HAHAHAHAHA. German police arrest 3 Syrians over alleged ISIS terror plot
Germany NO! How dare you racist white supremacists deny these poor refugees the opportunity to freely practice their religion?
Why do the Germans seem to always catch their Islamists before the act while the French ones don't?
Had those guys gotten away with it. It would have been the biggest wake-up call for Germany.
Who knows :^)
You have to differentiate, these aren't real muslims!
The people from Syria and so on are fleeing e-x-a-c-t-l-y from those kind of guys!
If we close our border now, they win!
Could be because our police forces aren't worthless shit like the French
Only a matter of time untill Germany goes full mid east and has market bombings daily
A small price to pay for a multikulti utopia.
saw 2 women with burkas today. i am sick of this shit.
Will Germany ever remove kebab? Or is Germany done? My grandparents are from Germany, so I sort of feel sorry for the land of my ancestors.
this is horrible! The migrants will not tolerate the vehement racism these krauts are spewing, they were just carrying a few clocks! God so stereotypical.
See? We DO remove the bad ones! There's nothing you have to worry about, dumb goyim! We know how to find the bad ones, so here's another 10 thousand """"good"""" ones!
Speak up
That's bad news, nobody fucking cares about stuff that almost happened, nobody will even hear much about this. It just shows "the system works, no reason to be afraid, everything is under control, wir schaffen das".
We NEED a fucking terror attack, with as many dead as possible to create massive, massive outrage. And even that might not be enough, we are reaching the point where only a nuclear war can save us.
You guys gonna bring back the gas?
reported to gsg9
cya l8ter racist
The next Steve Jobs
>"the system works, no reason to be afraid, everything is under control, wir schaffen das".
when they are successful in causing carnage it will change to "the system isn't perfect, no system can be, its the new normal, wir schaffen das"
best is if the system didn't invite them in the first place
>they are already among us
>just wait for this summer
Kek :^)
Stupid german terrorists can't even plot such an easy thing to do. Kek!
hahaha woman on it, fake.
Because the German authorities spy on everyone.
>womyn with child
>not a 20 year old buffed and riped guy
>such an easy thing
I don't think killing Frogfags is easy, it's no trivial matter to round up people who've surrendered and gone into hiding :^)
I don't get it, are they fucking stupid enough to use phones and stuff?
Into hiding? You don't remember SS Charlemagne ?
>Vive la Cuckistance!
So schmerzhaft der Gedanke auch ist, da hast du leider Recht. Ich wünschte es wäre nicht so, aber das einzige was unser Land jetzt noch erwecken kann ist ein Blutbad jenseits aller Vorstellung.