*sips tea*
*sips tea*
Cows are bred to be eaten and killed.
Gorilla are meant to be wild and free.
Out of sight out of mind, they'll forget about the gorilla in another day or two anyway
Please tell me more about how free are animals in a zoo
*sages thread*
>*sips tea*
Get out of Freedomland you limey cunt.
He never claimed that he approved of zoos you dumbfuck moor
the only reason im against them shooting that gorilla is id rather he had ripped that future rapist to pieces
*sips meme*
Nobody ever offers me a gorilla-burger, you don't know that I wouldn't eat the fuck out of that delicious borderline-sentient primate flesh.
>OP thread
*male moaning noises*
That is not the point cows also have feelings and wants to live just like every fucking animal. We should stop breeding these animals.
if gorillas were tastier then cows then id care for more and some Frank's too
>Gorilla's are critically endangered and was killed killed at the negligence of some nigger parents.
>Cows are mass produced and have been successfully bred within captivity due to their thousand year domestication
t. hispanic intellectual
>really makes you think
*tips fedora
The Gorilla literally did nothing wrong
Really makes you think desu senpai *sips fedora*
Stay woke.
>rare animal vs. staple feed livestock
Gorilla : close genetic relative, 1/550 in zoos, arguably of a higher IQ then most of African nations, beloved zoo attraction, etc
Cows: literally only valuable for their flesh, butchered since before writing was a thing, etc
And op wonders why he is a massive faggot.
Hey hey hey hey hey! Cows are good for their leather too! What am I suppose to wear snake skin or something?
Gorillas are severely endangered, cows aren't.
Gorrilla endangered.
captcha tea
>*sips tea*
This makes me more mad than it should.
This guy gets it
Cows can't speak or have high cognitive abilities that can meet the standard of human intellect
They also aren't endangered, or rare in nature and the circumstances are debatable as to why he should've died
>we shouldn't kill animals
>let's just stop breeding them so they cease to exist all together
>no one seems to care
You know vegans exist, right?
Plus, the Patriarchy. Don't forget the Patriarchy.
If I was able to buy and eat gorilla meat legally, and for a reasonable price, I would turn a blind eye to it as well.
Like gods chosen and goyim :')
You plant, you sow, you reap by the millions and no one cares :')
*marinades ribeye in vegan tears*
come on mr, estaban be smarter than that.
straw man fallacy
The question whether animals that don't yet exist and would never exist without human intervention, have a right to their existence is related but not OP's point.
There is a purpose behind killing a cow.
Killing this gorilla was just a waste of life.
Eating bushmeat (apes and monkeys ) is how men got HIV infections in the first place. We should stick to eating cows and leave the apes be.
Disgusting western greed. This planet WILL burn for its greed
>cows of which there are billions and which are domesticated by men are equal in worth as gorillas of which are only a couple thousand left and which are close relatives and which fulfill important roles in their environment
I disagree with the frog's point as the feelings of humans should be considered worth more than the feelings of a cow but the germcuck is right desu
>waste of life
Careful with those edges.
It was trying to kill a kid. The zoo would have been sued into oblivion and the staff on duty charged with criminal negligence.
Do you really not understand that this was a life or death situation? Or do you believe that animals are on the same level as humans?
No not really, if you no longer slaughter cows for food, then they have no purpose. What happens to the cows when the beef industry closes down?
german sperg
I don't give a fuck either way desu
>*sips tea*
we threw all the tea into the harbor dumbass, you dont live in England
>It was trying to kill a kid
He was a niglet whose father is a hood trash, the gorilla would have saved your taxpayers a few hundreds grands
Are cows endangered? Do cows have over 4 billion neurons and are our genetic cousins? Are Gorillas tasty?
eating animals at the rate we do now
a) advances deforestation
b) creates multiresitent bacteria
c) creates new illnesses that can affect humas (did I mention multiresistence)
d) is a major green house gas contributor
e) is highly inefficient (cows turn only upt to 20 units of food into meat - it's more efficient to cultivate edible plants)
f) causes suffering and stress for the animals
I could go on. Eating small amounts of meat may be sustainable. Our current rate of consumption, especially if were to be a standard for all humanity, is insane.
That Gorilla was probably more intelligent than that little niglet (could understand basic sign langauge, could pass the mirror test etc.). The kid will probably grow up to be a trash drug dealer or kidnapper like his father.
Another nigger bites the dust.
A switch to primarily Insects for protein is going to be our best bet. It's extremely cheap to house, breed and care for them. Their housing can be much more space efficient, their food is cheap and easily obtainable, they breed fast so there would be no large market price increase over a couple dying like with cows. Most disease wouldn't affect people and can be easily solved by killing the whole mess and starting a new one within the week since they breed and grow to adults so quickly.
Yes it is. You fail to adress OPs argument.
Cows are domestic animals for food production. They are not on the endangered species list. Silverback gorillas are endangered and are not used for food production.
Fake and gay
Nice to have a meaningful exchange of arguments.
The only tragic thing about the latter is the fatties it sustains
I just had some delicious ground cow on a bun.
Yummy cow.
But we don't need zoos anymore in the internet age.
Just film them in the wild with Panem cameras in the trees.
Holy fuck that meme is old. Well memed sir.
i hate gorillas. I want them to be extinct. They're creepy as shit.
>*sips tea*
you fucking traitor
You do realize that zoos more and more become arcs for species that face extinction because we don't leave them a place to live in?
>literally put into an eternal breeding and execution style for meat and milk
Pick one.
Eating meat will weaken your immunity system as animals are doped with antibiotics. Also a cow pollutes more than 100 humans combined
fuck off; burgers are delicious.
t. burgerstan
Domestic cows are literally extinct in the wild. If we stop breeding them they will cease to exist.
The problem is the gorilla was worth more than the nigger they killed the gorilla for. That kid will probably get shot by a cop 16 years later anyways.
unfortunately they are safer in a cage because didnus think that rubbing gorilla brains on them makes their peanus weanus bigger
> domestic cows
> domestic
> cows
> extinct in the wild
Do you think our ancestors went into the forest and harvested herds of domestic cows?
From what I know it wasn't but your news sources tried to paint that story in such a way to justify it.
Key points is that only people guilty are parents so even tho Zoo will be sued it's your stupid people who crated this situation.
And I don't see a single edge on what I wrote. If a kid is able to force himself trough two barriers and bushes to fall five meters into enclosure full of wild animals when his parents didn't do jack shit they deserve anything that could happen.
If you don't want gorillas to go extinct we need to start eating them
Pretty much, the trick to turning bovine, sheep and such domestic was to catch one, lame it (break it's leg so it can't get away) and raise it's offspring to be dependent and amenable to humans.
I stopped eating meat because I believe that animals have the right to not be raised in captivity and killed. I eat wild caught fish tho
That's not my point.
Modern breeds of domestic animals are far removed from their ancestors.
They are bred for maximum weight gains and probably wouldn't survive long in the wild. There are also breeds (like chicken) that are "optimized" to an extent that their bone structure cannot support their weight.
They may still be the same species but they have been crippled by centuries of breeding.
>see OP is a raging homo
*sages and hides the thread*
Simple test: is an animal breeding naturally? Then it considers where it's living to be a good place to live and it's probably happy there.
As long as a zoo can show its netting animals, it deserves to exist.
So mass produce gorillas then, problem solved.
kill a gorilla to save a kid = outrageous
kill thousand of cows to eat meat = no problem
why people so dumb? watched too much king lion in childhood?
2 vegans who were protein deficient died trying to climb everest, no one seems to care
>Gorilla's are critically endangered
nice meme
cows don't carry Ebola
I'm outraged! Wheres my delicious gorilla meat!? I mean its techically canabalism to eat blacks but I think we know the truth...
Wow really makes you think.
I think the gorilla will eventually get fatigued so imo cows, but the gorilla will be winning for a couple days at least.
They weren't "protein deficient", they had altitude sickness you fucking Canadian pleb.
spaniards are not hispanic.
>It was trying to kill a kid.
A full grown male gorilla doesn't 'try to kill' a twenty pound kid and fail, let alone leave the kid walking around with only a couple bumps and bruises later that day.
He never showed any aggression to the niglet, he moved him around like a baby gorilla he was trying to quickly move to safety and then checked that he was okay.
This, they couldve shot some gorilla strength tranquilizers at Koko but instead they themselves decided to turn into a dindu and riddle Koko with bullets.
A gorilla got tree trunks for arms it woulda ripped that boy apart like a Mr Potato head before they even grabbed for their guns.
polan are you even relevant?
More relevant than cuckstraya
What are you a fucking cow whisperer? How do you know what the cows want?
Cows are herded by fucking corgis m8