^ nigger that lost weight in europe got a white gf. chick is pretty cute too. dude is dyel as fuck too, not even a jamal/tyrone type
why do girls go for guys like this? i fucking wish the girls ive been with looked like this...
^ nigger that lost weight in europe got a white gf. chick is pretty cute too. dude is dyel as fuck too, not even a jamal/tyrone type
why do girls go for guys like this? i fucking wish the girls ive been with looked like this...
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>why do girls go for guys like this?
No father growing up.
You faggots do know that female mitochondrial dna is more potent that male's mitochondria?
She will produce white skinned babies, especially with a brown skinned arab.
Is that Gaybama?
because he probably doesnt act like a nigger
Wanna bet?
>You faggots do know that female mitochondrial dna is more potent that male's mitochondria?
We're talking about children, not the Force.
If he is American that would also benefit him a lot.
Girl looks like a slag.
Also, you're a massive faggot.
Most Sup Forums anons don't act like niggers and they have never touched a girl...
You know how Jamal gets girls like that? He actually talks to them
fucking retard
i know a race mixed couple and the men is white and their child is ultra white and the mother is pretty brown
Daddy issues = Degeneracy
Looks pretty faggy to me. DYEL with tight t-shirt... with a collar? Wtf
Fuck off leaf. This is our turf.
I bet
>implying that skin color is only controlled by one gene
>implying that the X gene carries genes for skin color
>yfw Sup Forums exists because white betafags are butthurt about some non white kid getting white girls
>yfw Sup Forumstards go through great lengths to rationalize their own shortcomings, like blaming their virginity on feminism, broken homes, Jews, cultural Marxism, or any combination thereof
What a pathetic echo chamber full of loser pieces of shit
12th post best post
>why do girls go for guys like this?
Because you fucking idiot he is 10 x more manly than you are. He obviously talks to women, fuck women, pick up women, hangs with them, works, have friends, hobbies and do something with his life.
Average Sup Forumsack got nothing on your average nigger, stop whining about your virginity and why women don't come to your house suck your dick while masturbating to Poklonskaya pictures at night.
This board is /r9k/ tier.
euro girls see dating non-whites as a status symbol
>nice, smart kid who also happens to be black
>chav degenerate stacey who also happens to be white
That poor soul is going to get cucked
Daddy issues.
How many family members are coming home when the wall goes up? Have you planned for the Western Union transfers being cut off?
>calls somebody else a retard
>derps out an anecdote
a lot of these faggots think they're entitled to women just because they're white. It's crazy.
That's why they get so butthurt when they see a minority with a white woman, they see minorities as being inferior so when the stormtard sees him with a white woman he has a mental meltdown.
thighs and cameltoe yes!
so maybe lifting really isn't all that important
good facial genetics t b h
>because you fucking idiot he is 10 x more manly than you are
So manly he had to brag on /fit/ about it, wew. I'm certain we will hear about our friend very soon if he is lucky.
Or he might join the JUST league in a not so distant future when he will know the true blessing of alimonies
Look at how she's dressed, total slut. She'd fuck anything that isn't white
Hip hop culture contributes to it a lot.
Being part of a group that worships diversity (women NEED to fit in)
Also mistaking the protruding mandible for a strong jaw probably has something to do with it as well
That's not even a "nigger" that's a respectable black man, not a ghetto dindu
Kill yourself kike.
Fucking hell, why does the girl have to be gorgeous.
its just cuck posting by redditors lgbt
you're retarded for not seeing it dumb beaner
For fucks sake how cucked can you fucking be.
>this ape taking our white women is really good guys trust me
Sage & report