Why are Russians so unkeked compared to western europe? Christianity is booming there and feminests get whipped by cossacks.
Why are Russians so unkeked compared to western europe...
They had to recover from their economic collapse after the Soviet Union.
When you're dirt poor and slowly recovering your economy you don't have time for bullshit.
Soviet Union died in the east and rebirthed in the west. It's now called the 'European Union'
I think the word you are looking for is "pride". White guilt is being indoctrinated in society telling the masses that everything they own, learned, and built up was stolen from other people/culture/civilization.
>Russians so unkeked
I like this.
For, Western society, I mean.
It's so painfully obvious, any person that has done any form of historical review can see this. The ONLY time liberalism can "thrive" is when times are extremely comfy and people have been protected and safe for a long while.
When the shit hits the fan, you don't have time or resources to worry about how people treat trannies and faggots.
>Soviet Union died
Not so fast.
Too much territory and borders to defend to sustain rich lifestyle for all of the population. Something else has to keep the nation together. National pride, religion, glorious communist future, etc.
because (((putin))) forces them to do so
Pierre You cant force this.
most of slavs aren't proud, it's just our pure hatred for shitskins
Slav society is still primitive
You're saying that Liberalism only thrives, because society can carry it's burdens, right?
Wow, that's news to me. My extended family always brags about their country being the last bastion for sanity, although they do brag about Kebab removal, as well.
They passed their edgy Communist and anti-Christian phase. We're right in the middle of it.
>every day these threads
Russian Communist cats are cute!
It's in the Slavic DNA. Other countries like Poland and Czech are exactly the same. Hungary isn't supposed to be Slavic, but those people are as hard as fuck too. Jobbik is basically neo-Nazi and has over 20 percent of the vote. It turns out the Slavs are basically our only hope.
I love it when western Europeans call us "non-White" bitches Bosnia will be white long after Sweden turns into New Somalia.
t. old Somalia
The iron curtain kept them safe from western cultural degeneracy
>Slavic neo-nazis
Wew lad
>Christianity is booming there
Moscow has a higher percentage of muslims than London
Fuck off slavniggers
And yet Slavs look much whiter than you unibrow Gayreeks, what's up with that?
Shit dude... even SHQIP look whiter than you homos.
FFS everyone in the thread that is unfamiliar with the horrors of Soviet Socialism, read a fucking book please.
We have come out the other side of the Socialist experiment, and see 1st hand how shitty it was. It will take us generation to recover from it, and things will never been the same.
Now they are doing in in Europe... and we watch in horror.
Krutyye parni po vsey strane
Kto svyazan druzhboy s VDV
Takoye bratstvo - nadezhnyy shchit ,
Nikto Rossiyu ne pobedit .
VDV , s neba privet
Ul'tramarinovyy na bok beret .
Tel'nik s volnoy i more pogon
S nebom naveki desant obruchon
VDV , skol'ko pobed
Iz parashyutov , belyy buket
Radugoy mirnoy paryat kupala
Slava desantu , chest' i khvala
V tsentral'nom parke , salyut v Moskve
Mechtayut parni o VDV
Lyubym oruzhiyem vladet' legko
Znamya pobedy glavney vsego
Yes, but they are from the Caucuses and Central Asia, and not Pakistan and Africa. They still suck, but not even close to as bad as the shitskins Europe is being invaded by.
Its because of gallons of Turkish semen.
Go live in Glorious Russia if it's so great.
This tbqfh. And it fucking sadens me to see what is the western world becoming when my forefathers fought a fucking hundred years war with kebab and kept them at bay. My country is shaped like a fucking bagel cause we protected germakeks and now they are spitting to our faces. They deserve every last bit of it. The only thing im glad is that nobody starts shit in the balcans without getting their head ripped off.
They're Tatar muslims though, they're easier to control.
Unkeked? Are you saying they don't laugh? Speak English.
White guilt narratives don't work on Russians.
No they don't you lying kike Moscow is 90% slavic
>Josef Stalin is still loved in Russia
Maybe Russia is our last hope for Europe