First Time Visiting Sup Forums tell me everything i should know while here
Other urls found in this thread:
Hitler did nothing wrong
The Jews did it.
Eternal Anglos did it.
Earth is hollow, flat-earth is false flag
Hmmmm......really makes you think.......
Sup Forums is satire and if you take any of the post serious you are truly lost
9/11 was an inside job. Trust me.
making notes of these
It's basically a bunch of edgy 13-year olds coming and roleplaying racists.
A while ago it used to be a place where meaningful dialoge took place, now it is a rare occurrence.
You will often hear buzzwords such as "cuck" and "shitskin, sandnigger" this is because retards have no other arguments to fall back on other than things that have been said a thousand times.
If you ever come with a meaningful argument, expect to be judged on what country you're from example "hurr durr England more like Londonistan"
Shit-tier board, should only be used to laugh at try-hard neonazies and maybe news.
What board did you come from?
Putin is the God-Emperor and Slavs are only people worthy of carrying the mantle of white people.
Pol is satire is satire
So which news source are you from?
Remember, Sup Forums IS A BOARD OF PEACE!
Seek out your own truths. Although we will try to give you the best answer we can, we are not infallible.
You may not be ready for all these red pills. Hope you've got a big glass of non-fluorinated water to wash them all down.
I think xe already left
Sup Forums is always right.
And you're here forever.
yeah i have seen a lot of those buzzwords in only a few mins of looking at other threads
Sup Forums
your country is absolute shit
Pol is satire is satire is satire.
>Everything is a conspiracy.
>The Jews cause most things.
>Refugees are bad
>Feminist are wretched lesbians monsters
>guns are good
>trump is good
>race war is coming
>merkel should be shot
>Sandy hook shooting was staged and fake
>Michelle Obama is really Michael LaVaughn Robinson
>people worship milo
>SJWs have a special place in gas chambers
Here's all you need to know, ham
Pretty much says it all
Well for one Sup Forums is basically old Sup Forums with a plotline and more shitposting.
We worship lord kek and we channel meme magic too.
Most of the shit you find here will be non serious discussion although sometimes people start talking serious.
It's pretty fun.
>Pol is satire is satire is satire.
but the Jews still did it.
Man I feel bad for this guy.
>Can't even get shitskin girls
>merkel should be shot
>race war is coming
>Sandy hook shooting was staged and fake
context on these?
We love cuck porn. If you don't have at least 5 gigs of cuck porn saved on your hard drive, you aren't a true Sup Forumsack unfortunately.
>traps are better than women
>we hate blacks stealing our white women but we don't see a problem with whites enjoying asians
Enjoy your stay.
I'm also new here so I gotta ask
What do you guys think about modern Duce-cosplayers like Assad?
that's just what (((they))) want you to believe
This is a bernie sandals board
only this. welcome to the actual Sup Forums. learn fact from fiction.
delete this, maddox
sounds like a fun place
Damn. Guess I should shut it down now.
Fascism works. Libertarianism is a scam. So is individualism, parliamenrarism, democratism, liberalism and anarchism.
>卐Germania卐 !RgxdR35Ado
context behind your name?
I thought you couldn't say these things under the new EU speech laws. Afraid I'm going to have to report you, friend.
He's a German nationalist
Swatiska is a hindu religious symbol which shows I'm a hindu and symbolizes my Indian ancestry
Germania is the ancient name of the country I live given by Romans.
Around blacks, never relax.
>Implying Sup Forums wouldn't be in a corner explaining the history of the Jewish people in politics.
Gas the kikes!
Race War now!!!
Rule #only. Never tell everyone that you're new. Just show up and start shit posting. That's what I did.
Pro Tip: Too much racism will get your posts ignored or even deleted. But if you're niggardly about it you won't make enough of an impact.
>if you take any of the post serious you are truly lost
Don't get caught up in a bourgeois capitalist money-making scam.
Racial differences exist and are important.
Hitler made mistakes but is not the boogeyman everyone sees him as.
White nations are essential for white survival.
I don't know if anyone has said it yet, but milo is a faggot. Don't bother with him.
Cuck detected.
what is the general ideas on all ethnic groups?
Socialism is the worse thing that can happen to a country. Any country that accepts rapefugees is cucked. Sweden is a hell hole because of leftists. Germanys PM hates her own people. Indians do not have toilets and shit openly in the streets.
Sure gas your bike on a kike, i don't care.
>wearing your secret terror organization logo to a covert op
There are no cuckservatives on Sup Forums.
>merkel should be shot
She destroyed Germany
>race war is coming
What else is to be explained
>Sandy hook shooting was staged and fake
Pretty well accepted around here. They were all paid actors. Obama was trying to gun grab.
I'll shag yer nan m8
with a rusty fork
ya fukin cunt
cuckservatives/reactionary trumplets--we're splitting hairs little buddy
thoughts on race war?
The Moonman!!!
>Trump is god*
>not playing the game and biding your time
>Top secret false flag operation
>"Let's all wear our branded clothing guys!"
>"Dammit! We'd have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for our dank ass threads!"
Basically if you're European you're good. Blacks and jews are pretty much shunned here. A good amount of Sup Forums thinks that all blacks are niggers, as well. I don't exactly believe that, but most blacks I've met were niggers.
People will sometimes say slavs aren't white, but this is more a meme than anything.
It doesn't really matter to them. They got away with it, didn't they?
That's more a joke than anything. Sup Forums wants a race war but it's unlikely to happen again for a while.
I know some of these aren't ethnicities:
Blacks commit a lot of crime, while fervently deny it, women complain about imagined inequality while pushing for special treatment, Mexicans need to either go back to Mexico, or if they are already there, they need to stop beheading people, refugees are scum regardless of country of origin, Jews run the media and have more influence on our thoughts and actions than any other race.
tfw I literally did that at a party
>refugee crisis comes on topic
>everyone really redpilled talking how rapefugees should be gassed
>five minutes later I'm discussing 1918 revolution with people
>casually mention all leaders were kikes
>everyone nods
>mfw this plays in the background
Now, please?
Germans and Scandinavians=cucked
French=surrendered to cucks
Indians=poo in loo
Blacks= they steal our women
Slavs=Saviors of white race(not Ukraine though)
Turkey=must be removed
Arabs=rapefugees invading Europe
Abos= wildlife
Mexicans=beheaders and wetbacks
Chileans=based Pinochet
rest of the world=not worth mentioning
Fuck you you fucking nigger commie shitbag
this is bait
>rest of the world=not worth mentioning
You forgot
>Argies = not white
Argentina= white alicorn
>That's more a joke than anything. Sup Forums wants a race war but it's unlikely to happen again for a while.
Due to all the black lives matter shit i see happening over in the states i think it's coming soon than you think.
>Basically if you're European you're good. Blacks and jews are pretty much shunned here. A good amount of Sup Forums thinks that all blacks are niggers, as well. I don't exactly believe that, but most blacks I've met were niggers.
similar experiences here can genuinely say 7/10 black person i have met is a nigger the other 3 are regular humans. what about asians though?
I can't find my pictures on white genocide, this is all I got.