Red pill me on tattoos.
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Tattoos instantly make you less respectable as a person and never benefits first impressions.
That's not to say some tattoowork isn't beautiful, but they're basically redflags for personality disorders.
Its degenerates branding themselves as degenerates
Attention seeking
They look trashy and are plebeian as fuck.
Tattoos supposedly have deep, personal meaning. The redpill is when you realize they all mean exactly the same thing.
there is nothing wrong with tattoos unless you are muslims
oh wait
That being "I'm a special snowflake."
Tattoos used to be an honest mark of social defiance, clearly and proudly indicating that the wearer was either lower class or outlaw class. A good example was the classic biker guy who tattooed FUCK YOU on his forehead.
They were statements of defiance "I'm not like you, I don't want to be like you, I want fuck all to do with you or your ways".
Now... we have inked pussies pissing and moaning they can't get counter jobs or work in schools.
Special snowflakes like processing heavy metals through their liver just so they can peacock something trivial
Pants on head retarded, trashy as shit on women
It's the needle Jew
They appeal to people who aren't afraid of expressing themselves.
The virgins here are terrified of expressing themselves because when they did it as kids they were made fun of. Now they lurk Sup Forums every night and day seeking to curse those who bullied them as kids. Tattoos are the mark of confidence and expression, and it kills them inside
In most cases its degenerate and trashy, but on the rare occasion it can be tasteful if it has a strong symbolism to a certain individual.
Im not talking about the
>muh diversity is important to me
>Ima get a tattoo.... oh I dont know yet
>Muh "its says courage in chinese"
Im talking about the guy who had the waveform of his daughter saying "I love you daddy" across the left side of his chest after she passed away.
Or one of his military unit that he served 10+years with.
A bit of a hit and miss with tattoos.
t. Dylan Lebowski, professional barista
>5 years
>best friend
My "best friend" has been my friend since I was a kid, getting on for two decades now. It takes me almost 5 years just to decide if I can stand someone.
You mean nigger stamps?
>Tattoos are the mark of confidence and expression
I'm so confident I express myself without tattoos
Also, this is not politics, fuck off OP
refugees are getting tatted user.. I find that very intriguing desu senpai :^)
this is not a politics-exclusive board
topics with a politically-incorrect truth are generally acceptable
Active duty
Holding a one sided view, on something that is purely sociological, in the form of tribal markings that are an extension now of consumerism rather than identity.
Political discussion isn't for you mate.
It's important if you have confidence in yourself to engage in the same fashion trend as 90% of your peers. It's an expression of your confidence that you can suborn your own individuality like that.
so is that 12 hours a week or the full 20 behind the counter servin' the man his "joe" (ugh disgusting plebs)?
Well it's good for identifying sluts they all seem to have the same tattoos.
This was the only tattoo I ever respected.
Tattoos can be cool and I don't have a problem with them. I have a problem with the people who think they're special or rebellious for having them when so many people have them now.
well that's dissapointing
People with good self-expression don't need ink inside their skin to express themselves.
How can you even use these two words in the same sentence?
I was a combat engineer in the army and when I got back from afghanistan I got the star trek engineering symbol tattoo'd on my chest. I think what I did is fine, but having tattoos on visible body parts is in poor taste
I thought that arm was that little girl's...
Redpill me on tattoos. That's how.
>I need tattoos to express myself, like that awesome guy on Office Space that had 37 pieces of flair
75% of military guys that get tats are motard boots that just got out of basic and don't know how to manage all $600 they're getting every 2 weeks.
Would you respect it as much if the mom did it though?
On dudes, I don't give a fuck. On chicks, it's a sign that she's a weak whore and a basket case.
>girlfriend has a tattoo
>knows i dont like tattoos
>tells me shes getting another one
Dad loves his daughter. Respect it.
Buy a gun
For uninteresting people that want to appear to be introspective or to have more emotional depth than they really have.
fucking beta
This is why you fail.
actually yes, buy a gun. Just to piss her off.
Damn, that's actually 100% truth. Good job fellow burger.
I honestly don't understand why people here hate tattoos so much. I don't have any myself and I don't think most tattoos look good, but it's not like I go into a fit of rage everytime I see a chick with a tattoo. A hot chick is still a hot chick even if she has a tattoo.
Dump her. She's signalling she's a slut and will cuck you
Here's mine in a shitty pic. I like the aesthetics of it and it's my son's and wife's names. My only regret, if I have any, is that it barely extends beyond my t-shirt sleeves. People seem to like it and i get to joke that its the mark of the beast. It does get some odd looks when my sleeve rides up.
Went to water park with daughters the other day. Middle aged fat tattooed people everywhere. Talk about trying to polish a turd! Many weren't just a postage stamp sized mark either. Horrible looking sprawling crap. They looked ugly and pathetic.
Yes, buy a gun, not to shoot or her or anything, just to annoy her, yes.
do people think you're the jew who survived 7 concentration camps?
Buy a gun, like a really "expensive" one like a Colt SP-1 or something
This may have been true 20 & 30 years ago, and to some extent it probably still is. That said, tattoos are so fucking popular and mainstream now I don't think this observation holds any weight at all. I see them fucking everywhere and on all types of people; and unless they suddenly plummet in popularity they're only going to become more and more acceptable than they already are.
“You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves: I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:28)
Tattoos are for the cattle.
I'm 85%+ German. Probably not. They recognize binary generally.
Tattoos are a way for small, primitive tribes to gain loyalty from their members. They are familiar and "normal" to the in-group but disgusting and repulsive to the out-group. You might hypothetically put on a new headdress or a new necklace to try to join another tribe, but tattoos are indelible. Even if you try to surrender to outsiders or betray your clan to them, you can never really belong. That promotes loyalty.
More civilized groups cultivate a more advanced culture that encourages loyalty without such crude measures. Plato, Milton and Bach tie you into the West more tightly than any visual display. In fact, to civilized people the lack of crude displays of loyalty is a symbol that you are able to prove your loyalty by words and deeds.
These higher societies only used tattooing on criminals. This had the effect, over time, of making criminals a sort of outcaste tribe within an advanced society; their tattoos or brands, by proving to good citizens that they were evil, proved to other criminals that they were partners in crime.
Criminals began to get tattoos voluntarily, to join the criminal underworld; then they got tattoos tying them to specific gangs. As modern society began to fall apart, the families and neighbors of gangs began to get them as well.
From there it started to infect the stupider and more impulsive members of the working and middle classes. They saw the tattoos as edgy, and a way to show what crowd they wanted to run with, but didn't understand the long-term consequences.
Once it started to spread in the mainstream the jew media started to popularize it. Why? Well, obviously an insular primitive tribe with 2% of the population has trouble competing with a 90% majority culture. One strategy is to import immigrants, lowering 90% to 65%. Another strategy is to splinter the majority culture into many "subcultures" of tribesmen with weird tattoos, weird piercings, weird hair colors, weird clothing, and so on.
That's retarded.
I am one of the only people I know that has zero tattoos or piercings but my neighborhood is a hipster paradise to be fair.
this guy gets it
every time you see a tramp stamp you gotta wonder how many have twisted those handlebars
they are for trendy normalfags
reminder tattoos were invented by coconut niggers