Really makes you think doesn't it?
Really makes you think doesn't it?
where is the father?
This is just fucking sad
What did he mean by this?
damn she's gorgeous. Wouldfaptoat4am/10
just because shes attractive wont save her on rope day, burn coal and you WILL pay the toll
wtf i hate white women now
maybe if you white boys weren't so beta you could get the beautiful women like us
must be weird growing up not looking like your parents
Really makes you think is my new favorite meme
>It's a shill trying to make us look crazy
You know it would be better if you guys stopped posting using American and Swedish proxies
First I was like: The father stayed long enough to make her 2 kids. Impressive!
But then I realizes they were twins.
Niggers gonne nig
Looks like she got two lumps of charcoal for Christmas
The kids are still visibly black
They'll get darker as they age, possibly lose the blue eyes
No father in the picture, no surprise, this is why you don't fuck your drug dealer
No doubt the woman feels proud of herself being a godless race mixer
They're half hispanic not black
an obviously intelligent and attractive woman pissed away her life, her heritage and her genetics race mixing
You don't see the problem?
Hispanic is not a racial category, and that guy looks black to me
>75% white,25% black
>muh racemixing works
Literally everything about them that is beautiful is white.Their light skin,their blue eyes,their light hair.
Wow, so inspiring! Have a Facebook Like!
>only f-fat ugly white women r-race mix, r-right guys?
Stormfags btfo
So is shitting in the street,use deodorant faggot
>flat noses
Their nose is too broad. Looks black to me
white women are so fucking dumb
mentally ill liberal women do though
Shut up leaf he's a blooming spic
well they've got European traits atleast
tenderly love, kill, tenderly love
What he's mean by this ?
>black people have straight hair
Are you fucking retarded? He looks hispanic.
That hispanic looks like he has some negroid blood in him
Shut the fuck up cuck, literal niggers are stealing ur wimmins
He looks Maori
the real question is,how did the two girls get blue eyes,when their father has brown and most probably doesn't have blue eyed parents?
those kids look just like my wife's
What's funny about this is that, the only reason they're cute is that they have overwhelmingly white feautures. Their non-white features are all ugly -- brown skin and big nose.
The mother is considerably more attractive and has better features because she's fully caucasian.
he is obviously a quadroon
and has some african in him.
the guy is a nigger
and they don't have straight hair
Being a mestizo doesn't give you nigger facial features
I dnno, you have a lotta communities that think this is fucking wonderful, and you have a lotta cucks who would never say anything against it, even if they personally don't like it.
>modern "fashion"
>Half hispanics have blue eyes
>I'm purely european, and I have brown eyes.
Because a random attractive woman that he would probably never know is fucking a person he considers below him, a nigger, while he masturbates each day and spends his time in Sup Forums
Think about what? That by re-producing with a non-European white Caucasian you have offspring that barely resembles you and is less closely related to you than a stranger of your own race?
There's nothing wrong with this picture you autistic faggot.
Really makes you think.
The father if the kids are Caucasian Mexican.
thats true diversity. at least you arent a mongrel
this lol.
>father has 3 brothers with blue eyes,he has brown eyes
>mother has blue eyes
>2 sisters have blue eyes
>i get brown eyes
that guy is what everyone will look like if the whole world blanda'd up (hint: African features are dominant)
She looks super unintelligent... It's a good think she has left the white gene-pool. Coal burning is a blessing in disguise... We'll keep the non autistic womenz
Don't be prejudiced assholes. Things happen to people. My gf has 2 yo daughter who is half Ethiopian.She got pregnant and couldn't get abortion for two reason:doctor said it would jeopardize future pregnancies and Catholic beliefs.I am not beta self-hating or anything and she is not desperate or used goods in any way. She just turned 25,has bachelors HSE and master from LSE,hot,sexy,sportive,has top position in bank and earns around 3mil $ a year after taxes.
Soon girl is going to talk and shit.Going to be a challenge to introduce her to values and make her feel belonging in Russian society.
there it is.
Looks Hispanic. She does not look 100% white either.
she deserves it, but the kids dont
so to be clear
your wife's son is half-black?
>caring about worthless cumskins
i wish they died quicker
For the kids ton be that light skinned, the dad was probably mixed as well
KEK, I have green eyes and I'm half hispanic.
These kids are quarter blacko
>3mil $ a year after taxes
>Russian society
Cool story.
better to look european with brown eyes than to look black with blue eyes
You are Cucked LOL
I'm proud one of my fellow Hispanics as able to pull that fine ass. Better than a negroid
But they do look like her, just somewhat darker
I feel sorry for those little girls. Their dad looks like a Chipotle server.
> kids have blue eyes
> muh recessive genes
Keep telling yourself that.
cyka bylat
you just proved spics are just half-negroids
> Look at me and my 6'6 husband
> Look at me and my daughters filtered eyes like gates to the soul
> Look at me and my sponsored advertising
Why should I care about these people? If anything its weird because lets be real the only reason these babies are on the internet is because they are oddly fuckable looking.
is pretending to fall for obvious b8 a new form of b8?
really makes you think.
seems the qt had some stronk whito piggu genes.
lol what a fucking cuck, your just mad because you would be arrested in your shithole muslim country for saying what I just said. Sad.
>obviously intelligent and attractive woman
Is OP's pic of some instagram slut?
Maybe if he's part nigger
lol you pol retards know shit about genetics. It's obviously that the guy got a lot of african blood in him.
>intelligent woman
>race mixing
I see these fucking babies everyday on facebook. People endlessly talking about how cute and beautiful the babies are.
The woman's IG is pure clickbait. She shows sponsored products every other picture.
Are those mulatto children? Well, she had p good genes so they're not going entirely to waste.
There's some downsides to interbreeding though.
Good response
One gold shekle for the goyim
>that boob
That faggot doesn't deserve her
he's a half-negroid actually and you just said he looks hispanic
>be a stormtard
>think these kids aren't visibly white
fyi, the father wasn't black
I feel bad for mixed race kids, it's a very lonely feeling
they're all gorgeous desu senpai
objectively speaking, i don't like a negro nose
I am happy when i see children like this in the west, because within a generation (assuming they marry with european) their own will have been totally bleached. I know a 1/4 nigerian guy who looks 95% european (when he tans you notice a little bit) - small numbers of foreigners can be digested, especially if they are north africans/euros, where the children appear almost 100% Euro
When I said negeoid I meant a full black we wuz kangz nigger. This guy is mixed. Hispanic not always =/= nigger