Who's more at fault here? The guy who smokes pot or the law system that prosecutes him for it?

Who's more at fault here? The guy who smokes pot or the law system that prosecutes him for it?

The man, instead of petitioning or fighting for legislation that would have legalized the drug, instead broke the law, fully aware that what he was doing had legal implications.

He's more at at fault with the system not following too far behind.

The Jews


Both. Smoking weed is a victimless and should not be punished. But having such a "crime" wont be reason not to get a job.

>The guy who smokes pot or the law system that prosecutes him for it?
Seeing as how the system didnt force him to break the laws he was well aware of, the guy is at fault.

If a misdemeanor ruins your life, you didnt have much going for you anyway.

Also, that scenario is a bunch of BS. You'd be hard-pressed to find a hobo who got where he is because of pot and not alcohol or crack/coke/meth/heroin.

weird.. this photo was taken in my city.

we have an aggressive homeless population when it deals with people asking for change.

that homeless man though is one of the only good ones, and also plays violin for money.

He got there though not from a criminal record, but because he received extreme brain damage from a car accident in the 90s and had no one to care for him after.

As a felon in a result of a plea deal. I just beat the system and found a girl to support me while I claim benefits for the rest of my life.

You can smoke weed easier in Israel than you can in most states.

>knows the law
>breaks the law
>dindu nuthin

>What are the Rockefeller laws
Don't know about other states, but in the 70's, a joint could very well have ruined someone's life


If that's your idea of beating the system, I feel sorry for you.

isn't it crime to follow a corrupt law? This is just a fucking racket. This was just to go after people that were opposed to a criminal politician.

>I broke the law even though I knew it was a law and the law is at fault not me

What's corrupt about it?

The law system that persecutes him for smoking weed is functioning as it should whether or not the law is agreeable. the police are just doing their job. The homeless man should also take into consideration the potential consequences for his drug use.
tl;dr it's the homeless man's fault
However I personally believe that marijuana should be legal #Trump2016


It's a silly law but still, the law is the law.

there are people who dont have a record and still cant afford that either. why am i even replying to this bait this is probly the same autist who takes images from occupydemocrats facebook page and adds "hmm really makes you think"

he himself since he started it

Free medical, food, housing and food. I then make money under the table like a real live Mexican.

did I mention free food?

Not disagreeing with you, but are there no bad or corrupt laws?

Is the law infallible?

Probably the fact that is somewhat hypocritical to allow drugs like alcohol to be legal, but not pot.

Don't get me wrong, it's not hard to follow laws like not smoking pot, but it's still a stupid law. Prohibition doesn't work. Pot isn't illegal for our safety, it's illegal for far darker reasons.

The law is fucking retarded but until it is made legal you have to be fucking retarded to take that risk just to get high.
Make it legal THEN get high.

That looks like a shabby homeless man. How the fuck is he supposed to get any job looking like that?

sup Halibro

Showers and razors exist.

>Probably the fact that is somewhat hypocritical to allow drugs like alcohol to be legal, but not pot.
Not particularly hypocritical. Alcohol is easily regulated.

Also, those laws typically get passed by direct referendum, or by elected representatives. If the people desire it, so shall it be.

And int this thread we can see the nu-Sup Forums authoritarians gather to pat themselves on the back.

The pot smoker.

You can't influence politics.
You can influence your own life.


Cant afford to shower and shave when all your spare cash goes to drugs.

The homeless in downtown locations make incredible sums of money panhandling, usually more than your average non-homeless fuck. It all goes in their liver, their lungs, their veins or up their noses.

>law punishes degenerates to use drugs/smoke weed
>hurrr durrr le evil government! Corruption!

Yeah, they do.
Which is what you get if you want a fucking job.

You don't devolve into looking like a meth head.

It's possible to smoke a joint privately in a residence with clean-shaven face and a freshly ironed button-up shirt on.

Is marijuana negatively affecting your life? Consider the following indicia:

Are you having trouble in relationships with your family members?
i) Are you having trouble in your own marriage or relationship?
i) Do you tend to get drawn into controversies at work or in your neighborhood?
i) Are you always "starting something" with a co-worker or neighbor?
i) Do you have trouble holding a job?
i) Is your boss always an "asshole"?
i) Are you chronically late for work?
i) Are you always out of money and/or have no real money management program?
i) Are you always looking for more pot?
i) Are you hanging out with people far below your social status and intellectual level, because they smoke pot?
i) Do you spend huge somes of money on tatoos, piercings, drugs, and pharaphenalia, but can't pay the rent this month?
i) Have you dropped out of, or been thrown out of school? More than once?
i) Have you had one or more problems with Police and/or legal issues?

If you are a pothead, chances are, you can answer "YES" to several of these questions. The question you have to ask yourself is, do you really want to live this way for the rest of your life? Does the mild relaxation of marijuana outweigh the negative effects it has on your life?
You have to find the answer yourself. No one can "convince" a pothead to give it up. And sadly, unless you have a strong personality, like mine, chances are, once you start on pot, you'll stay on it a good long time - perhaps for life.
Party on, dude!

The pot smoker is. The collected groups of people and government agreed to outlaw a certain item, it maybe a broken law or an outdated one but it is still the law. He should have worked to fix the law and get repealed instead of ignoring and breaking the law. It is the job of the police to enforce the law set by the people and government of the nation. He played a stupid game and won a stupid prize.

(((trump))) BTFO

> knowingly breaks a law
> bitches about getting caught
Gee I wonder who done fucked up?

The guy who smokes pot should have already had a bullet to the brain.
We're far too lenient on criminals.

>And int this thread we can see the nu-Sup Forums authoritarians gather to pat themselves on the back.

If you don't think we should use the government to regulate toxic substances, you're a total fool.

Why do homeless people choose to live in urban areas where the cost of living is high and the job market is very competitive?

The regulation part I can see, to an extent.

It's harder, but not impossible, to make your own alcohol. However, growing pot is fairly easy if you know what you're doing. They can regulate what the businesses and manufacturers do, but not the home grower.

Would there be enough of a home grower market to even worry about? Or, would people just say fuck it, because it';s easier to just go down to the 7/11 and get a pack of pot?

>Ibn4 dude wtf there's nothing dangerous about weed xD it's perfectly safe and even has health benefits!!! XD

More people = more likely to get handouts

Because they have no intention of actually buying housing or getting a job. They can make hundreds of dollars a night begging off of the downtown crowds, and there's always a mission or shelter willing to give the rats a place to hide from the cold.

>Who's more at fault here?

The person that knowingly breaks the law and expects nothing to happen.


I honestly would hope that no one think pot is 100% safe, but it's at least safer than most other drugs.

It's always busier, people and cops in cities have better things to do.

If a homeless shitter walked through a suburban area they'd have a dozen concerned citizens calling the police about "vagrancy" or whatever.

I think they should go to the countryside, and try to live like frontiersmen, migrating away from the cold weather, then away from the warm. Hunting shit with self-made weapons and learning what plants are safe to eat.

That's what I'd do, if I were homeless.

It is stupid that cannabis is illegal, since it is victimless. However, the man smoked while he knew it was illegal. Obviously his fault.

I don't know what public opinion on drugs is in Germany, but you certainly won't get a job in Canada or the US with a drug conviction, unless you are family with the business owner, or something similar.

Liberals are seriously delusional.

>Would there be enough of a home grower market to even worry about?
Yes. It's already extremely popular in areas that have decriminalized it. And they dont just produce pot, they also crank out edibles, hash, hash oil and "dabs" with which you can easily smoke yourself retarded.

>don't break the law because it's the law
That's bootlicker mentality, although I would say that while nobody really NEEDS to smoke pot and it can cripple your ability to be productive, it shouldn't be treated any differently than alcohol, i.e. as long as you finish up work sober and provide for your dependents, you shouls be able to smoke all the weed in the world. Not doing something simply because it is illegal for no good reason is exactly what the kikes want, not that smoking in a public place is ever a good idea.

Idiot. Good men are SUPPOSED TO break unjust laws.

>I honestly would hope that no one think pot is 100% safe
a large portion of potheads literally believe it cures cancer

please kys

And that's why I think the government is so against legalizing it, or at least was.

They can't regulate and tax what you do with pot in your home.... yet.

Jesus Christ you are a faggot.

Even if it did, you're still inhaling fucking smoke, you know, a thing that have been proven to kill you?

>But vaporizing it, maaan!

The evidence isn't out on that yet.

I have three kids and girlfriend is pregnant again. So more benefits and food.

Already get nearly a thousand a month in free food. Steak every night, new car every tax return. (only buy used sport toys then resell)

We are both white and over 6ft, so figure it as a racial favor for you goyim.

Oh shit, thats right, we also just bought our SECOND house D: Oh man, rental income gonna mess up my shit, oh wait, its all in her name!

Move to commiefornia if smoking pot is a priority for you.

They're lazy, often crazy, drug addicts. That's why they're homeless. They live in cities because cities are liberal, full of drugs and shelters, and they get more gibs.

It's too bad the government cant provide you with the respect you dont get from your fellow citizens.

>Using nigger drugs (marijuana)

Do people really get arrested for a joint?

At least the Western states don't arrest or fine you for small amounts of weed. It's the retarded South that will take you in for a joint.

Niggers do everything. Hell, I'd say crack is the default nigger drug now and pot is mainly for white suburban kids and beaners.

That's not true at all. You may have a difficult time finding a job, but anything short of trafficking won't keep you from finding employment.

And even with something a little more major, it's not impossible (some companies simply are shit at doing background checks).

actually I argue that it should be treated more favorably than alcohol given the stigma behind drunk driving, domestic abuse(80% of DV is alcohol related), liver damage, addiction, etc.
Given that its also because we have more science on alcohol. Once we get more studies on weed likely they will find out the bad shit that no one knew about and then that will get demonized until the next wonder drug like shrooms that doesn't have enough research to hate yet becomes the new underdog.

I was almost killed by prescription drugs, the complications were a .01 to .05 chance. Drugs are dangerous and should be used moderatedly, no shit.
We should be stigmatizing drug abuse, not drug use.
That dr. heart guy is doing a good job promoting this message across the world and I agree.

>it should be treated more favorably than alcohol given the stigma behind drunk driving

Yeah but being impaired by pot is a thing. I've seen stoned people leave and turn around because they were too high to drive. There's also no reasonable way to determine if a driver is stoned.

people are homeless because they are cunty, lying, thieving bastards.

too drunk to check into a shelter
too strung out to hold onto ebt
too violent to enter businesses
too proud to go to rehab

ask them their story. Its always someone elses fault they got caught stealing and thrown out, or they trashed the place and never paid rent and got thrown out. They say shit like
>theres nothing wront with partying man

and all of this starts because their parents dont want them smoking cigarettes.

every homeless person is a little bitch

>but are there no bad or corrupt laws
The law might be one you personally disagree with, but that doesn't mean you ought to break it. A law's a law and as a citizen of a country you have an obligation to follow those laws. Want those laws overturned? That's what politics is for.
I'm personally staunchly anti-marijuana, but I couldn't care any less about the fact that it's decriminalised here, nor will I complain about others smoking it, as the law gives them that opportunity. I just won't smoke it myself, as a matter of principle.

this x1000

I have a hard time having sympathy for the homeless, especially with all them programs out here in commiefornia.

There is literally no excuse for them...

I know felons that have made themselves millionares through leading a straight life and working their ass off. You tho, you're going back to jail. with that attitude, outlook on life...

Have fun on the yard

I'm a convicted felon, assault on a leo, did 2 months in county, and now have a great job making 1500 a week driving a truck. Im sure without the conviction I'd have a nice office job and put my cs degree to use.

>There's also no reasonable way to determine if a driver is stoned.
I see you haven't read about how they are going to be arresting people for driving while high now. There aren't things like breathalyzers for weed as far as I know, but I'm sure they will make them once it get more popular.
I'm sure that assembly programmer who used meth to get his project done and became homeless because he was using fucking meth fits into that shit.
You're obviously correct about some people, but I've been to centers that deal with homeless people all the time and I've known plenty. They are not exactly sane most of the time. They have huge emotional issues. They have physical impairments, the list goes on. There are so many different types and reasons why they are homeless and I've met people who don't even look homeless and are homeless.
Its kind of creepy looking in their eyes in my experience though, its like they permanently lost something precious about themselves. A few people I knew had the same look before I even knew they used to be homeless, its pretty horrible.
There's also people who get abandoned by their families/spouses. Its not as simple as 'they are cunts'
And shelters and rehab aren't exactly a solution either. Addiction as we treat it now is basically asking for relaspe and the people treating it are aware of that. They literally say that they are there to just keep the people trying to quit keep trying to quit. Its an average for smoking that you try to quit at least five times before you actually quit, and thats not meth where you have a five year life expectancy and are probably commiting crimes meanwhile.
Me? I'd ship these people into the labyrinth sewers and have them build their own city down there. They already do shit like that anyways. There's space down there, its protected from the environment, and people don't have to look at them. Imagine all the homeless of newyork living in the undercity. It'd be glorious.

When will retards realise that the punishment is not for the weed smoking, but it is because they broke the law

>drive truck
well you just made a good responsible choice there. Even with automation the law is going to want people behind the wheel because insurance sake.
How does it feel you will never get to vote?
Do you ever feel like less of a person for being a felon?

the homeless guy in that picture has a brain disorder and he sits on the street all day playing the violin

t. actually live in Halifax

Honestly he can still get a job. Places like Uber and Ihop will hire ex felons as long as the crime happen 7 years ago.

>Criminal Researcher

The law. The amount of people who think "hurr well just don't break the law" just don't get it. Those very same people have likely broken the law many times already over their lives.

My civil rights have already been restored and ill be retired before automation replaces truck drivers. Do I feel less of a person? No

Many of them like the lifestyle too.

Remember that story about the bum in NYC that the cop bought shoes for? He sold the shoes for money. His family said he's welcome to stay with them, but he likes living on the street.

Panhandling gets them lots of money too.

Pot smokers should be gassed.

>Addiction as we treat it now is basically asking for relaspe and the people treating it are aware of that. They literally say that they are there to just keep the people trying to quit keep trying to quit.

I think what is never brought up, they keep the same lifestyle and friends once they do kick their addiction.

Send them to another town that they know nothing about. Then again, if they're with other people, they'll probably meet up with other addicts.

kill yourself

In most cases, actually breaking the law is not what's going to get the law changed.

Him smoking weed and getting arrested for it didn't bring weed any closer to legalization.

There are legal ways to attempt to protest and change the law.

gassed in pure thc smoke. love ya pal

>can't get a job because of a drug conviction
It may also have something to do with a complete lack of skills or motivation to learn. How many applications has he filled out this week? How many managers has he spoken to? Has he looked into the assistance that is available to him from organizations like the Salvation Army, where he could get food, shelter, medical care, vocational training, therapy, and general life/career coaching?

I know people with records for bad shit like burglary that have jobs. I used to work for a guy who murdered his neighbor with a crowbar for fucking with his dog. He started the company after doing something like 10 years in prison.

they should be stoned to deth

Let me guess, you drink a 6-pack every Friday

Ay lmao

The pot smoker, he knows the law. he knows its illegal to smoke weed. Don't hate the player hate the game.

Found the pot smoker

I'll make pudding illegal you autistic meeky twats.

Look at this good goy. He still thinks the war on drugs is a good thing.

noone gets a criminal rocket from smoking dope

you forgot the part where modern society created a moral and spiritual vacuum in his soul, leading him to use drugs in the first place.

You're good people.

>do something illegal just to feel good for a few hours

the smoker, objectively, is. he knew it was illegal, regardless of whether he thinks the law is fair or not. there is no such thing as ''i dont like this law, therefore its alright to break it.''

he knew the risks and rewards, and took the gamble. the rewards were utter shit anyways, and the risks were huge. nothing but an idiot.

Smoking it can cause problems, but you haven't done any research if you are denying that cannabis extracts and oils and such can be used as treatment for a plethora of illnesses and conditions.