>20% of the people own 80% of the wealth
>Sup Forums says this is a good thing
>20% of the men get 80% of the women
>Sup Forums says this is a bad thing
How is this?
>20% of the people own 80% of the wealth
>Sup Forums says this is a good thing
>20% of the men get 80% of the women
>Sup Forums says this is a bad thing
How is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>20% of the men get 80% of the women
how is this a bad thing?, most of us are part of that 20%.
Its not. We just need to make polygamy a thing again so our society better reflects this.
he would say it's not for you to judge right and wrong
Speak for yourself.
yes jose it feels good to be apart of 20%
When did I say that it was bad?
Ask me anything I should be here for 10 minutes
Because they go after dumb bruting chads. The only way one of us can reach such a status is by becoming a billionaire playboy
What's the threshold for top 20%?
I wouldn't care if the government wasn't forcing me to pay for the the bastard children of the 20%
>Sup Forums is Canadian
That explains so much. Especially why you have so many different flags on one board.
being part of the 80% in terms of wealth still allows you to enjoy life because of the depth of variation of wealth (and income btw)
being part of the 80% for women means the probability of having noone is high. This fucks up a society for sure, as you have a lower caste of bitter, aggressive and frustrated men.
If middle class men don't get women they don't buy into aociety and don't keep it from collapsing instead they may even destory it
>20% of the people own 80% of the wealth
What are the central banks? More like 0.0000001% of the people own 99.999% of the wealth.
At least until we lynch them in the streets.
% of the men get 80% of the women
This is not true.
>1% own 99% of the wealth
I just had a dream I fucked Natalie Portman last night.
Above six feet tall, good hair, good physique, overall good facial aesthetics, confidence in social interactions.
The rich few are so from intergenerational wealth and thus monogamous family units which originate high investment activity. Get rid of monogamy and the disaffected males will uprise.
5 9, balding, skinny fat, chubby cheeks, dislike crowds
Oh, and 7+ inch dick with good girth.
Central banks control all currency, and therefor, anything bought with all currency. Not to mention that theres 2.5 times as much debt in the world as there is total currency.
>20% of the men get 80% of women
wew lad, Sup Forums is being swarmed with autists
Hey, I didn't say it was necessarily true, just that it's a common internet platitude, and pointing out the hypocrisy of certain Sup Forumsacks.
>20% of the people own 80% of the wealth
>Sup Forums says this is a good thing
No one says it is a good thing they just correctly say it does not matter.
That last bit is the only accurate part
>20% of men get 80% of women
If you actually believe this you're retarded. I have lots of friends and only one of them has managed to stay a virgin past the age of 25 and that's because he's a jobless, obese, poor hygiene beta that never leaves his house. And guess what? I bet if he REALLY wanted to, he could still get laid
% of the men get 80% of the women
That means 80% of men are beta faggots. What the fuck is wrong with this world?
When you're not bending tacos or cooking meth you're raping. Rapist!
I've accepted that I will die a virgin. 22 and never even kissed. I'm trying to get more hobbies so that I won't think about it very often.
>virgin detected
Rape = get laid
You are the true Mexican intellectual.
Woah detective what gave it away? The part where he said he was a virgin?
Yes yes were all aware of mexicant rape paradigm.
>junior detective detected.
Don't you horn in on my business, faggot. There's only room for one detective itt.
Wealth isn't finite and it doesn't chose who earns it. Nice try trying to equivocate them. This is coming from a 25 year old virgin NEET. I don't deserve to be wealthy nor have a woman because I don't work to earn them.
I love how this implies that men spend the 80% all on themselves. My experience is that in most families at the end of the day the wife is the treasurer.
You're correct but (literally) owning the money isn't the same as owning wealth. If fiat currency collapses tomorrow nobody is handing over their land to the Rothschilds to repay this debt.
You can kill me now
h-hey, yeah...
If you can't judge, you wouldn't be able to tell right from wrong. You don't know shit about the Bible m8
I saw your faggot thread earlier, faggot
pic related, it's you
People are not money.
The creation of life is not a market and shouldn't be treated as such.
Your equivalence shows how nothing is sacred to you, it's Jewish thinking.
The two aren't even close to being similar fro many reasons. But even focusing on the 20/80% numbers, you have to realize that we are counting in integers with women and not in real numbers.
Someone from the bottom 80% of earners will have many resources. They could have 1/10th of the average wealth and be decently loaded.
You don't get 1/10th of a woman though. So the majority of men would not be simply "below average womanizer" but completely womanless.
So basically what you said is that Woman are cheep ass ?! they never get more then 20% ..
80% of the people don't even deserve to be alive.
Worldwide maybe... But not inside our own countries. Not everyone is shameless enough to get 3rd world pussy.
Sound Like cheap crack whore to me ..
You go first
good point
pol is full of teenagers and adults with teenagers mind
uhhh... yeaaaa rr-ight guys ha..ha.......hah
f-f-f-f-eels goood
How do 20% of men get 80% of women unless they're polygamists or the women and men are have relations out of wedlock? Either way these aren't people that we should concern ourselves with
Nope. Just confidence. The rest is only required for gay people.
20% get to fuck 80% women not to live in some harem shit union
Everyone you've gone on a date with has already been on 4 dates with different chads. They're settling for you since they got married to prettier girls.
she's already had sex with 4 chads, so she's not going to want have sex with you in marriage because you're not nearly as stimulating.
It used to be different and that's why we were different than animals
Sexual revolution pushed us away from that like other animals, but feminism literally made us more like animals
That's what I said, having relations out of wedlock. Why should we be concerned with these people?
We can try and help them get to the right path but most of them don't care and just continue to embrace Satan
I wouldn't be friends with someone like that and I don't date because it's degenerate.
>>Sup Forums says this is a good thing
pol doesnt say this
pol has no 'official' or 'consensus' opinion on class and wealth
at most it is accepting of class distinctions or at least more accepting than the modern left
hahahaha hahahahaa do you actually believe this
when was the last time you really liked an ugly woman because she handled herself well in social interactions???
a look into the beaver brain
What's wrong with anything I said?
What about if you chad and dont take anything from 80%? Just living good life with no female bs.
There's nothing wrong with celibacy
Standards are different for women.
It's not about marriage anymore, it's men wanting offsprings and women giving it to the most viable (healthy/attractive) men.
Men are programmed to make as many kids as possible spreading their genes
no, woman just need to be pretty
>It's not about marriage anymore
>it's men wanting offsprings
it's not about actual offspring either, just hedonism
It doesn't matter what is popular or accepted in society, what matters is the bible. Men may be programmed a certain way but we can't have sex outside marriage.
>the bible
Not an argument
You're a fucking moron
whatever you say, chad
Now that's a false equivalency if I've ever seen one. It doesn't matter who gets the women, what matters is families. And the best way to create stable families is by encouraging the evil patriarchal system of the nuclear family(or extended family, grandparents and other close relatives can be a real a boon especially to parents who are inexperienced in child-rearing). Bottom line is, most everyone can be a good parent as it is an ingrained instinct to look after your children, but single parents often create all kinds of problems for their kids and tend to be dependent on state support.
As for ownership of wealth, why would you assume capital would be best in the hands of the many? The kind of capital commies bitch about isn't cash or goods, it's factories and shit like that, the "means of production" if you will. Of course that should stay in the hands of the capable, those who are savvy enough to either amass enough capital to build or buy such facilities in the first place, or to be appointed an executive by a board of directors. Why would you think a machinist should have any say in how a factory is run? He doesn't know shit about business, he mainly cares about increasing his pay.
And even if you divide all shares of a company among employees, the same problem remains. The employees will just vote for gibsmedats and replace any executive standing in it's way. This is a large problem inherent in democracy as well, and the reason why public funds are often misappropriated for worthless causes.
the 80-20 rule unavoidable with anything in the universe really
>tfw 24
>have slept with 24 women
I feel like it's not enough and I'm underperforming, I'm not doing bad but I feel like I'm still below Chad
and you would prefer %100 of the people live in poverty so long as they're "equal"?
A true chad would recognise the importance of the teachings in the bible and have one wife for life
>tfw bottom 10%
Modern women have made this impossible were all cucks now
So ignore those women, I don't associate with them. They try hard to justify why you reject them by calling you a fag or something but you know deep down inside they know that their lifestyle is wrong.
Not entirely true. Rich people tend to be cheap bastards, women want men who rack up debt for them and then move on to their next victims.
Neither is good.
Equal redistribution of wealth and pussy when?
pick this girl
Or you can sleep with them and not develop romantic feelings and wait out for someone decent.
I haven't found a decent person in 3-4 years of keeping an eye out, and I'm not going to go that long or possibly longer without sex.
if you want a qt you need to be above average at least
Sex outside marriage is a sin, I don't want to go to hell. If this means I'm single for 20 years then I'm single for 20 years. It's important not to abandon your faith
Because my enlightened state of mind.
The problem isn't that 20% of men get 80% of the women, it's that 80% of the women want to be with 20% of the men, but the men aren't allowed to keep the women as wives, so instead you get the cock carousel.
A better comparison would be a state with extremely high IQ inequality and a 90% income tax. It would be fine to prefer a homogenous state with no income inequality; it would be fine to prefer a state with lots of inequality but 0% taxation; but a state where a minority of the population has all of the talents that produce wealth, but they aren't allowed to keep what their talents bring them, creates a maximum of misery for everyone.
The solution is either polygyny, or removing all of the social and legal rules that make chasing guys with the best genes so attractive.
Latino Lover here, can confirm
>t.gay French man