooled around with other girls.
I doubt more dudes are fucking each other, I feel like the 2% of men that are into that are just more out in the open now. But this trend is almost completely driven by girls kissing girls.
I look at local girls on OkCupid and almost all of them in the 21-25 range put themselves as bisexual.
holywood is a machine to turn people gay and the american people is the first victim of those manipulations
wake up america, stop being gay, stop loving milo
stop thinking that melania trump is not a transgender and that donald trump is not a sick gay lover
Reminder that blacks are the most likely to be gay, and whites are the least likely.
>Literally Mexico
Every single time
>watching the homosexual Jew
anything more than zero could qualify as "more". this statement uses nine words to say what it could with just one: nothing.
now you're boring
yall posting in a slide thread
"trump voice"
I can taste your tears from across the Atlantic
'tis a nice meme
u a hardcore memer boy?
I think u are
I got 300 confirmed kills, if that's what you're asking
who is this semen demon?
>300 confirmed kills,
Only 300 keKS? Come back when you have razed an entire Chan. Underage B&, femanons and all.
Memes, memes never change.
that's cracky-chan, the sky queen of /r/Sup Forums
pic related is some fanart of him
1v1 me rust noscope faggit