When will conservatives learn? It's 2016, baby.
When will conservatives learn? It's 2016, baby.
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Can he sue over this? Not only using his image but his IPs as well.
It's over I'm #HillaryArtillery
It's parody you tiny, pathetic shitlord. You'll be dragged into the future kicking and screaming.
Get used to it.
Right, but parody doesn't protect you from selling a product using somebody else's established intellectual properties (Trump Vodka).
I can't just make a Mario game and throw it up on Steam and claim it's all a parody.
Actually alone, they can get in trouble for copyright infringement since there is money being exchanged.
Just like how if you make a game using a gun that looks similar to a Beretta gun that Beretta can now sue you.
What's so bad about that?
there's nothing wrong with this update.
Sure he could but why would he give a shit?
really hope they get sued into oblivion
its a shit meme game anyway, must of been trying to make it relevant again
I thin ksomebody with some tech savy skills make a Donald Trump game called "Wall Simulator" where you have to build the greatest and best walls around the boarder to keep out the evil taco pushers.
>Oh no, I need a special thing on my wall to stop that Mexican from salsasing across the border.
>Oh god Johnson why are you not building fast enough here somes pregnant mothers.
>Jesus Christ its horde time, here comes the cartel.
>Hillary Clinton with a Barack Obama flying behind her wicked witch style drops in from time to time to fuck up your building. Barack always smiling.
>You gotta worry about Crazy Bernie and his loons coming in and either destroying your work with violence, protests blocking construction, or luring your builders with love and honey.
>You have failed to make America great again if you lose.
>from 2014
jew detected (((trump))) BTFO
another jew
(((trump))) BTFO
>why shouldnt someone like Donald Trump be president
>current year, DUH retard
I'm not a big fan of Trump and I don't mind people hating on him at all.
HOWEVER they decided to throw in a voting system IN THE GAME where you can give Trump a transplant golden heart or a stone heart showing whether or not you like him. This game gets Pewdiepie levels of attention all the time with people like Markiplier and Jacksepticeye shilling it into oblivion, and I don't see this going well at all.
What voting example did they put on their steam page? 50% and 50%?
I like this game, it's fun, but this is Correct The Record levels of shady.
>Known for starting shit, getting hit, and crying for help.
>Praises people for murdering them.
>Invented degenerate culture in the first world nations.
>Blaming jews.
You are the bane of the white man.
Report it.
Denounce the shit out of it for being offensive
and twit it to God Emperor Trump.
>Implying game designers know shit about politics.
I'm fairly certain they don't have a political agenda.
Sup Forums would love it if everyone was out to get Trump because of butthurt. But honestly this seems like a desperate play to make a failing game relevant.
The game is horrible as is and good for some youtubers maybe. But put a hated political figure like Trump in and boom, instant sales exploiting liberal college kids because "Huehue look at me killing trump"
Smart business move really.
>Huge Twitter outrage due to a game where you beat the shit out of Anita Sarksomething
>Nothing now
Ultra right wing is pic related fyi
>This is offensive to Trump! Sue, Sue Sue!
>Scroll down to reviews
>Click on Recent
>Click pic related as "HELPFUL"
Inevitably hundreds of Youtube videos with millions of views. More free press. Oh no, how will Trump recover from this?
How exactly is this disrespectful to trump?
The object of this game is to save Trump's life and is free publicity for Trump. It also includes monuments to the things Trump has accomplished like the little model trump tower.
If anything i would assume the gamemaker is pro-trump.
>wanting to protect your brand is wrong.
Given how Trump can't storm the Devs studios and make them remove it by gunpoint, there is nothing wrong with a potential lawsuit to stop some dumbass liberals from using his image
I actually think it's hilarious and awesome. This isn't an attack on Trump, they're just smartly trying to take advantage of the current political climate.
Would love to save Trump's life on the operating table.
Wanting to protect your brand isn't wrong, but now is not the most opportune time to be concerned about these small potatoes.
Besides, any publicity this gets will actually be good for Trump, in my opinion.
until your sued
This ""game""" is irrelevant and even acknowledging it would make him look like a thin skinned baby.
How not so? it demonstrates power and pride m8 the same headlines will now simply read what ever spin the liberals want to so the narrative in the end the people will read is trump wins again.
you think this is a issue for him?
or he could sue the developer and it be so insignificant it will be another of the hundreds of lawsuit he is currently in you know nothing about you little cuck lol