Suck it Isis, we're like the mounties: we always get our man.
Ha-ha we got him
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Fellow burger we don't support SAA. We're on the wrong side in the Syrian conflict.
And now we'll lock him in prison where he will live the rest of his days on our tax dollar. Can't behead a man who probably beheaded countless Christians, raped women and children, and did fuck knows what else.
My bad, didn't read. Guess he'll be living on the shitskin's tax dollars.
So what are they going to do to him? Hopefully not
>And now we'll lock him in prison where he will live the rest of his days on our tax dollar
Reading comprehension must not be one of your strengths.
poor Bill-Dozer.
(one million years in paint)
u ok senpai it a good meme a great meme
What the fuck is "20st"?
20 stones, british weighting unit
Not unless you're paying Syrian taxes.
Shit that made me laugh way more than it should have
Bulldoze him to death i hope.
Was this the fighter who gained notoriety a year or two ago when images surfaced of him shoulder-firing a .50 cal?
Has to be different bulldozer, dude's a beast it's a waste to have him stick around as executioner.
Sounds likely, I can imagine copycats springing up in response to the original Bulldozer when various fat terrorists think they can be that guy too.
Does that mean the original is still out there, or was he killed at some point I just didn't read about?
Probably the same guy t b h, the executioner was absurdly large
There does seem to be two 'Bulldozers', one is the guy shoulder-firing a .50 cal, the other one is seen beheading someone and being generally big af. They might be the same guy but I doubt it.
Haha, it's a fucking wonder they found enough fabric to wrap around that fat fuck.
Pretty sure he never actually shoulder-fired that thing.
seems the digits agree
hes still out there boys
It wouldn't surprise me if he did, but he probably wouldn't be any more effective with it than he would with an AK, every third shot would be going at the birds and not the infidels.
We should have more honor than to stoop to the muzzies' level, Ahmed. But this is also the Syrian Army (as in Assad's army), what makes you think he'll end up in a US prison of all places? Lel.
That would still be a better accuracy than the average IS soldier.
Meant for
Hopefully the Syrians keep him, they'll lock him in a disgusting shithole prison and drag him out in a few days to be hanged
yeah its the same guy
>supporting assad the lion
bulldozer more like cuckdozer
Kek, it always kills me to watch a gaggle of disorganized jihadists get their shit blown to kingdom come from beyond their line-of-sight.
It's strange to me what a contrast there is between their slick execution videos and for instance that headcam-footage Vice published.
95% sure that was fake mate.
Fuck off you terrorist kike.
Thank God for holy Russia.
the headcam footage was American Govt Propaganda
The Vice headcam stuff? It looked fairly real, but my trust in them is not as high as when they first premiered and I wouldn't put such a thing past them. Any citation for it being fakery, or are there other headcam-type videos out to corroborate that they film attacks like that even?
I did find it absolutely baffling that they took lightly armored vehicles across open ground towards an entrenched enemy position firing light-arms at them from laughably ineffective range before getting btfo.
I would like to know more.
The whole thing looked staged.
>Idiot on the team.
>Can't find gear due to mess in vehicle.
>Almost blow themselves up.
>Tactical roll away.
Huh, that's only a few kg more than me and I'm not nearly as fat. Celtic genes win again.
don't be so sure, I've seen arabic subs on alot of shit lately, even gundam build fighters has a official arab sub. anime is a cancer that even islam can't beat.
20st is hideously obese even if you are 7ft tall.
>living on Syrian tax dollars
Yeah, all 5 cents they'll spend on a bullet for his fat ass.
Ok ok, they'll probably but a few bucks worth of bullets in that fat cunt.
>>Tactical roll away.
That WAS weird, it gave me the impression of a group of people who'd watched some mid-90s VHS on infantry drills and took to heart the idea that rolling away from your enemy was preferable to just running. I was thinking the entire time watching it "how are these people so disorganized and still controlling thousands of miles of land in multiple countries?"
I knew we'd funded them early on as the FSA, but figured we'd backed off on that as that dog began to snap at us instead of just Assad.
I'm too optimistic, I'm guessing.
I'm 19 stones and I can see my abs mostly. I wear a 34" waist jeans. Relaxed fit, though because of ass and thigh muscle.
Yeah, I'm pretty big and strong. Probably not as tall as him, though (only 185cm).
Snake finally got him.
>120+ with visible abs
Lay off the tren, Hans.
lol what a fatty.
I'm 6'2 and I weigh 11 stone, I'm proper muscled
pics or it didnt happen.
I'm not muslim, so I'm not getting steroids freely. I'm just big and strong. Wouldn't mind the roid delts, though, mine are pretty small. I do lateral raises with 50 lbs bags of rice, though.
Yeah Nigel, you tell yourself that.
It means hes a fat fuck
Fat roles aren't abs.
Well done user.
I pity the poor fools who didn't immediately think of William Fontaine dela Tour Dauterive.
I didn't know there were more pictures of him besides this one. I thought we would never hear about him again. It's pretty cool to have a miniboss like that.
Did post them on KC years ago, got accused of steroids.
>posting your pics on Sup Forums
Lol. Germanics.
I can tense them and they don't jiggle, Kaaskopp. Go drive like a monkey somewhere else.
No you aren't. At 6ft if you aren't at least 13 stone then you are practically made of air.
i'm not a syrian, faggot
don't use we Ahmed
Is there video of the 19th others executed?
I think that was just trolling. No, it's called shitposting, now, right?
Anyway, feels good I could take the "Bulldozer" in CQC. Makes me feel a bit better about the coming civil war. Now, if only I had a gun...
first Isis then Russia
How long till ISIS is no more? Will they last until the end of the summer?
Get a rifle to get yourself started. You can always loot the first terrorist you find for an upgrade.
He was the real life Mountain if anything.
Maybe you should learn how to tense your anus instead. Achmed likes em tight.
I'm 6'4 and weigh 16 stone. Come at me Barry.
user, I...
>Come to liberate town
>Has to fight mini boss in market square
kek the guy was so big he had a healthbar
Two 'Bulldozers'?!
It's not the original fat guy with the sword. this guy isn't nearly that fat and has decent upper body shape/size.
I'm sure they killed him already, and not pleasantly.
He dropped that sweet .50 cal though, that's useful as fuck in later stages.
Rare as fuck.
>population 6000 people.
Seriously, that's a fucking cool flag
So how strong is the Syrian army in Iraq if they captured a guy in Fallujah? Or did the journalist simply confused the two countries?
With your Western life and education, it's very easy to underestimate exactly how stupid non-Western people can be.
You're used to watching footage of literally the best fighting forces in the world. In contrast, these guys are nerds and wannabe gangsters trained by a hard core of guys who maybe, at some point in their lives, attempted to do jumping jacks with said best fighting forces. And these days, it's probably not even that, because ISIS is showing all the signs of the cracks beginning to show in the cult.
Remember, these guys are very much like those guys in Afghanistan who barely manage to carry out suicide attacks correctly. Or those cunts in Glasgow who only succeeded in lighting themselves on fire. Or that cunt in France who thought shooting a tank of chemicals would make it go boom.
These are people from populations where the average IQ is between 80 and 90, and where statistically significant portions of the population are literally retarded.
ISIS ran out of momentum as soons as their fights were no longer them backstabbing other radicals, slaughtering women and children, or fighting toy soldiers only in it for the paycheck. They have been shattering themselves against proper resistance since the moment they encountered it.
I was going to go SPM a couple years ago, but I got hit by a car and had to cancel the trip.
Oh the shitposting I could have done...
Daily reminder that the US - ( Obama / Hillary ) are terrorizing the Syrian people for Israel
and how do they do that? With one drone strike against ISIS camps every three weeks?
How many quarter pounders is that?
They're funding terrorist groups inside Syria you idiot.
I thought America's 'support' of ISIS was limited to stuff we gave Iraq (which they promptly stole) and funds/arms given to the FSA which morphed into/was absorbed by ISIS in Syria.
At least those are the two most reasonable explanations that come to mind, but want to know more.
>can't into proxy war and regime change
Why are huge guys always pussies when push comes to shove?
> 20st
Bong unit of measurement. Our fat friend weighs ~280lbs/127kg.
It's USA + ISIS vs Syria + Russia
once you boil it down
What is this green piece of desert?
In the end USA will have to (of course quietly and after stating that "some changes have to be made and yadda yadda") support the government. Not that they want to support someone who has a deal with Russia but Assad has one good quality about him. He's secular. There's no one else like him. The Kurds are fighting their own fight and the so-called Rebels are really a bunch of tiny factions fighting each other and some of them are really just extremists like ISIS.
Syrian rebs. I only don't what's up with that blue dot in Tuz Khormako.
Sunni fighters not aligned with the Iraqi government
Speak English, damn it.
And yes, can you even imagine what they're going to do to him?
I believe the plan was for the light armored vehicles to distract and cover while the guy at the beginning in the suicide bomb car drove up into the compound and detonated.
Obviously the suicide bomber didn't make it, so Abu Hajaar and crew became sitting ducks.
They sent the village idiots on a suicide mission, because why send your A-team on a suicide run?
I hope they release a video.
What should they do?
Scaphism, ling chi, drawn and quartered, mauled to death by starving dogs, burned alive, the possibilities are endless!
Damn, that's not a very good plan but it fits pretty well with their apparent fighting style. If it weren't for them being surrounded by women and kids when they go home at night, they'd have been bombed to ash by comfy drone operators sipping coffee back at base long ago.
What a clusterfuck of a conflict.
So why haven't I've seen this guy in any of the dozens of ISIS snuff films so prevalent here and elsewhere? Just lucky I guess?
A balanced diet just 500 calories under maintenance for 4 months.
You forgot about the inbreeding
Cant Mosad the Assad