Pretty much, what now faggots?
Pretty much, what now faggots?
>Illegal immigrants
>Legal visitors
Hmm, which ones are breaking the law?
Fuck of you lazy shitposting spic turd.
Pic looks like you are defending sweatshop labor or slavery, don't free the slaves or who will pic the crops for cheap, what about muh economy. Below they are vacationing and their legally
What are you trying to slide, you shill? This is so bad, nowhere near even mediocre bait.
WTF I hate white people now.......................
Shouldn't they want the wall to keep us out?
Oh I'm so scared, lol, I could run laps around your lardass fucking fatfuck
>Americans paying their own way
>Americans legally entering Mexico
>Americans not overstaying their Mexican visas
>Americans not voting or influencing the Mexican political process
Wtf does occupy Democrats even mean? Least magical meme I've ever seen.
>I could run laps around your lardass fucking fatfuck
Splendid, when do you leave?
>what now?
Top picture is illegal immigrants stealing American jobs.
Bottom picture is legal American tourists pumping money into the Mexican economy.
Never going to happen.
>Make America Native Again
that sounds fantastic
when are you going back to Siberia?
That's why they'll pay for it.
I agree, we should give north america back to the mound people , who the modern north amerindian killed and ate.
We wuz solutreanz n sheit!!!!!
If it makes you feel any better, I plan on never stepping foot on Mexican soil specifically because I pity that shitstains that would be cleaning up after me. You know, and I hate Mexico.
Proving that there are no jobs in mexico
Remember the 10,000 BC filthy apes
>sips coffee taxed at ridiculous rate to fund Juan y Juanita's keeds
I do the same in usa but they dont have a single good beach so i just go take pictures of stuff
Can we ban anyone who posts occupy democrats?