Justin Trudeau raises Gay Pride flag over Parliament Hill for the first time

>Justin Trudeau raises Gay Pride flag over Parliament Hill for the first time

Morning Sup Forums, this is what my country is up to. How is your day?


I want to drag le weedman behind my truck down a gravel road.

Not being a faggot unlike u

I'm 90% sure at this point he's a closeted gay married to a lesbian and trying to keep up appearances.

He has the mental maturity of a 14 year old

Hey, americas, can you just assassinate him or something? As soon as possible?

Honestly at this point I feel we should just have a parade for every filthy faggot, tranny, gender fluid cuck piece of shit that even hints that they feel oppressed

They don't want to feel accepted they want people to feel sorry for them, and people hating on them is what makes people feel sorry for them

If we all stop giving a shit they will have no power


no. canada must suffer for taking the bacon from the wrong part of the pig

western civilization is dead

All according to plan

why does sexual orientation need a flag?

If trump was smart he'd build two fucking walls


Although I feel sorry for you, your country is great fodder for comedic relief.
Tweets alone.
If we went into policy, I'd be crying or pissing myself laughing.
Depends how much empathy I have today.

But isn't this enough? Have they no suffered enough? Even I take pity on them when I see all these posts... Let's just gas all these fags, Trudeau included

Fuck this shit, I've seen enough... As this guy said western civilisation is dead

What pisses me off is that July 1st (Canada Day) is now Gay Pride day in Toronto, meaning that instead of honoring the Country its citizens parade around in glittery pink bikinis and acting like the most stereotypical fags that they fought so hard to shadow

depressing and shameful as fuck

If Trump loses I'm killing myself.

God, the irony.

Close your browser and go outside then.
Here's a picture of the only known human transformer.
Does he wear fire fighting gear, when he dances with the south African fire fighters?
Camouflage when he speaks to the army?
BDSM gear at the gay pride?

Canadians pledge allegiance to the fag.

This country is done, gg no re

haha queers

meanwhile Sweden is having a nice day with the announcement of trippling the cost for male circumcision

I think you're the dude they're tired of dealing with

Trudeau what the hell are you wearing

Well, what do you expect? He is gay.

Isn't he?

If not he should be.

>He is gay.
>Isn't he?
Pic related tells you the answer on that

Me too...see you in hell user


Guys what the fuck are we doing


>Justin Trudeau


Justin Trudeau

That really doesn't help. Why leave the earth to those retards? But if it's any solace, the muslims will fix at least that gay/feminist kind of shit when they conquer the pathetic remains of Western society.