Really makes you think
Really makes you think
Insecure CIRC's attempt to not feel like a broken cuck. Very poetic.
OK ant eater
>uncut dicklet
>women laugh at you
>be me 20
>got circumcized 2 months ago.
>best sex ever + looks better
Sure thing, go hold your dick against abrasive saw.
Good goy!
>falling for the jew penis mutilation
Good goy
1 shekel has been deposited in your account.
>Caring about eachothers dicks when most of you probably were too young to even have a say in getting it done
>kool this thread again
I will bite, Ahmed. How does a dry dick with low sensibility improves sex?
Wait it was only 2 months ago in a few more and he will not sense anything at the tip of his dick.
Cut. It just looks way better, smooth and is a lot easier to clean. Also there can't be any foreskin problems and it feels great when I take up my asshole like the fucking faggot I am
gee grease, did you sell all your countrymen foreskin to the jews to pay your debts?.
I'm team #CutDick now
Nice try Schlomo, any sane good Christian man would not let his dick get mutilated by filthy Rabbis.
Go team #JewSnip
I thought that it takes longer to recover.
kek now i guess its a mandatory thing to do there
WELL Sup Forums?
TEAM #AmputatePrepuce
>caring about shit over which you have no direct control
politics, thus Sup Forums, in a nutshell
The mutilated dick sure isn't as hard as a diamond for several rounds, thanks to low sensibility.
>dicks are the same as the hardest metal known to mankind
At least compare it to something organic.
GO TEAM #InfantCosmeticSurgery
>The Babylonian Talmud: "A male convert who has been immersed but not circumcised, or circumcised but not immersed, is a convert"
Literally all cut people are to be deemed Jews.
>b-b-but I-
It's in the Talmud.
>not being circumcised
>It's such a hassle to clean your legs, it's much easier to clean them ever since I got them cut off
>no direct control
The control is with the parents' responsibility not to rape their baby with a knife
not surprised at all.
>inb4 no argument to retaliate other than
>build wall
>etnic slur.
Your over all point is fine, but mate
>A male convert who has been ... circumcised but not immersed
English m80
Feels good not having the jew cattle stamp.
Yes goyim, go get circumcised. Good goy!
really made me think bout how most of the gemcutters have been jewish since medieval times...
It's a meme
derp me
get memed on m89
Really makes me think you're retarded.
you've been bamboozled my man
>this kike bullshit again
>Circumcision thread
>almost every cutfag is American
Feels bad that we're the only major Jewcucked nation that posts here.
I can't imagine living with a foreskin, but that's just me.
Why did you circumcise my quote, removing a vital part?
inb4 400 post thread about people insecure about being cut or uncut. Who gives a fuck.
Post yfw: your parents didn't mutilate your pee wee
how to cope?
>be american
>pay jews to cut off half your son's dick
>mfw mutilated goys are so used to having their mutated cocks they don't realise you can just roll the skin down as long as you're not a dicklet
Cutfag here
I have not experienced the drydick meme yet. It's probably because I have super high test, but I do regret that my mom allowed the jews to convince her to cut my dick
I'm not cutting my kids' dicks, they can choose to do so if they want to.
But I haven't had those problems with sex. I don't masturbate, and I have sex about once a day (please make it stop I wish I could handle once a week instead)
p.s. they sell your umbilical chord and foreskin to the highest bidding jew and they take your blood to put it to the vampire database for them to patent your DNA
OP actually has sex with rocks
dorsal slit master race
Dont worry, gentle goy. it is covered by insurance
>not knowing about the hardest metal
How new are you?
Or maybe rational men angry about being mutilated as an infant.
And why would anybody who is intact be jealous of your mutilation? If they want it they can go out and have it done. I can't just go out and reverse this.
just get it cut bruv, but not all of it, just the part causing the phimosis
my dick is going to become calloused eventually, but luckily, I am so horny that I can still get it up anyway. It's not a big deal, you seriously should only have sex once a week if you can handle the nofap anyway
this, they aren't jealous
plus, I am of the opinion that the trauma stays with the baby
why do people play beethoven to their baby to "make them smarter," yet they are completely fine with doing surgery on a newborn without any anasthetic?
you can't have it both ways, and in my opinion, the trauma stays and that's what they want in the first place
((ronald goldman)) wrote a whole fucking book on it 20 years ago
>That feel when your parents had it done to you as an infant.
I know they did it out of ignorance. But I'm not doing that to my future sons.
the cut diamond is smaller...
How can jews be so evil? Don't they get tired of making people suffer?
can you listen to podcasts?
listen to "Alchemy with John Gibbons"
episode 077
Jeanice Barcelo - Birth Trauma
it's bretty fuggin good. The podcast was cool before, but the last episode made a turn to full on zionist conspiracy to cause trauma in babies whilst still in the womb and once they are born
It makes me think that I wouldn't want to have my wife birth our kids at the hospital. But the only problem is, I was from my mother's womb untimely ripped (C-Section) and so was my girlfriend, because we both have irregularly big heads.