wow that really made me think
>I've been so sheltered my entire pathetic existence I have no clue what the word racism even means anymore!
Wow really Okie's my dokes.
I guess you're not a Trumpkin, then ;)
"racism" is based on facts
Voting Bernie isn't
fpbp 2bh
He's being sarcastic. Do you even meme?
Feel free to explain how it's not ok; or cite a Trump policy that is racist.
I'll listen.
>muslim women and children
Dude, might aswell paint unicorns. Those things don't exist either.
Yes, it is. You fairy.
>deporting Mexicans
>holding antiquated views on the female role in society
>preventing refugees from finding a new home solely because they're Muslim
Just 3 I can think of off the top of my head desu
This picture is hilarious, and really shows how privileged muslims are. While white Europeans worry about getting gang raped, assaulted, mass murdered in terrorist attacks, or having their kids raped, the muslims' biggest fear is having people looking at them funny.
Mexicans aren't a race
Women aren't a race
Muslims aren't a race
>he supports mexicans who are citizens
>women are not a race (?????)
>islam is not a race (??????)
Im getting baited i think
>islams and Mexicans aren't a race
You are really dumb
Tha fuck are you on about retard?
What is racism?
No user, it is you who are the dumb
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
>Fell for the racism meme
Sorry faggot, but you played yourself
On the fence racism is just people who are too weak to take the red pill in fear of what their liberal friends would say. I would rather everyone's opinion be known loud and clear. When ideas can't be debated they fester.
Well that's a fact.
So what you really have a problem with is reality.
I'd rather see "no muslims" than "whites need not apply" like I literally currently see now
You goofed. Hard.
Mexican is a nationality and islam is a religion.
you are thinking of Mestizo and Arabs, not mexican and muslim. There are white mexicans and white muslims. Niggers, jews and hispanics, too.
Regardless you're perfectly fine with blindly discriminating against people because they look and talk differently.
Actually I discriminate against people who want to illegally enter the country and people who fundamentally hate my way of life due to their religion but still expect my tax dollars to support them
Then why aren't they discriminating versus East-Asians and Indians, who also look and talk differently?
Mexico is a country.
Islam is a religion.
Neither of those are races.
Thanks, OP. I'm now a #cruzmissile
Please cite an instance where Trump either explicitly states or even implies he wants to enact these policies of his because he "doesn't like the way they look or speak".
So far you've been proven to be objectively wrong, so think clearly before you reply this time. I'll listen.
She's probably 14 and a landwhale
Nice try
>The jackass who posts those shitty Horsey cartoons got access to the computer at the group home again
>Flat the thread
>not realizing most Sup Forums users would vote for Trump because of this
You know what's really unbelievable is that, if someone made a Commie type version with Bernie on it it would be seen as satire, but because it's Horsey people actually think it's a depiction of the future. Why are the left so retarded and, more importantly, why are they frightened to think for themselves? If you're frightened to have your own opinion what's the point in even living, you do nothing except exist to be useful idiots.
wOW really made me think
But Trump is German
this looks like a really great country
>not have snipers trained on the obvious terrorist lesbians
What would the Bernie cartoon consist of? an educated, healthy populace?
Fuck off
Notice how the Muslim women can only be out because they have a male child accompanying them.
Good for the artist to get that right, at least.
Also, how about this
>draw 3 Muslim characters
>still try to not acknowledge the fact that adult male Muslims exist
Seen so much of this in Europe
"educated". I think you mean brainwashed by people who think like you
>discriminating against people because they look and talk differently.
That's not the reason we're discriminating though, you insufferable whore.
Only illegals
Not racist
Not racist because Islam is not a race
Lmao you faggots are too predictable. I've got to get back to work so it's time to end this ruse cruise.
Post the REAL Horsey
>that pic
>actually imagining a reality like that
>feeling intense inner pleasure,satisfaction and easiness
You know that good tingle feel you get when a girl kisses your neck in an erotic way ,plays with your chest hair and stuff?
That image man,if everything could go so right...
What have you done to me Sup Forums
>You know that good tingle feel you get when a girl kisses your neck in an erotic way
>being norwegian
>doesn't know that
but you guys look good,no homo
>when a girl kisses your neck in an erotic way
what faggot shit are you babbling on about?
>what faggot shit are you babbling on about?
t. man that never spent almost 2 hours doing foreplay with his woman
Thats basically how you edge a woman
He will make America Great!
>not being gay
I'm a muslim, I'm a muslim, I'm a muslim.
There, I just converted.Want to tell me something racist, you bigot?
>I-I was only pretending!
Racism is a very serious thing, it's about preservable of your own nation and people. In Japan and China they take racism seriously so they do not have to deal with millions of black and brown people entering their nation to leech welfare and rape their women. If anything our left-wing brainwashed women should become more known of the benefits of racism for ourselves.
>I-I pretend stutter on an Taiwanese cheese grating forum
Lol reddit
>All the white people are ugly rednecks
Trump's nation is going to be 10/10 blonde haired blue eyed gorgeous men and woman.
I would love to live in the world of that picture.