death by radiation...Oh well ,the world is going to shit anyway...No huge losses.
The survivors will have to live à la "Mad Max Fury Road".
IT'S HAPPENING...(Massive Coronal Hole Formed On Sun) WE'RE FUCKED POL !!!
Other urls found in this thread:
>The survivors will have to live à la "Mad Max Fury Road".
so that's what all these Nuit Debout survivalists have been training for
It's literally nothing
>Tfw gov false flags the sun
Wait where do we live? It's on the sun, right?
looks like a skull, we're doomed desu
Was it the jews?
Jesus fucking Christ
Is it seriously fucking happening?
Damn it. Those pesky jews and their tricks
But it's Thursday and i'm still not driving around in my hand built '70 killing dune coons yet.
Will it be day or night when it reaches us?
We used to have these threads over solar flares and yet here we are.
Finally, AnCap utopia soon
Doesn't it take several years for rays from the sun to reach earth anyway?
It's not happening.
>implying /sci/ is reliable for anything other than high school homework
8 minutes
8.3 minutes.
the sun is a fucking neverending thermonuclear bomb
of course it's doing weird shit all the time
it's going to be fine
That shit happened last month
Eyes open, no fear, be safe everyone.
What's the big fuckin deal bitch?
It has gone 8 minutes, nothing is happening.
Wouldn't suprise me.
Depends on which "us" you mean, famalam.
It really only causes faster solar winds
PFT HAHAHAHAHA A What afucking retard
It's a sign. The end times are near.
>what is the solar cycle
You realize that video was captured in May, right?
face it. It's time we get rid of the sun.
ha that sun dont wann a fuck wit me ill punhc him right in the penis B^)
Can't reach us during the night pham, sun ain't out
>american education
takes several years from them getting created in the core until they come out and actually hit
so you are partially correct i guess .. the ones that hit u know are a few years old but only traveled 8 mins when they left
We should send 3 trillion lions to kill it
Satellites may have to adjust position to maintain proper orbit. That is all that will happen. Now if we had a massive CME in the path of earth (which is very rare), then we would have something to be concerned with.
OP is trolling or just doesn't know anything about the sun.
>burger education
Holy shit dat education
damnit, i'm finishing my degree this year :/ maybe they'll let me into a shelter...
assuming it travels at the speed of light.
Good luck I'm inside seven Faraday cages.
>i'm miserable and want to kill myself so no one on the entire planet deserves to be happy or content with their lives either
'happening' fags are probably the most degenerate scum i've ever encountered. fucking end your lives
The sun needs more diversity and enrichment of heavy elements.
There is no need to be upset.
sun's magnetic field is probably just reversing polarization. nothing to see here
Don't get my hopes up like this user
Are you telling me that remote viewing asshole was right?
Look up the Kill shot.Ed Dames
I figured we were talking about light when he said "rays".
>pic unrelated/kind of
>assuming light travels at the speed of light
Not the most radical assumption I've heard
>The ultimate flag for "jokes on them, I was only pretending to be retarded!"
It's very cloudy here so I'm safe.
ive always been wondering what these doomsday retards are doing the day after the presumed apocalypse they ramble about serveral times a month, do they just not socialize with others? because if any of my friends kept talking about how shit was habbenign constantly i would have them committed eventually just to fuck with them
No but the Jews know about it and they are keeping it a secret, so they can get all the shekels while we burn.
>do they just not socialize with others?
ding ding ding
>Coronal Mass Ejection
>speed of light
kill yourself
Iron is the niggers of the sun
because its nothing
pls be real
And? What of it? Are you neglecting the fact that this happens every ten or so years as part of the sun's normal solar cycle? Or are you just an idiot?
Exactly. I think it was cold and shitty where I live when it happened. Now it's like 30c though.
Light has mass you stupid nigger.
Praise kek that I live in the cold hemisphere. I get to watch as the Emus roast.
I bet the jews did this
I've been waiting for this!
Sun, please cleanse this degeneracy filled world
Does this mean we're going to be Book of the New Sun soon?
But is is far from it. It completely invalidates the fear mongering going on in the thread.
Nothing is going to happen. Everyone pack it up.
Relativistic mass =/= mass.
Light has energy that can be converted into mass, photons do not have mass.
it literally doesn't though
It is actually proven "instantaneous" a contradiction to (((Einstein))) speed of light. Electric universe. Stephen Crothers. ;)
>TFW actual paranoid schizophrenic and the threads give me panic attacks
"The first point to make is that while photons (little packets of light energy) do not have mass, they do have momentum, and a change in momentum yields a force, so in actual fact light is able to physically interact with matter."
you're disappointing me today Sup Forums
Some day this shit will be pointing to Earth and we are going to have some FUN.
can't wait
>muh big star will take gorillions of years to implode
>muh we're absolutely safe
>muh it's just a conspiracy theory
Fucking NASA, and fucking Americans, I hope you all die in pain and become ghouls for us to hunt.
that week is gonna be cozy af
Please, it's fun to act stupid. Especially when I work in a lab all day.
Bild yourself an em-field Generator. You can buy all you need in a Hardware store. Git gud Sup Forums. Put it in your basement and you have some extra protection.
Literally nothing. And if it was it has the wrong inclination to hit earth anyways. Also it looks like it was from one of the STEREO crafts.
pssh just use tinfoil as wallpaper
Jesus fucking Christ.
I apologize on behalf of my country. They're obviously Common Core.
>I apologize on behalf of my country
thanks obama
Fuckin common core.
Pretty much this. The more niggers, the closer to collapse and incredible violence.
Light speed mass filled photon
Does this mean light has infinitely small mass, if so, how do you even meaure it???
Every time these science kikes repeating bullshit from 8th grade government programming.
Well done
It's time to go unnaground
>dig again