When will it end Sup Forums

When will it end Sup Forums

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Once the 4th reich begins. Anymore questions?

Too bad it only takes three minutes foe someone to get raped and killed by a refugee.

maybe if she keeps staring while getting raped she still falls in love you know, Stockholm syndrome

I am lost for words Leaf.


just fucking why

When Canadians can no longer post on here or joobook for fear it might offend someone.

>Here's what happens when refugees and Europeans participate

>love is based on extended periods of eye contact
Yes because many a lad has turned homosexual and spent his life with his childhood friend after a staring competition in their youth

I'm going to take a wild guess and assume the redhead is European and some mudslime is the one staring at her.
Someone tell me if I'm right

Rapefugees and Europeans participate

Economic immigrants and Europeans participate

Freeriders and Europeans participate

>here's what happens when refugees and Europeans participate

try it with the guy who fucks ur bitch while u watch maybe you'll fall in love :^)

The source in the OP is AJ+, which is essentially Arab propaganda owned by Qatar aimed at young people. It's anti-Israel, anti-white, and pro-BLM. Fuck Al-Jazeera.

Ze joos just don't know when to stop. It's just cruel, devastating, soul-crushing humiliation at this point.

Pick one.

>implying my heart doesn't swoon when Jamal swaggers into the room


Fucking disgusting


Stop trying to become Australia, it'll never happen. Stupid leaf.

"Refugees and Europeans"

What so those are mutually exclusive now? Anyway, I want to see the vid. Is it just a bunch of European women and non-European men? It's hard for me to believe they would have included a European man and Muslim refugee woman.

never heard of participating refugees, unless they mean mass crime


>seeing Jamal's juicy primal shlong come out of your sister elizabeth

Al-Jizzira is behind this entire 'refugee crisis'? Ok. Didn't know that. Thanks, bro.

congrats on that 4th grade reading comprehension.

I'm 24 and I've never experienced love.

Is it similar to that feeling of affection I have for my dog? people call that love but I can't imagine wanting to pet a human and feed her dog treats.

You fell for the kangaroo bait

Fucking leafs have to take it too far and make it gay

I assume all the refugees in the video are male.

don't make Jamal wait go upstairs to your sis' bedroom and take it all inside

ISIS supporters and Europeans participate.

Watch the heartbreaking history that moved the Hollywood joos to tears!!!!

>>here's what happens when refugees and Europeans participate

At least 4th graders in my country aren't being assaulted by Mudslimes

This just made me think, what if someone got a viral video going with male Middle-Easterners "falling in love" with male Europeans? Progressive, right? I'm sure the refugees would accept those forward-thinking values. I mean, why else would they come to Europe if they don't love fags?

You need to look Jamal to the eye to feel it.

well, it's not like they sent any women or children.


>implying this will ever happen
mudslimes would jihad each other on the spot, or kill a fag in public to display or some shit


Just take solace in the fact that one day you will get to line these traitors up against a wall and pull the trigger


I think we've all seen how rapefugees don't believe in love.
People that shill for these leeches should be forced to take in some of these wonderful rapists.


I just watched it and it wasn't as cucky as the picture implies, but it was still cucked. All of the European men are paired with refugee men and all the refugee women are paired with European women. The one exception is some hipster white guy with an old moonface refugee woman. The only time romantic interest is shown is between a European woman and refugee man (she wants to give him her number). There are also some children in it with other refugee children.


please leave.

its actually Amnesty Poland and the "test" is based and a jewish-american psychologist.

christ i cant even believe this shit anymore
just shit my fuck up senpai

Sounds like love to me. I want a woman that licks my feet, lays in my lap, and doesn't talk.

I seriously don't understand why they keep doing it.
Is it to piss off people like us, who pay attention to shit like this?
Is there an explanation less meme-tier that "jews want to bread white women with bbc"?

It's more like live for a friend or family member like it's a furry baby sibling stuck at a two year olds intelligence.

i hate being a fucking red head all my women are the biggest whores this world has ever seen nothing worse than a shit eyed red haired woman

Let this shithole finally burn. Where is the Happening!?

It was done by Amnesty Poland and filmed in a Berlin warehouse. The paticipants are mostly polish but also french and german.

hahah, you are butthurt, just because she likes an immigrant. This is why I can never identify as german

I don't want to take this shit anymore. This ride has to crash.

>white genocide propaganda
>""""just she""""

Piss off Ahmed. Fuck some goat or whatever the heck it is you sjitskins do all day.

meanwhile snackbars are cool with Fatima liking a white christian guy ... OH WAIT


>implying trump isn't the seed for the final happenings.

no such thing as "identifying" as german you either are or not, whether you like it or not.

>al-jazeera is the best news source they said

This is bullshit. De maiziere is also german with a french name. Germany is a political construct, if you obey german law and try to integrate you can become german

>political construct
>""""become"""" german

Why are you so butthurt? Just because your economy is shit in austria filled with fpö-nazis?

A nigger will never ever be German neither will a sandnigger. You know very well that "being German" has ethnic conotations. Genetics are not the only part of it. A white person who is completely assimilated might be accepted as German niggers wil never be accepted.

>German niggers wil never be accepted.

Nobody will see a non-European person as a German.
They will always be foreigner in the eyes of the natives.

first this

then this

What is appealing about refugees? They have almost no sexual market value. The only thing I can see it being is an act of rebellion.

Germans, how common is this? Is this mostly propaganda?


I found something related to this issue.

This is just plain racism, but after some generations, it will be a normal thing.

They are not even allowed to club at night, so it is mostly right-wing propaganda

there isnt anything appealling about them, which is why they want to push this so hard.

>the various nationalities on the European continent are all the same

>here's what happens when white people stop being passive

The ride never ends

>muh racism

Define racism, faggot.


that pic, skåningar are subhuman

Typical inferior austrian reaction. When was the last time you achieved something? Racism is you judge someone based on his race

>giving a shit what some cucked selfloathing lefty writes to feel good about himself.

go to Germany, niggers are not accepted in society. Certainly not as "normal" germans. They are always strangers.

it will be normal said the Yugoslav and then boom a couple of hundered years later they started murking each other.

its almost all leftist propaganda.

because they genuinely want refugees and europeans to get along. also, the type of person who is naive enough to want refugees is also naive enough to think "gee, european support for refugees is falling, a video like this will change their minds!"

They should enlist /pol members in this study and film the results.

not even that, just put european males with syrian girls (i know, there are barely any but still).

Every faggot leftist will agree with the muslim males going "they're taking our women and making them immmoral! This is inapropriate! You must respect our values"

Nope, Serbia is the reason for all the shit in the balkan

>go to Germany, niggers are not accepted in society. Certainly not as "normal" germans. They are always strangers.

Why do you think are these women into these badoons? Thats how theyre ticking.

why are you showing me pictures of ugly coalburners? how is that an argument against what i said? The fact that these women are sucking nigger and sandnigger dick is not evidence that shitskins are accepted as germans.

>German girls would rather sleep with this cross-eyed shit-mongrel than a good German man

Don't lie you viscid cucks, these are proud german citizens

>Sup Forums children
>capable of eye contact

pick 1

Leaf, you number 2 in racemixing wordlwide just after the US and before the UK. so you betetr shush. btw why its all anglo countries that are so cool with racemixing? is it the ingrained believe of equality before the law? serious question.

Europeans in nutshell..be subhuman to shitskin

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Does anyone hate entire Africa? Arabia? China? No, for fuck's sake.

Do we hate niggers and shitskins entering, Europe and our countries en masses acting like they own those places? Yes

Do we hate lefitst traitors who propagate and strive for cultural marxism & white genocide? Yes

Even the Dalei Lama is sick of this shit.

Typical Austrian reaction? Anti-white mindset?


Do they mean lust? Wanting to fuck someone is not the same as love.

>good German man

German men are infamous cucks, whose "fashion" consists mostly in sandals and not so white socks, enamored with socialism and creepy fetishes like scat,gore and homosexuality.
And these women know. Their genes do as well.