Why is my asshole so god damn itchy? Pic related

Why is my asshole so god damn itchy? Pic related

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Worm eggs. Obviously


Is probably not worms. I would see them in my poops

Poison ivy maybe?

Worm eggs you won’t see.....

show cock pls

Internal hemorrhoids maybe?


Man who go to bed with itchy asshole wake up with stinky finger

you're checking your phone on the toilet and sitting their too long without wiping the shit off your ass.

Looks like hemroids. Try not to push so hard when you shit. Also if it itches try a chicken milk enema. If that doesn't work nothing will.

Could be

Omg. U definitely have some crotch rot aka jockitch that’s spread to your shithole

>chicken milk


My thighs are sore too... i figured it was my underpants chafing... am I going to die?

Well there is no way to get rid of them it's a waste of time you'd need to get rid of everything you touch clothes, bed sheets, ect...

Remind me again why I should eat ass again?

Milk a chicken, its not fucking rocket science.

It's what comes out when you milk a chicken. Duh...

Eating ass is not something you do, if only for hygiene reasons.

You're a gay ass faggot

assholes get itchy just like every part of the body, just lube it up with some vegetable oil and fuck it with a banana. really itch it inside and out

its probably a bacterial or fungal infection, see a doctor.

Or use the chicken milk. It's more expensive but totally worth it

Are you drinking plenty of water???

I've had this twice before. Its just jock itch, but a bad case.
Do some homework, and get antifungal cream with Ads

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Fungal Skin Infections: Management, Treatment, and Prevention
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Is Lotrimin and lamisil the same thing?
Is Lamisil good for jock itch?
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Butenafine. Also, get a prescription for 7 days worth of Diflucan, which is a pill you take orally.

TRUST ME I know what I'm talking about, I've had severe fungal infections several times.

WTF how did my clipboard get in there?

Anyway, butenafine and diflucan all the way. And use the most gentile soap you can find

Wtf? Do you even have an ass or are you just an asshole?

> this post brought to you by Lamisil (TM)

I agree: fungal (yeast) infection.

LOL yeah I don't know why it pasted that in there. But yeah, that drug is best antifungal mankind has right now. It's just the sad truth, there arent that many compounds that do the job. This one will kill anything in about 7 days where most things take 2-6 weeks

Does your asshole just itch or kinda hurt when you sit on it? Also when you shit do you have to physically push it back in(Not all the way, but basically does it feel like if you stand up you prolapsed a bit)
If that be the case you may have hemorrhoids my dude. You along with 60% of other people. Go to a doc, get some cream, and live life.

Dis goy knows wutz up

Chicken milk poured in at 32 degrees centipede

Anal fissures. Stop shoving stuff up your ass for a week or 4

I have the same problem but also sometimes there is some blood. I read online it's small scratches.

Is OP kill?

Anal aids strikes again
