Friendly reminder that the """""neutral""""" American accent is the only true English accent in the world. Isn't it a coincidence that Brits and Aussies can emulate it so well? It's because their accents are put-ons, superfluous. Look, you already copy our culture and social trends. Why not copy our accent, too?
Friendly reminder that the """""neutral""""" American accent is the only true English accent in the world...
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I can sound just like Australians and British if I want you dumb nigger.
You're probably right, as middle English sounded much closer to American, unlike the media portrays
Actually its most likely Northern English, we drop H's, still use thou, tha, yonder etc
Actually the general Canadian accent is the best accent in the world. It's so plain and boring American news readers imitate it to sound as neutral as possible
No, not really. You guys come pretty close, but sooner or later it's out with the inner hoser accent. That's like saying our "neutral" sounds like midwest. It doesn't.
>that Brits and Aussies can emulate it so well
I have literally never seen either one do a good job with it.
Even actors who have been doing Hollywood movies for decades still have tells.
There really is no general American accent, it's all Hollywood smoke and mirrors. No one speaks like that and if you think you do it's a confirmation bias. Everywhere has regional twinges and are easily noticeable once you take the time to listen
I prefer listening to British accents. It just sounds better to the ears and is more refined.
>read op's pic as "ACCIDENT"
Really makes you think
It's true, America really is the best at everything.
>It just sounds better to the ears and is more refined
True for any upper class variant of any accent, which is what you hear. Visit any working class English neighborhood and tell me they sound refined.
England has accents more rhotic and less rhotic than any US variation
So whatever the "true" accent is, it can be found in England
i need to try really fucking hard to imitate british accent, it's pretty bad
i only have a vague idea of what aussies sound like lol
Let's hear it, lad.
That's quite a politically incorrect opinion you've got going on there lad
working class best class
It's one of the finer points of independent talk radio. It's like listening to sex, except not silly and revolting.
i dont have a mic
Your Midwest sounds pretty distinct to me desu, but yeah apparently Canadians speak with the front of their mouth more than Americans which is what gives us the distinct differences
Middle Atlantic accent master race reporting.
Friendly reminder that the """""neutral""""" Puertorican accent is the only true Spanish accent in the world. Isn't it a coincidence that beaners and argies can emulate it so well? It's because their accents are put-ons, superfluous. Look, you already copy our culture and social trends. Why not copy our accent, too?
pay denbts rico
Too general.
The brummy accent is horrible
You gotta set an example first, burger overlord
I think this is one thing that makes our accent generally more liked than the general American one, we use a lot of British pronunciations that make it sound a little more pleasing to the ears.
It sounds really bad when I hear Obama say progress like Prawgress
The best way to verify this is in music. Vocalists from all other English speaking nations sound like the neutral American English when they sing. This is because singing involves using proper diction. Accents disappear in song.
That and actually looking at phonetic pronunciations as written in the dictionaries.
If it's not received pronunciation it's not right.
tha fuck is "tha"?
southerners use "yonder" too and drop Hs a lot.
southern english master race tbqh
Nah, even that is charming. The only one I've come to hate so far is upper commie crust Australian.
Even upper commie crust Welsh has a bit of something to get to like.
>Tfw NYC accent
I used to try and hide it, but now I've embraced it
Why do you limey fucks put an "r" after words that end in "a"?
I listen to news hour on the BBC and they all say president obomber
We do that here too, couldn't tell you why though
There isn't just one NY accent by a long shot. Not everybody says "soda" like "soeder"
Ya muddus dawg sawce.
Not up North or out on the forks. Most of the youth here have light NYC accents, but it's dying quickly
Ow's aboutchyu go fuck y'self?
>not transantlantic
>tfw born and raised in Brooklyn yet people ask me if I'm from the South all the time
It's just such a relaxing way of talking desu. The words flow into one another smoothly in a drawl and you don't have to contort your mouth trying to get super crisp pronunciation. The only downside is that it lowers people's perceptions of your intelligence by like two standard deviations, but that's okay because I'm dumb anyway.
Replaced by Hispanisms and ebonics. Rip the true white man's accent
>Mid-Atlantic accent in 2016
Thats autistic user
>working class best class
you damn fucking commie scum
No, Hollywood's killing our accent. The Niggers and Hispanics have their own butchered version, but it has some NYC in it
Up north here we speak the neutral now. Since the Yonkas and Lonk island accents died out.
Also yoos awda watch ya mout. Ors I'll bust ya' up sum.
Even the forks vary, but it's kind of neat how its getting raunchier.
One of my first jobs was in Deer Park and every time the receptionist answered the phone I thought to myself, "the person on the other end of the line cannot possibly be taking her seriously after the way she just said that." But next time I ride the LIRR, I'll probably start crying when I don't wake up in alarm by somebody gargling a microphone and shouting
>Canadian accent
Name a worse sound in the world.
I can't distinguish it from American tbqh
Bostonian and northern Yankee accents UNITE
Best accents ever.
Southern cucks imitating Irish cockney speak
>Yonkas and Lonk island accents died out.
Not yet, but by the time our grandkids roll around it will be, also
>not lawnguyland
>Deer Park
Lower-middle shitholes. But I guarantee you people who speak like that are taken 100% seriously here, unless they're a whiny guinea/kike.
But those villages are literal dogshit. Go to the Stony Brook/Setauket/Port Jeff area, we're comfy New English villages on the Gold Coast
Oh, I know they're taken seriously. I just grew up in a part of the island where we talked more like the rest of the country. Not far from Port Jeff, actually.
And yeah the are shitholes, but the people and accents are funny as fuck. And even though I'm sad to hear the NYC accents leave the city, it's nice to hear more of them out east.
Say the word party
Did you par-dee?
And how many payments have we missed?
It's really hard but there's differences, I guess it's harder for a non native English speaker to notice than to distinguish between British and American.
Basically the difference is we speak with the front of the mouth more than the back which is why our about sounds different compared to Americans. Also generally it's more our pronunciations we use the British ones more often like left tenant instead of loo tenant, or progress, process instead of prawgress and prawcess, and in some cases shedule instead of Skedjule or mum vs mom. That's probably the easiest way to spot a Canadian he just sounds like an American trying to speak like a Brit I guess
I'm English . . nothing like An American.
Sounds a bit Northern to my ears as well, but then I'm sure my notion is skewed because we're bombarded with Oxford and BBC and "official" things like that.
We learn proper English with a British accent.
The American accent is degenerate as fuck.
We also play the manly sport of rugby and not your degenerate version with padding and helmets.
British English will always be the neutral English in all the countries the British settled, colonized, or immigrated to (our case).
When did I ever imply that you are?
'Proper' English is called Received Pronunciation or RP. It's spoken by well educated Brits (think the Royals or Stephen Fry)
p.s. no homo but you have a voice, tone, accent, enunciation, and microphone that is made for radio all day long. I'd take that over most of what I can think of.
Cheers, people have told me that before . . .I should read Edgar Allen Poe . . or present a late night gardening program on the Radio.
Your voice is comfy user.
Comfy as fuck desu. The kind of voice you could listen to for hours.
That's the one.
Most Argie private schools teach British English with an emphasis on the Cambridge IGCSE exam which you are expected to pass on your senior year, as well as the First Certificate and Proficiency Exams.
>USA is literally the only country that controls its own currency
>can pop inflation up to 3% for a few years and delete $20 trillion in IOUs
Anyone else know this feel?
>that controls its own currency
We literally don't. We haven't for over 100 years since the Federal Reserve Act. It's a private bank, not a national one.
>USA is literally the only country that controls its own currency
I'm a native English speaker and I can't differentiate Canadian and American accents unless they really emphasise "aboot" and words like that. I'm sure you guys have difficulty differentiating Australian and NZ accents too.
On that list, and you're about to decide whether you keep your currency in exchange for ceding literally everything else to the EU.
Nah the true American accent is when you have a burger in your mouth and you try to speak.
I'm the same with Americans and Canadians.
And you are right about Aussies and Kiwi accents, they are same to me.
Fairly neutral Canadian and fairly neutral American are pretty darn close except for those few places where Canadian start abooting and some other minor things.
NZ sounds to me something more different then that. I'm sure I'm all wrong about the specifics, but it sounds kind of Welsh, if I had to pick one word for it.
>you're about to decide whether you keep your currency in exchange for ceding literally everything else to the EU.
No . . .we rejected the Euro, we are not considering joining at all.
No, your accents are very distinct the kiwi accent for me sounds closer to the Canadian one and the Australian one sounds closer to British. Those British pronunciations seem to disappear in New Zealand for some reason. I don't know, for me it's not very hard to differentiate but I never really noticed it either honestly until I really started paying attention. I like accents a lot so I spent a lot of time listening to different English accents.
For me if I want to talk like an Aussie I just kind of talk like a drunk Brit, like EY BRUCE YEH GO' EH CIGGY OI CAN BAM OWFF YA CAWNT!?
But the kiwi accent I just change A sounds to EH sounds so like I Kent see without my glesses I don't know how accurate this is
And that's not going to matter when you have no control of your fiscal policy because the EU is making you feed and house muslims.
Damn those triple dubs. Fuck New Zealand I guess.
Go outside and stop believing everything you read on Sup Forums
I will try to listen harder mate . . .cheers.
They're about to sanction Poland and if they feel their britches are big enough they'll get around to you too.
When I go outside, I see some pretty startling demographic changes. It's the rapidity of them that I think is most alarming - that means by the time you notice there's something much larger that is already happening.
It's similar with how "harmonized" all our laws are becoming, but even that is a years-old term. It used to be "oh what a coincidence" all these states are passing similar laws. Now all these countries are passing similar laws. Now YOU BETTER EAT OUR MULTINATIONAL TREATIES AND NO YOU CANT READ THEM FUCK OFF WE'RE GOING TO GO TO OBVIOUS SECRET GLOBAL MEETINGS ALL THE TIME AND WE'LL DO IT ANYWAY.
Can you guys mock or imitate what you would call an American accent for us, I would love to hear!
Very posh, I like it
See, that's lost on those of us with halfway decent sound systems. It's going to distort anyway for the people with niggerphones and Window 95 mulitmedia certified computer speakers. If it were recorded properly then it could possibly alarm the neighbors.
You got it backwards there pal, AUSSIES are the shit posters.
That sounds really good
Kind of runs the gammut from vaguely Texan up through California and into like Montana. Not bad, but definitely something a little off about it.
Probably the main thing is say "uh" rather than "eh"
Who /BostonAccent/ here?
oops wrong click
You can hear the Australian kick in sometimes but he does the A sounds really well, like Hallywood. That's a big thing, you guys turn Oh sounds into A sounds a lot
Yeah it definitely wandered around a bit, I normally wouldn't stall and say ehh so much but I was thinking on the spot about what to say.
you post really made me think, but then I saw the flag and understood why full retard
OP you're right
what you forgot to write is that british and australian accents are simply horrendous to hear
the biggest number of English locutors live in the US, so American is the only true form of English, the rest is just dialect
Can any of you guys try and record yourself doing an Australian accent? I've yet to hear a foreigner get remotely close to it
No I tried a few times and gave up.
Everybody has his or her own version of uhhhhh and does it all the time. For instance, Donald Trump often turns it into AAAAAND! AAAAND! while growling his voice away.
But the key is to do it as the natives do. And eeeeeeh without how relaxed and sloppy Americans typically are with their vocal equipment is a dead giveaway for a foreign accent. Plenty of people go eh, or aah, or ah, but if it's not in character for a particular accent then go for uuuuuuuh.