

This thread could use paws.

i want to buy new PC parts but i don't wanna buy them

fucking $230 for ram

Faggot loser kill yourself



10/10 I'd lick. :3
Thanks user.

Doesnt it hurt like a fuck load to get tattoos on your soles?

Bad idea. Healing will be awful

i think that's just paint



> Doesn't know the definition of degenerate.



winning a game of fortnite with 15 kills feels good

first win in like 4 months


> Looks up the definition of degenerate









My dildo wont suction to anything... what do? I want to play with my ass in a little bit :(

tape that shit up!
What happened though? Did you puncture the base or something?

the base got kinda bent up during a recent move. However i dont think it was very good at suction before hand. Kinda a cheap one.

What about laying down/holding it. any tips?

I wish I could help. I think your best bet is to lay down or hold it in general. You say the base got bent? Is there no way of beding it back?


Ive tried to stick it in the shower but if i tilt it at all it loses its suction. I may just have to hold it :(. Joys of cheapy toys.

Have you got pics or a online pic of the same dildo so we know what we're dealing with here?



yeah, I only have one with a suction base, which I can't really use anywhere. I live in an apartment-complex with shared showers with really thin doors out in the hallway. Anyone could hear what's going on inside. I could use it on my floor though, but I usually just use my hands



I guess you could try to heat up the suction part a little in boiling water, stick it to a surface and see if it reshapes when it cools

Depending on the material of course, silicone is very heat-safe







Ugh, I'm waiting for my latest purchase to arrive. It's dog-shaped. I won't lie, it's on the cheap side, but still, I'd be happy if it showed up soon




Where did you buy it? I've been interested in getting something similar for a while now.

Good morning and goodnight

I went with "wish", I payed the equivalence of 12$ (including shipping)

That was fast

My teddy bear needs me

Plus I feel like a dumpster fire

I wish I could help you there, but I'm not much of a bear
You sound like you need some rest though, I'm sure it's deserved


I don't deserve it but I'm taking it anyway

Also That's ok I prefer smol boi

How are y'all?




How about no.

Hot trash, you?

Then I'm saying it's time to change the teddy for something with a pulse

Hot trash huh? Strange phrase, but i feel the same

I got a cat

>tire fire
>sewage farm
>tuberculosis patient



fair enough












Yeah, I can only be bothered to post for so long


work in 25 mins woo

got paid today, 900 bucks









Oh, well, I'm off for now. Have a good one


900 for two weeks or one? what do you do?

two weeks
i work at taco bell

Eh more than I made at my first two jobs.

My last job paid weekly, it was awesome

14 bucks an hour isn't bad
i should be around 1k next pay since i havent taken a sick day

Same. Sure do miss that...