I am an atheist Prove to me that god exists

I am an atheist Prove to me that god exists

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>I am an atheist Prove to me that gods exist
FTFY. Never miss an opportunity to remind godtards that their favourite god is just one of the thousands which have been fabricated.

Energy can be neither created nor destroyed, yet it exists. That implies a transcendent origin.

Also, Aquinas put forth proofs of god nearly a millennium ago. Go disprove them and become famous, or fuck off.

read the bible retard

Have you read how moral your god is

You miss the point of Athiesm.
Athiesm is peace of mind
The struggle to believe is over
You no longer give a fuck about the beliefs of others
You stop demanding proof that doesn't exist
You acknowledge belief in a God is about faith

Basically stop being a dick and start acting like a real Athiest

>I am an atheist Prove to me that god exists
This kind of boring shit does not get you laid.

how is god not real if he wrote a book


How did you conclude that God doesnt exist?

The things outside the observable universe dont exist too i guess

there is no way to prove either.

tell me why should I bother thinking about the existence or nonexistence of a superior entity

Oh fuck

Bullshit.. Atheism is a religion and a pretentious one at that.

Man wrote it checkmate

Wrong look up the definition of atheism

>proofs of god
Which god?
Also, if that were true, the word "faith" would not be necessary. Physicists do have have faith in the theory of gravitation. They have evidence.

God is homophobic sexist racist and promotes genocide

>stupid godtards

a : the state of a religious a nun in her 20th year of religion
b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance

Prove to me he doesn't. Check m8


There is more proof that god doesn’t exist then does

Prove to me that God doesn't exist.
Protip: you can't.
Because he does.

Naw he's right fag

He isn't real

The definition is irrelevant. 99.999% of atheists treat it as a religion and constantly seek to lord it over everyone they come into contact with. They're like the vegans of theology.

atheism is lack of belief in gods but I just don't believe in religion, there might be superior beings given the fact the the universe is so big and there might also be multiple universes and extra dimensions but I don't think if there are so called gods they would give a fuck about our existence and those 'gods' probably got there because of an evolutionary advantage

>Also, Aquinas put forth proofs of god nearly a millennium ago. Go disprove them and become famous, or fuck off.
How come not all people are Christians then?

Yeah all those "proofs" are just the god of the gaps fallacy. All it's fucking saying, in a nutshell, is that because the universe can't create itself, therefore God must have created it.

This begs the question: If something can't come from nothing, then there must have been a god who created the universe, but what created god?

Your argument is bullshit because you don't explain why god is the thing that either always existed or created himself. Your only explanation would probably be "god is all powerful with all the cheat codes on, so therefore he can do anything." which is not proof, only a statement.

Look up all the proof that god doesn’t exist

Lives in a world where everithing is very ocasional, still doesnt believe god is alive

"as fuck"
war-cry of the retard

The definition is relevant because it is the explanation of atheism

I'm an atheist and I can confidently say that humanity has not discovered proof that god doesn't exist, only an extraordinary lack of evidence for the claim that god exists. We do, however have proof that the great flood didn't happen as well as adam and eve being the first humans, and the list goes on.

He flooded you lost caused fucks, once. then sent you his son, there's a fucken story behind those extreme actions you know.

True. Please stop making atheism retarded OP.

And yet the greatest minds ever to walk the earth haven't been able to explain the creation of the universe. They only have theories and every one of their theories could be examples of a deity's creative design. Neither atheist nor theologian can prove their theories conclusively.

no, that's muslims and christians

Weak retort sir. No one agrees with you.

>the bible retard
Yes, we all know someone like this...

prove to me that the burden of proof is on me to prove to you that God exists


Because god gave them free will.


And Odin doesn't give a fuck.

Atheism is a religion in the same way that abstinence is a sexual position.

>Atheism is a religion
I guess the worst possible smear you can ever possibly say about something is that it's a nigger? A Jew? A whore? No, you call it a religion. Because religions are the worst possible thing ever!
>P1 Atheism is a religion
>P2 Religion is shit
>C1 Therefore atheism is shit!

>and a pretentious one at that.
Daily reminder that one of these groups pretends it has a {{{ personal relationship }}} with the CREATOR OF THE ENTIRE FUCKING UNIVERSE and the other group is the atheists.

Douglas Adams proved that god doesn't exist. get rekt, faggit

Proof? Check these digits.

look another attention whore

b8 but the fish in a puddle argument only explains it from a psychological perspective, which you can do many ways. the real question is the breaking of the law of conservation of matter that is implied by our existence

Because you created yourself right

more like a bunch of salty Jews started following this high af weirdo around and created a religion that doesnt place importance on wealth or status as a way of getting back at the Romans

>breaking of the law of conservation of matter that is implied by our existence
Why are theists always so laughably ignorant when it comes to even the simplest science?

Asimovs the gods themselves has a nice hypothesis on this one

> and yet the greatest minds can't explain the creation of the universe
So this means that everyone should admit they don't know, if no one has yet to prove how the universe came into being. Which means we settle with the default answer: "I don't know, so i'm going to neither claim to know whether or not if god created the universe."

> creation of the universe
You're implying there is a creator at all, which means you're just starting with the conclusion that there is a god, instead of using a proper premise.

> Neither atheists or theologians can prove their theories conclusively
So you're basically admitting to not knowing if god exists or not.

>They only have theories
You say that as if you dont know what the word "theory" actually means.
a Theory is basically a collection of evidence that can be brought together to create an explanation for something. Scientists have theories in every field of science. Just because some theories contradict your bible, you disagree with them?

In the developed world atheists are rapidly outnumbering theists. You just don't realize it because most of us DO NOT talk about it. We just go with the flow. You just see the lonely neck-bearded assholes that want attention.

I'ma tell you the same thing I told the prosecutor..
Burden of proof falls on you, dick.

explain this to me as if I were a 4 year old. the current understanding is that matter cannot be created or destroyed. yet, matter currently exists. how is this the case?

no it doesn't lol

No the burden of proof is on the believers

I think our perception of what it actually means to be a god is wrong.

>Powerful being with advanced tech creates a universe and sets some scientific boundaries.
>He spends a week making some edits and occasionally intervenes to keep our world from destroying itself.
>Makes 2 other universes, "Heaven" and "Hell."
>When you die, he glances over the data to see if you were good or evil and transfers you to one of them.
>He doesn't want to intervene in a big way anymore in case he ruins his advanced scientific theory.
>Lucifer was probably his little brother messing with his shit, but now the simulation has absorbed some of his evil qualities and applied them to the whole simulation.

There's a nice theory for ya.

Examine the nature of free will for a moment. In order to exert free will one must live in a reality that relies on causality. If reality wasn't causal we wouldn't be certain of the consequences of our actions and would be unable to exert our will. One must also be ignorant in order to have free will. If all things were known then there would be no choosing, only weighing the options and following logic.

How incredibly lucky we are to live in a reality that gives us free will - a reality where the existence of God us unknowable and our actions have meaning.

Gonna need a source on that - because of the 42 or so developed countries, like 90+% of them are considered Abrahamic religion nations. The few outliers are South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Bye the bye, these are some good-looking digits, but I'm not the kind retard who falls for numerology and other pseudosciences.

>the current understanding is that matter cannot be created or destroyed. yet, matter currently exists. how is this the case?
The real question that you must answer is why you believe, among so many other ludicrous and ridiculous things, that atheism, the non-belief in gods, has to answer for some other unrelated science?

Someone seeking enlightenment would ask a physicist this question. Someone begging for an ass-beating would ask a random poster on 4chins.

Why u so dam dum? Did the theology rot your brain?

My theory is that you being off by 1 is scientific proof that you dont know what a theory is and you're a faggot.

All actions we take are based off of our flawed data collection from the world around us. There is no original thought, only various subjective interpretations of objective outside stimuli. We excercise no more free will than an extremely complex computer program. Soon we will be able to completely replicate the human consciousness in digital format and be surprised when the so-called AI behaves exactly as we do.



>My theory is that you being off by 1
Yes, but your order of magnitude is a "universe" which makes it a ridiculous margin of error.

I've been thinking about this my whole life. I see no evidence of a god.

How to start a war in b talk about religion

Can't prove he doesnt, check m8. ^_^

>You just don't realize it because most of us DO NOT talk about it. We just go with the flow.
I'm a Republican, conservative, a slightly social liberal (not bothered by gay marriage or smoking weed). I take my family to church every Sunday, we throw a few bucks in the collection plate, but seriously, it's just for show. And there are millions more like me. I bow to no gods. And until you prove otherwise, there are no gods to bow down to.

nice ad hominem but i'm an agnostic fagbot, my point is that our current understanding of the universe is incomplete and believing in a God is equally as valid as believing any other sort of creation myth. it's obvious that the bible, qur'an, book of Mormon, etc was written by people, not Bog or God, but the basic sense of morality and ethics they impart are a large part of what helped humanity to grow into the modern age. the increasing lack of these values has resulted in an increased sense of pointlessness and despondence in the population (particularly youth) because "be good or you'll go to hell" is easier to understand than "all reality as you percieve it is subjective and as such you need to apply your own morality to your actions in order to prosper in society." militant athiests don't understand what they're advocating for.

You are missing the point. Do you realize how many people go to church and continue to claim their religion religion that are atheists or agnostics? It is rote habit, tradition, social intercourse.

We are just not going to speak out. What is the point to speaking out ? As we evolve we outgrow the superstitious parts of the brain that look for magic to explain things we don't understand.

This process will only continue into the future as we continue to evolve.


φ ess x⟺φ(x)∧∀ψ{ψ(x)→◻∀y[φ(y)→ψ(y)]}
G(x)→G ess x
E(x)⟺∀φ[φ ess x→◻∃yφ(y)]

I believe so too, just not "soon". We have a long way to go before we can match the complexity of organic life's intelligence.

Of course humanity has been giving birth to new life for as long as it has existed, this is ultimately nothing new. We're just writing the code ourselves this time around.

What's more, we still won't know if they have consciousness (as it's another one of those fundamentally unknowable things in our reality).


Uh... No. With the exception of South Korea and maybe a couple of other random Asian countries, religious people greatly outnumber atheists by a 4.282-to-1 margin. That's only counting the most popular religions in the world.

>like 90+% of them are considered Abrahamic religion nations.
China is atheistic. I've been there twice trying to get a job as an English teacher. There is a tiny muslim population that get beaten regularly by the authorities. And there is another tiny minority of Christians that gets ignored. The US Christians lie like a bad rug when they claim Christianity is growing in China, is isn't. It's only lip service to be part of something American. They have all kinds of pagan spirits they pray to, and they mix it all up with whatever the evangelical outreach ministers tell them. It's a total fubar.

How about you prove that he doesn't, hmm?
I've never recieved an answer from an athiest.

>Militant atheists
As if you can begin to pretend atheism proposes any positions other than not believing in a God or gods.

Evolution, Darwin’s theory, dinosaurs. the fact that one religion doesn’t believe in other gods but can’t disprove them any more than they can prove theirs exists

Dinosaurs believed in God, dumbass.

It's not a matter of belief with most athiests that i've communicated with. They're always douchebag normies that think they know the secrets of the universe. I can't remember a time when I had an argument with an athiest and they didn't throw insults or say that he simply doesn't exist. The people like that don't believe there isn't a god, they think they know there isn't one. Ignorance at it's finest. Agnostics make the most sense to me, personally. If you don't see something for yourself, then how would you know it exists?

Hey atheist, who the fuck cares. You sound like christian letting everyone know they are proud to part of something. Just be who you want to be and shut the fuck up!! No one cares!!

I have no animosity towards atheist because I used to be one. Christians are in no way superior to non-believers because God is no respecter of a person’s ability, social standing, or wealth (Acts 10:34; Rom 2:11). God doesn’t look at the outside as we do, rather He looks at the heart (1 Sam 16:7). We too must look, not at the outside, but at the soul of that person as someone that needs saving. They may have very good reason not to believe in God, but we all know that belief doesn’t alter what is true so ask them sincerely why they became an atheist? Show them respect but ask them what their reasons for not believing in God since they lack all knowledge of all places in the universe? Why can they not deal with a God and that exists?

If you’re happy, why bother?

>believing in a God is equally as valid as believing any other sort of creation myth
The inflationary theory of the universe has actual physical, measurable evidence, like the red shift and CMB. The creation mythologies all have a bunch of self-contradicting dogma.

>the basic sense of morality and ethics they impart
Are you saying that before the tribe of Moses arrived at Mt Sinai people on Earth had no idea it was wrong to kill or steal? This why people laugh at you.

>helped humanity to grow
So burning alive the mentally ill for being "witches" and ass-raping children was {{{ helping humanity grow? }}} Absurd.

>the increasing lack of these values has resulted in an increased sense of pointlessness and despondence
"Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders, and love chatter in places of exercise. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers."
>Socrates - According to Plato circa 400 BC

"Our sires' age was worse than our grandsires'. We, their sons, are more worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more corrupt."
>Horace --Book III of Odes, circa 20 BC

Hmmm, yeah, it's a real current pressing issue. Except it's been a problem already for 3000 years.

Compositional fallacy. You should know better than that.

Hey stupid no wonder you didnt get a job. China does have a relligion, therefore they are not athiest. Their religion is Han folk religion and it has many gods in it. The reason they beat others in other religions is because they dont believe in them.dont talk out of your ass.

That's now how proof works you stupid fuck

And those fucking jews. Don't forget about them. Those mother fuckers created Christianity and islam, too.

Actually we do have proof that a great flood did happen. It is based on every religion having an account of a flood in some way or another. And it is puzzling because all these religions had no way to communicate to eachother.

lol as if you would know anything about that

I could but I just don't give a shit any more.
Who cares anyways. This creator is an asshole. Not worthy of praise.

>Hey stupid no wonder you didnt get a job.
The problem is that you have to get a single entry Z work visa ($140) then pay a bribe ($204) to get it in one day or you're stuck in Beijing. Then you have to register in the city where you work and you are expected to pay another bribe. I didn't. Then you are expected to pay a bribe at the school. I didn't. I paid the bribes the 2nd time, but too late, I was already blackballed as the guy who doesn't pay his bribes. I'm like what the fuck is this, Russia?

>Actually we do have proof that a great flood did happen
7 great floods over the course of 6000 years in vastly geographically different locations for extremely different reasons.

1. Objects are nothing but sensible qualities.
2. Sensible qualities are mind-dependent.
3. Therefore, objects are mind-dependent.
4. Objects are not dependent on our minds.
5. Therefore, objects are dependent on some other mind.
6. The mind that objects are dependent on my be very powerful.
7. Therefore, objects are dependent on something like the mind of God.
8. Therefore, God probably exists.

Are you serious right now??
Yes, many cultures have flood legends.
Turns out they happened at many different times. There is NO evidence of a global flood

You don't. It's a choice.

What is there to choose?
Do you value what is right after your eyes or the actual truth?
It's not a quest for an old man in a chair at the sky. But, precisely, the quest for ultimate truth about the literal all. Anything that fits that, is God.