Bundestag on Armenian Genocide

U mad Turks?

Be an hero if you don't have the balls to admit what your ancestors have done, and get the fuck out of my country.

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The butthurt is real cant wait for the first terrorist attacks in german citys

:/ I'm not mad at you Germany, I actually feel sad for you. You had such potential and now you succumb to the will of the Jews at every step. I think you need to stop blaming others for your problems and start working them out yourself.

Turks ain't got balls for that either. They will threaten to get their brothers.

I'm confused. An american posting off-topic about Jews, of all things.
The US have succumbed long ago, germany is just following this example.

You germancucks are ashamed of your history.


what happens to you if you wave 1930s german flag on streets lol what happens you if you say good things about your 1930s leaders publicly?

I can do all these things anytime I want for 1915 turkey.

I can say fuck armenians, yes we genocided them and I am proud of that, long live enver pasha and young turks.

german parliament on armenian problem means nothing beyond international politics. third party on problem of another third party.

The difference is that Germans are cucked to the bone, Turks are not. Everyone wants us to be ashamed of ourselves but we won't.

You can blame Turkey for failing, not for trying.


*undeniable proof of genocide emerges*



>G...guys we didnt do anything

Turks sound like niggers, cant even accapt their bast

I'm also looking forward to see that. I hope multiple thousand Germans are killed in Turkish retributio for this unfair decision

if you are proud of it, whats the problem with stating it by german gouvernment?:^)

Turkroaches not sheriff they should be proud of committing genocide against civilized people or should be denying it

Honestly surprised that every now and then germany manages to make a good decision while going deeper and deeper into the cuck hole

I predict germany's next turkish leader will revert this decision and make the germans apologize

fuck off kike
get gassed till you revert to the form of your ancestors

>gypsy talking shit
Fuck off india of europe

Wanna play with sticks like we used to ? :^)

Don't you have goyim to fuck over shlomo?
fuck off

Roaches didn't just massacre Armenians:



Fucking savages, they are not Europeans and will never be.

inb4 some Sup Forums contrarian suggests that the Armenian genocide didn't actually happen

BTFO by :^)

Go shave your mother's back you disgusting human trash and absolute failure of a nation. There are literally sub saharan african tribes with more accomplishments than romania. Neck yourself my man

Ohhhh Shlomo on the offensive!

what happened the vlad dracul after main ottoman army arrived? english wikipedia says he was beheaded by ottomans lol and his head displayed on the walls of istanbul.

little vassal state

Idk why you think attacking my country verbally touches me one tiny bit.

Go back to shilling for shekels you worthless piece of circumcised jewish shit.
>Failure of a nation
kek...blue palestine is talking

Did that Turk guy really brag about how Turkey has more freedom of speech? With Erdogan?

Write something bad about Erdogan while in Turkey, dare you

Yeah, Yeah - remember when your sultan fled back because of turk kebab on a stick?
what are you gloating about? that one of the biggest empires in the area never managed to conquer smelly mountain peasants from wallachia?

oh the trukroaches are mad

are you mad shlomo

>Turkey is one of the """moderate""" Muslim nations

Do you admit the German participation in the Armenian Genocide?


"group of cockroaches is called an 'intrusion'"
google.ro/search?q=group of cockroaches is called&gws_rd=cr,ssl&ei=Q3FQV7LFD8KAUdzGt5gF


I fucking hope so too. We need muslim terrorist attacks here in germany so that the people will finally wake up.

Do you really? After the ignoring of the Cologne attacks I don't think there's much hope within the confines of Germany's own media and social narrative, is there?

and just as a side note, his head was put on the walls because he terrorized kebab so much, they wanted to prove he was finally dead.

Clearly you btfo'd us with our current glorious 0.3% muslim population that wants nothing to do with turkey. but it's okay roach, keep dreaming...
>We need muslim terrorist attacks here in germany
Hello Ahmed

>armenian shoah

>armenians starving because they rebels and cutt off their own food supply
>didn't plan their rebellion well
>muh shoah

Only the media ignores the Cologne attacks. This is why they're crying about an "epidemic" of "right wing violence" now. This is what happens when the police do nothing and the media pretends like nothing happened.

I dont understand. Is this fucking gypsy asking for a dime or something?

Will he shut his stinking mouth if I let his sister suck my dick for 5 bucks?

I lived in Cologne for 1,5 years, not too bad of a city but with a ridiculous amount of harassing shitskin immigrants. I would bet next happening will be in Cologne


idgaf to be honest with you OP

>not having any argument

Why do all cockroaches wear a disgusting mustache? are you all indian fanboys?

Every extra thing that happens, every attack against Germans or indignation or 1 billion Euros given to foreign scum who will never contribute... every arrest against someone speaking their opinion or saying "the wronmg thing"... every German who loses their job or their wife and children or their house or their lives because of this crime that Merkel and her gang did... it only raises the AfD in the polls and pushes the day of Berlin's doom even closer.

TURKS BTFO'D now let's split that shitty nation up by Greek and Kurdistan + some Russian colony so they can have Turkish slaves

Holy shit Turks invented Dracula :^)

Wow they were so scared of the turks they litterally invented a ghost story to try and scare them away.

Hahaha so pathetic but thanks for the scary movies faggots!

You don't get it that it's way too little way too late, don't you?

Real armenian genocide has never been tried.

the only problem here is that nobody gives a fuck about your country

like what did you guys do? like ever? nothing noteable comes from your land other than döner kebab

To a slightly less kukd Germany.

I hope you get shot.

Sorry nigger but when will you admit that you committed genocide by getting millions of rapefugiees to fuck up your country. If they admit the genocide prob they will have to pay billions of $ to armenians like you pay to jews
That is not something to be pride of.
They killed them they git over it. Armenians will play the jew card and if turkey gets in eu they will have to pay or face sanctions.

Then why hide the fact that you killed a lot of members of a group of lighter skinned christians than you coal-like mudslimes.

>turkish minister of justice
>the butthurt is real

really? they reverted to that?

dont ruin the end of the movie... mufukas just talking about shit nonstop through the whole fucking thing and maybe some of us didnt read the damn book but you need to shut your damn mouth


Why do we always hear of the Armenian genocide but no one speaks of this?

Roaches are a psychopathic, genocidal nation. The sooner we get rid of them, the better!

kek why would anyone leave when you cucks keep feeding millions of people and serving your daughters as deserts

also those armenian backstabbers get what they deserved. they tried to follow the same thing other balkan countries did but this time england was too busy to stop ottomans and they BTFO

they waited until ottomans entry to the ww1..i mean how pathetic you need to be,like you can't face your enemy, and can't even take a lose and cry for over 100 years afterwards


"what!?!?!/ what genocide!?!?! we deny that!"

I dont see how this is contradictory.

Go get sucked off by a rabbi, again.

well we are experts on genocide. Just makes our observation more reliable.

If you are expert on genocide then tell me.
Did the Mongolians commit genocide against Iran?


>The total population of Persia may have dropped from 2,500,000 to 250,000 as a result of mass extermination and famine.