How does this make you feel germanbros?
How does this make you feel germanbros?
How can they go to a German school in Germany, speak German, and have not a single German friend?
I know Sup Forums likes to say all non-white immigrants never integrate, but I've never seen or heard of something like this before here.
This is an isolated incident, right?
you'd like to believe its isolated, wouldnt you
just like how is purely a coincidence that all the degenerate and anti trump news articles are written by jews
>How can they go to a German school in Germany, speak German, and have not a single German friend?
Foreigner here.
It's hard to become friends with a German. There are basically two kinds of Germans:
-the left-wing retards who see you as a trophy friend because you're a dark-skinned foreigner who speaks their language and is educated
-the right-wing retards who walk around with a shaved head, lots of tattoos, earrings and NPD tanktops and who'd never want you as a friend.
The only friends I've made here are other foreigners, and I've been here for six years now.
well pork is pretty disgusting and clearly the inferior meat compared to beef and chicken
it was useful in the middle ages but eating pork in 2016 is like making the ultimate blue pilled statement about yourself
smdh tbqh familia i'd never eat that shit
Chickens are pretty nasty too.
Stop beheading people and you'll find you have an easier time of making friends, Akhmed.
>you'd like to believe its isolated, wouldnt you
Considering I've never seen it happen here, and I was literally in one of the few urban areas in the country with less than 50% white people, yes, I'd like to believe it's isolated.
The only non-whites I've actually seen avoiding others are recent immigrants who barely speak English.
Well, fuck. Where are you from?
All of your immigrants are east Asian, who are probably wealthy or at least intelligent and seeking a better life through work.
Germany and the US get a lot of immigrants who want to get on government programs and otherwise live their life exactly as it was in the hellhole country they came from. I'm honestly surprised the kids in that video even speak German.
I hope you die violently and your last thought is to wonder what you were ever doing where you are.
If I presumed to live in Mexico, and then whined about how all those Mexicans live there, absolutely no one would feel the least bit sorry for me, nor should they.
Goat fuckers leave
No. Mexicans are the exact same. They live with one foot in mexico. Its always been this way. Certain tribes dont intermix very well.
Like muslims and Christians
Or muslims and Buddhists
you get the idea.
>pork is pretty disgusting
I remember when I was frying bacon next to a muslim, and he asked me if I enjoyed the taste of pork. I answered "not really" (which was a lie)
the look on his face was full of confusion and hidden anger. why in the world would I eat pork he said. it was so funny. I loved every second of it
'German-turks' are a sight to behold. Exactly what one expects to be created when mixing two cultures together which are 100% incompatible with each other. It's quite frankly said awful. Simply god fucking awful.
tbhfam bacon is probably the most overrated food on the entire planet. It's good and all but people lose their shit over it.
>well pork is pretty disgusting and clearly the inferior meat compared to beef and chicken
That's only because Germans eat it raw.
You akbars need to try some bacon or other smoked/cured pork. Or pork belly with crispy skin.
Get out turkroach.
Don't tell me that this doesn't look delicious as fug.
If you don't eat your pork raw in germany, i kindly have to ask you to get the fuck out of my country.
>a german poster badmouthing pork
for shame
pls go
it kinda makes me furious this ungrateful bastards talk shit about the same people that are giving them refuge from their god forsaken countries. Its something i can't understand. Keep your distance if you dont feel like socializing with them but do not speak of them like these cunt does.
fuck them. they're full of shit. future ranstad employees.
Go back to your own country, shitskin.
>"Nobody eats pork3
Yeah right. Pork has one of the best flavor/price ratios of all meats.
Maybe if you would look outside the box you would actually find friends who aren't left or right wing and people who share your hobbies that aren't even into politics
post more pork
jesus the irony in this post is palpable
>Mexican living in Mexico is disgusted by the idea of foreigners being ungrateful
I see no irony here.
Porks a pretty shitty meat desu.
The only thing that gives it flavor is the copious amount of fat pigs have
You realize that there are Mexicans that live outside of the United States, right?
That's not true, man, they're all leftists. At least, if you live in the city. I'm a right wing retard and have more kanack friends than the average middle class Sönke.