ITT: Sup Forums humour
ITT: Sup Forums humour
a favorite.
this one's a good joke
Is this true? No wonder he got mad
jesus and I thought people were already red-pilled on Sup Forums
Wrong flag, friend.
You're all missing the big picture
Check the file names.
Holy shit. If that doesn't qualify as rape in more than half the countries, I don't know what does.
>These people are white
What makes you guys superior again?
See how long you can make it once the abos join in
>you guys
Nigger or spic detected
Turks confirmed for reading dna
I'm in love with her.
She's a master triggerer.
>Belgium, which is pretty much a non-country
In an entire minute and a half of sick banter, that one stands out, but maybe that's because I've heard so many "non-country" jokes on Sup Forums already.
I heard they changed this so you can't do it any more.
To be fair, Hitler made those later works after he got denied admission. A better example would've been the famous window-stairs ruined perspective piece.
Still had more talent than the rest of those nu-males.
Ultimate b8
is this the famous
>american education
Nige has had a bunch of classics talking shit to the Eu. it's even funnier because you can see in their faces they know they're about to get BTFO when they have to recognise he has the floor
University of Victoria, Canada. They hide that sort of information outside of the title.
Sauce on this? Video?
Canada and america are basically the same anyway.
holy shit man, we have a winner here
What is this meme?
How can one man be so based?
Movie "They Live". Watch it
user please tell me this is shopped. I don't even care if it's the truth or not, I just need to be told this didn't actually happen.
What the fuck is wrong with millennials?
Are you saying college students don't need to be educated about trap waifus?
>I'm punk so I must rebel
What did she mean by this?
>I'm punk so I must rebel
punk isn't a clothes brand stupid bitch
>I dye my hair crazy colours so I must be looking for attention
why else would you do it, fat bitch?
wtf is this world
I mean when this used to work.
Just checked it. ooga booga no longer translates into words.
Is there a way to submit translations?
also, the jew stole a hat from another jew in the end
If it were real he would've made it longer than a single screen to get a higher score for it.
it works if you write uga buga instead
she fucking fell asleep holy shit
His inner merchant is showing.
Don't think so. Sup Forums had hundreds of threads about this when it happened. The most popular being ooga booga because cavemen etc.
I'm guessing google changed it straight away because they were butthurt.
Pic related. This is what it used to be. Found an old picture.
It's just not the same
KEK spelled most of the words wrong
And the UK is the same as Belgium.
The fuckk is an african american emotion?
If I wanted humour I'd just laugh at the German government.
>That singular round of applause following that line
fuck thats great