Realistically what is the chance of him being competitive in November?
literally 0% but he'll get a good portion of votes
Not as high as you'd have to be to vote for him
he's a faggot and only a ceremonial libertarian
literally who
Johnson is a slave name
Honestly he's a lot more likely to split the dem ticket imo
When your the only libertarian on the board.
>Realistically what is the chance of him being competitive in November?
He's not going to get ANY votes from anti-Open Border pols like me.
Why would they vote for no welfare, social safety etc?
Any other candidate would be laughed at with his poll numbers.
Lolbertarian privilege is real.
Johnson and his brand of libertarianism has destroyed the party. His open borders nonsense is the biggest offender, but there are others.
>muh purity
or some such I imagine.
Some faggot on facebook went on a long rant against me for pointing out the similarities between Trump and Sanders on foreign policy and trade, and he replied back that he was voting Johnson if Bernie didn't get in (essentially because he thinks that's what Noam Chomsky would do). College kids are pretty impressionable.
fuck johnson
0% of him winning. His pro open borders and pro gun control stances won't win over too many Republicans that dislike Trump either.
So you're tellin' me there's a chance...
please win gary johnson.. so I can move to the USA
He can fuck over Clinton by stealing votes.
Johnson increases Trump's chances
>muh open borders and tolerance
Also Gary has a track record of working with Democrats, he'll just veto anything that doesn't pay itself back but other than that he'll just allow government to grow.
Gary fucked his chances.
Going anti-gun in a party that's half-pro guns is some dumb shit
The only good thing Libertardians have going for them is lax gun laws, and Johnson is even against that.
I dont know why Libertardians insist on pandering to liberals so much. This is probably the worst party in existence, I would vote for Sanders before voting for Johnson. At least with Sanders well still be able to keep workers rights. Johnson would make us slaves to corporations while flooding our country with brown hoardes.
Clinton campaign pawn
He's really gone anti-gun?
I think he's preferable over democrats but I've always been convinced that he's just a libertarian in name only.
He should have just been a democrat from the start
Because you have 2 kind of libertarians.
You have Rothbard who was actually fine with segregation to a degree and praised Duke.
And you have those who care just for WEED LMAO
That would be a big mistake because Gary likely appeals to democrats much more than Republicans.
He's going to steal votes
He only needs to get 5% for a win for the libertarian party(federal funding for the party), and 15% polling to get in the debates.
He could potentially screw over Trump though in any close races.
He cannot win but those are his goals, but screwing trump isn't his an objective, just a possible risk.
literally nobody besides teenagers and conspiratards is stupid enough to vote libertarian
christ i thought you retards all killed yourself after ron paul finally got kicked out of politics
Modern day Libertarians are such cancer. They're literally just free market leftists.
Cant Parry the Gary
Right now Gary appeals to democrats more than republicans so he likely fucks Shill over.
hillary voters (mostly women and minorities) are all about gibs though
Stats seem to indicate Johnson's voters are mainly ex-Sanders voters.
Don't worry, Gary has been spotted in a "bleeding heart libertarian" shirt.
So I doubt he'd even take that away.
At most he'll just limit the yearly spending increase.
Basically just weed lmao, and less prisons and open borders.
I'm a Bernie supporter who's switching to supporting Gari Johnson I guess my #JohnsonIsBerning
zero but the shills are allowing him on TV to screw over Trump
so obvious and pathetic
they didn't even mention him in 2012
He may cause the Republicans to lose states like Arizona where there are many libertarian leaning Republicans.