A question to you femanons

A question to you femanons.
You are here like everyone else because you are autistc but al memes aside do you view yourselves as damaged goods? Also do you think you should be with a "chad" or will you settle for a fellow Sup Forumsro?

>inb4 there are no women here

>I am female

>do you view yourselves as damaged goods?
I'm mentally ill and was raped as a child so yeah

How would you pick a mate then. Op here by the way. I'm asking because I met a Sup Forumsra and I'm crushing fucking hard. I'm not a neet but I'm not your clean cut perfect member if society either

Be you and see what happens. We talking one night stand or relationship?

We hung out a few times she blew me we didn't fuck because that time of the month. And actual relationship. She has had the biggest impact on me out of everyone

>damaged goods
I think you meant damaged gods

Sounds good mate

Thinking there is no "chad" Sup Forumsro.

You're doing fine relax hun

Cock thread?

Op here. No she is distancing herself. Ive never had these emotions and like I gag I told her the power she has over me

>I told her the power she has over me
>I told her the power she has over me
>I told her the power she has over me
>I told her the power she has over me
>I told her the power she has over me

You fucked yourself user. You had your chance and you fucking blew it right at that moment. Fucking lap dog, that's what you are to her now, a fucking beta male faggot with no self worth, unable to care and protect her.

u don goofed m8

Like a said not a neet, I box, own guns, hunt, have a good job. I'm far from beta. And apparently no lap dog status for me cause she's not interested I guess


You mean girls() op :^)

Alexis here. Try and be more confident.

I'm naturally confident/cocky. I don't think that's the issue. I think me falling apart in front of her is fucking this up

I'm here for the stupidity... and to see how unsure of themselves guys are. Not damaged... at least I think so.

Depends how beta he is. I do expect him to man up... otherwise I should just date a girl so we can share stuff.

>I told her the power she has over me

Anons hate this trick!
Find out how this man ruined his chances with one simple phrase!

Yeah, obviously I meant confident in front of her


pretty damaged, life is shit

would definitely prefer a Sup Forums kind of guy over any normal guy tho

normal guys suck and are usually too vanilla

Is there actually a line between "wanting what you want" and "being too offensive"? I'm kinda exploring that stuff since I started nofap and I still don't really understand it...

But how. I can't handle these emotions. I never felt these before and its overwhelming me. Show me the way the way to love Sup Forums

And by telling her your stupid words you made yourself an omega. A loser can box and collect guns all he wants, but that won't change his status. You sound like an incel.

Same for the women. I am way to kinky for a normal gal

Good thing my whatever-the-fuck-i'm-missing
protects me from feeling love. I guess...

Awww, you're all fucked up like me and it's adorable


>would definitely prefer a Sup Forums kind of guy over any normal guy tho

This is why I settled with my girl who shares and accepts, sometimes even loves, my depravities and awkwardness. Vanilla people bore the fuck out of me

Vanilla people are the worst i want a fucked up girlfriend

How much of a cuck soyboy some of you are?

Everyone, men or women, will go for the chad and stacey. The only difference is that men have to directly compete for females, so the chads get a way bigger advantage over the beta shits like you.

But both men and women will never settle for the bottom feeders, it's only that you beta cucks don't have any chance getting a stacey, while an ugly girl can perfectly get a chad as long as they show themselves available for sex.


How can I change then

Death is one option, kys is the other

Femanon here
I'd rather have a guy that's average/above average at everything
>dick size
Than someone who has like a bazillion dollars but bad social skills. The trick is to not have any glaring weaknesses.

Are you average/above average though?

Yes I'm not ugly but I'm not like a 10/10, average c cups that don't say but a rent great, not in top tier shape but I'm not a fat ass and I have a full time job

Alright, average as fuck..

>c cups that don't sag but aren't great**

If everything still works down there you're not damaged

Oh look, another boring, average woman that wants an 'average guy'. This chart should explain why you'll die alone.

You'll need to describe what you want.

I know you want to stick it in every hole... I know you want it every minute. Any girl on here can figure that out.

Do not act like you are the MC of the theater play. Act normal, like a human.

Nothing specific, I guess it's a pretty stupid question since it really depends on the circumstances. But making clear what I'm up to is never a bad thing, right?

Ive been on b since the glory days. I'm not normal and barely human. When this thread dies is anyone going to want updates to what happens with her?

can you post your vids?


Shows what you know neckbeard. I already have an average Joe bf. I'm just trying to help you losers

what even is this website is this Sup Forums?

>being this naive

Above average Joe here. Why complicate shit? Kiss (keep it stupid simple)

Don't think just do, unless she legit stops you

It works

What vids? Lol I'm a mess but I'm not an attention whore


haha get trolled

Of course I am naive, I have no fucking clue how to deal with women, yet I want to. Great answer, 10/10!

Pretty simple, when the conversation comes up... ask her what turns her on. You can be playful and ask about things she hasn't discussed... but you'll come out with some boundaries. Trust opens doors.

Most importantly. Be yourself unless you want a short relationship.

you deal with them like anybody else man,
you recognize your inferiority and dont ever fucking get near me

spotted the street shitter

I steal memes from Sup Forums and put them on my edgy meme Instagram, also I just love the vibe here a lot more than fb or Twitter because it's more real and uncensored imo. Dating a chad.

your life sounds pretty meaningless

You can't, with her. You fucked up.

Move on and learn from your mistakes, that's how you change.

I would say don't get clingy but you're here. If you do, DO NOT FUCKING TELL HER, and don't act like it.

Best you can do is ignore her and see if she contacts you, wait at least a week and if she didn't contact you, start a conversation naturally and see where it goes from there. If she blew you means she was interested. But I don't know if you have a chance now after those big

It's like saying "I love you" on the first date, she got freaked out dude. It has nothing to do with her wanting a chad or a Sup Forumstard.

I am distanced, not inferior...

weve got a real ladies man over here.
he reminds me of the guy from hitched.


keep it distanced

I prefer Sup Forumsros (unless they're obese, stink lords… no offense). You guys have similar interests and are just as anxious or socially awkward as me, if not more so which helps me feel comfortable.
Don't think I'm damaged goods anymore, used to believe I was but I've grown past that and started dealing with my shit and can act normally in social situations (a bit shy and awkwardly but not so much anymore).
Overall, I love Sup Forumsros, for most the fetishes match mine, video games match mine, crude/racist jokes are ok, not easily offended, and all in all just understand me.
This might be cringe to some… or a lot, but hey it's my true feeling.

>You are here like everyone else because you are autistc
Speak for yourself
>do you view yourselves as damaged goods?
Nope, I'm happy about myself - don't have problems with self esteem
>Also do you think you should be with a "chad"
Never liked the idea of a 'chad' I hate obnoxious personalities
>or will you settle for a fellow Sup Forumsro?
Yes and currently with one for over 2 years, he was my best friend at first before I realised I have feelings for him

Dealing with women is complicated. Everything depends on context. The struggle is that if you want to succeed you to get stuff wrong. You have to own it, and you have to move past it. How far you have to go depends on the woman.

>saying logical things

suuure, a real alpha

Okay :)

>wanna fuck?

>not recognizing sarcasm

That's actually sound advice thank you. I think I'm going to tell her I figured my shit out and go offshore for a week or so and see what happens

>not recognizing sarcasm

i mean from the girls.
youll probably end up resorting to rape someday so please do yourself a favor and stay away from society

I said I was taken, you already know the answer

no do not tell her that

don't tell her anything

just go offshore for a week.

again, NO CONTACT.

so? dont you wanna get fucked by a real man?

Why would you assume I'd ever rape anyone? That's really the last thing I'd ever do. I may be a bit awkward but I'm not fucked in the head.

give it time


is cringe code for my pussys wet

Why can't I tell her

spoken like a true broken goods

not every girl has been raped as a child, not every man

unless you're part of the new wave "feminists" that scream "raaaaape" for whatever shit they think they deserve.

i was sexually abused growing up and avoid men in real life, so this is the only place i talk to them. it's good to get used to them in small steps like talking online.

Not the one who gave advice but it's obvious… right? Why the FUCK would you tell her? You're just proving to her you're trying to get it and get it deep, just fuck off for a bit and let her do what she's going to do with that. It'll most likely spur her to contact you or confront her feelings. I get this from personal experience with guys, if they do what you did and I back off then distance is nice, if they disappear I wonder what?why? and I think more about them and my feelings

the form youll be using is probably groping while asleep

I've always been like this, never better or worse. I would never hurt another human being. Why am I even discussing this?

the amount of neckbeards LARPing as females in this thread is intense

because for some reason you feel compelled to explain yourself to some anonymous person online? maybe you ought to take a second to think about why you are even replying to an obvious troll for so long?

because the ball will be on her court, yet again

right now it's on her court, if you keep pushing she will distance herself more off you.

if she decides to contact you, she will. if you contact her after those words you said, she will be thinking "why doesn't this guy leave me alone", no matter what you say. even if it's to "figure things out" which actually would make you look weaker in my opinion.

just trying to help dude, listen to my advice or don't. but it has been known for ever that keeping pursuing a girl after you made a mistake, is a greater mistake


What are you, the biggest neckbeard virgin to grace the internet? Females exist on here, and they say shit just like any guy would. Stfu and grow up you little cuck.

please dont screenshot my original content without my express permission


But I'm a fisherman, there's a chance I won't come back. I alwaysy tell everyone when I'm going and when ill ne back.

guys on Sup Forums treat girls like unicorns, i s2g

what? just stop

keep your rape fantasies away from this thread, some of us actually want to help OP

I'm bored and I can't sleep, pretty simple.
