Why are we evil, pol?
Redpill me on Anglos
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Because of sharia
Because German shitposters say you are
Because you are white: white = evil. You have not been paying attention in class.
It's an anagram, actually, if you add and remove some letters.
We're not, the UK was just the first to fall to international bankers
You mean the Turkroach who uses German proxy and post his forced meme.
Because every corrupt 3-rd world politican or dictator have house anf friends in London
England is hearth of the darkness source of every bit of evil in this world
But what if you have equal ancestry between Anglo and Germany?
They want to destroy PURE Aryan nations.
The English are well known throughout the world for their lack of political scruples. They are experts at the art of hiding their misdeeds behind a facade of virtue. They have been at it for centuries, and it has become such a part of their nature that they hardly notice it any longer. They carry on with such a pious expression and deadly seriousness that they even convince themselves that they are the exemplars of political virtue. They do not admit their hypocrisy to themselves. It never happens that one Englishman says to another with a wink or a smile “We don’t want to fool ourselves, do we now.” They do not only behave as if they were the model of piety and virtue — they really believe that they are. That is both amusing and dangerous.
One has to be on the alert when dealing with them. They managed to conquer the world because they never encountered a worthy opponent. The English were unshakably confident in their belief that Great Britain’s world domination was a sign of divine providence. Those who attempted to resist, or defend themselves against the empire were ruthlessly suppressed, using the occasional low blow when it was necessary. The English always talked about their nobility and sense of fair play, but they were anything but when circumstances required.
Just mix in a little Swedish and taa-daa, DNA strain of a cuck
cuz you're based iberians
Give back Malvinas please
how can we give them back if you never owned them?
We gave them all the rope to hang themselves.
Though I'm half German too so i don't know what side that puts me on in the race war.
>German flag
>Defending Turks
Now it's finally confirmed that you're a butthurt turkroach, good job Mehmed
Because you never stopped trying to murder us.
But a white country has yet to lay claim to the islands.
Not really though, Anglos are technically Danish
The first Kings of England all had Danish names
But neither did French or Americans, so why all the Anglo hate in particular?
It's funny because the French hate you far more than we do. We have far more incommon since we are essentially a Germanic country.
Stay mad anyway Krautboy, success breeds jealousy I suppose
Anglos refer to Americans too. It is a form of referring to people that have assimilated ethnically into Anglo-Saxon culture without referring to the English.
That's Russell Brand. He's a failed comedian and left-wing rhetorician. Please don't think he represents all Brits.
eternally zionist occupied
No, it's about painting us as brown haired beady eyed race that is somehow pitted against the blonde Aryans. Even though neither Anglos nor Aryans are a race. It's a butthurt turkroach essentially.
Can't say that. My best friend in high school was Anglo, still one of best friends. He was extremely intelligent, openly imperialistic, outspoken genocidal racialist. He dressed with class, smoked pipe and expensive cigarettes, often was bringing drugs to school, bantered and debated teachers, shittalked everybody. It was well-known fact that he engaged in BDSM things and practiced around with girls. After a year of graduation he became violent paranoid schizophrenic prone to mythomania.
top kek is that real?
and i thought it was just Anglo EYES that were beady
Russell Mosley.
>Only Germans
Its real and you're a hopeless blue-pilled if you think Anglo's haven't indeed manipulated and fucked this globe over many, many times
Anglos are the masterrace
Stop using that fucking word, Anglo isn't a race. You're referring to the Angles, a particular group of Danes who settled in the eastern areas of Britain along side the Saxons and Jutes, also from Denmark, following the collapse of the Roman empire. Also large areas of western Britain remained occupied by the Celts (Iberians).
More like masters of being cucks and ruining their own people
>Anglo isn't a race
Wussell Bwandy Wegs?
t. Plastic Paddy / Jamal / Paco
Pretty much this desu
because most of the things you acomplished had been through propaganda
It's hilarious how you all laugh at blacks and SJWs complaining that white men are only at the top of everything because they're crafty, then you repeat the same rhetoric with Brits.
The whole of history has been a game of war and struggle between nations, and we won. We we were simply better at it than you were. Deal with it.
Why not try making your nation better rather than blaming everything on the evil Anglos, like a brainless dindu.
And what the fuck has Spain ever accomplished for the world besides create a shitty bastard race?
>"The core of Germany is Prussia,' Churchill told the British Parliament on 21 September 1943, 'There is the source of the recurring Pestilence.'
Make no mistake, from the very beginning the death of Prussia was on Anglo and French minds. No matter what happened Germany need to win lest they suffer an actual ethic cleansing.
Never trust Anglo's
English then. English can be different, right? Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, with Norman or Danish blood?
Pretty much. Like how Russia has loads of ethnic groups and I wouldn't call you a Kossack
Didnt back down and tainted the natsoc until the ends of time.
Mate why do you care, it's just a meme.
Was that supposed to make us sympathetic? Because it sure had an opposite effect while proving once again that Anglos are degenerate genocidal scum.
>genocidal scum
We're not. It's just in the interests of some people to push the narrative that we are.
cuz you have disdain or no interest on any people outside your own
What is a break down? He is about 175-177 cm, chestnut brown hair, dohlocefalic shape of the face, green and brown eyes, Roman nose, huge fangs. What kind of English is that?