Any bad experiences with students, teachers?
What was your school like?
>grade 7, teach flat out states girls are smarter than boys
>I once sang the third verse of our national anthem, the one saying 'Germany above all else'. My history (!) teacher told me that it's illegal to do so and wrote me up. It's not illegal in any way.
>My politics teacher once asked me what I'm going to vote. I told her that I'm going to vote the leftist party. She told me to overthink my move because they are going against free speech. Listened to her.
I'm assuming you went to gymnasium, correct?
I went to all three school types we have here, but those happend during my time on the Gymnasium, right. How come you figured that out?
I don't know if it's just Texas, but my school experience was all these 20-something women essentially dropping lesson plans to talk with students about random bullshit.
Let alone whenever there's clearly an angle of flirtation happening with one of them and a teenage male student.
I had an English teacher in 11th grade who I would talk about music with and she'd blush and shit when I complimented her. Thinking back on that, she was a goddamn slut and I needed a better teacher.
I just guessed because of the classes you were in. I wish we had a system like yours here. But it would never work.
>Maryland Public School System
Was sent to the office because I said MY home country Kuwait instead of saying from? The administrator told me to be careful on what i said. Didn't realized it was in issue with me until i left high school.
No professor for any of my classes put their agenda into the course. I did get an engineering degree, so that might be a factor.
Even my anthropology elective was just-the-facts. No revisionist bs, no colonial guilt.
Now, OUTSIDE the classroom, their were plenty of shitstorms.
>feminist open letter to sports department thinks new mascot design too rape-y
>new black only dorm to promote safe space
>I wish we had a system like yours here.
It's a dead trap. As of now, you are literally worthless if have anything else but Abitur. If you garduate from basic school or secondary school, you are deemed to work manual jobs with nobody taking you seriously.
"." not sure why i put a question mark
school sucked but was awesome at the same time
>spent most of the time sleeping.
>at graduation day (best of my class) i got really drunk (yes we had booze at our official ceremony) and told my french teacher that i hated him then proceeded to have a glass of wine with him.
>grew weed once and put some leafs in the school's mailbox.
>had a german teacher who used to watch porn with students
>had a claustrophobic religion teacher. one day we all moved our desks up to the chalkboard closer and closer during class. one guy put his desk in front of the door and we all started yelling at him and throwing paper and pens at him.
>he had a breakdown, fell to the floor and started crying.
Lots of brainwashing going on, but at least I was somehow born with a healthy sense of fuck you. So overall I can't really complain. I was for the most part treated very well.
I was homeschooled AMA
Might have something to do with the fact that only absolute trash and foreigners go to Haupt- und Realschule nowadays. Gesamtschüler like you are still the lowest of the low though. Abitur or not.
Same. Not socially awkward either because my mother helped me get into sports and social activities with normies
ayyyyyyyy masterrace
only annoying thing was i could never get away with mouthing off to the teacher because the principal came home at 5:30
inefficient, wasteful bullshit and bureaucracy coupled with awful teachers that cannot be fired due receiving tenure in just two-years(!) that clog up the system and don't let new, better teachers in place. what a mess.
my history teacher redpilled me softy, gave me all the tools to see the jewish evil without directly saying it.
>Gesamtschüler like you are still the lowest of the low though. Abitur or not.
I never went to that school. I started as a Hauptschüler because my mother was certain that my handwriting was too bad for any other school. I then got an IQ check and they sent me to Gymnasium. After my mother left my father and moved together with her new lover, we moved and she failed to enroll me into that again. I had to go to the local Realschule because they were the only ones with open places. Shit sucked.
Same, I did mock trial and lots of other shit. P great desu.
Yeah I think the increased accountability made me a bit more disciplined
i'm really glad i didnt go to a gesamtschule, i thought most people of my school were to tstupid anyways and i was bored all the time because those fucking dumb cunts didn't get anything and teachers always went slow and had to explain everything for those braindead morons and then they still got bad grades. and these fucktards now have the same diploma as i have...
honestly they let to many idiots have abitur
One guy at my high school was basically chris chan
>honestly they let to many idiots have abitur
You have to lower the bar when every office job requires you to have Abitur.
>senior in high school
>in government class
>talking about presidential requirements
>make joke about Obama not being American citizen
>get written up and teacher spends rest of class telling us he is Hawaiian or some shit
>my mother was certain that my handwriting was too bad for any other school.
i have a horrible handwriting, it's really really nasty. i had to write pages and pages of single letters as a "punishment" becaus emy handwriting was so ugly. it never improved and my primayschool teacher told me that with such a handwriting i would never make it to university and that all my profs would tear up my work.
went to gymnasium anyway, graduated best of my class and went to university.
my handwriting still sucks, no prof ever tore up my work and i chose the only profession suitable for someone with bad writing and so i finished university two years ago and became a doctor...
My handwriting is actually pretty damn nice. Ever since I started to write cursive more often it has gotten that personal touch.
yeah... but why?
why the fuck do you need abitur to work a frontdesk job? i never understood...
Lived in a great Cuban neighborhood, everyone got along so well in Elementary School. My first day of Middle School I saw a Medevac Helicopter descend into the football field. Someone had gotten stabbed many times in the front yard. Drug dealers everywhere and lots of gangs. Turns out shipping busloads of kids from Liberty City is not a good idea.
I'm glad I was in school way before that, but sometimes I wonder if it might not have made a whole new generation of people who figured out bullshit faster than mine.
A big problem with American schools is that there's no incentive to achieve anything.
I considered it a joke as early as 10 years old.
And it doesn't help that you can fail your way through. Oh, you were absolute trash at Algebra because you never made an attempt to learn or practice any of it? Well, now you can just go to a summer school class that's so easy literal retarded kids can pass it and when you do, you'll be at the same level as kids who actually paid attention in the actual school classes.
But that's not even mentioning that there's no real classes for "life skills" like learning how to do taxes or any of that shit, which would actually be useful
Pretty good when I was there, pure white. These are the demographics now.
Employers actually believe that it somewhat shows a higher education with better communication skills and all sorts of surpluses. As far as I can tell, my coworkers are just a stupid as everyone else. They can type shit into a form but that's about it.
I was learning in school that was only for kazakhs (in Kazakhstan). It was good but there were 2 special things: 1) I got mocked for being white (my nick name was "aк бaлa" (white kid).
2) I had a nemesis. Kazakh ultra nationalist girl who was into "WE WUZ GOLDEN HORDE AND SHIIIET"
But in general everything was super good. Every other kazahs liked me. My first teacher took me to her family in AУЛ for a summer. Kazahstan is a heaven for multiculture. Russia is nothing like Kazakhstan, and that's kind of bad.
u mad gymnasium faggot?
I considered changing to a Gesamtschule for some reasons and took a closer look at one for a day. Wew. That was already enough for me. Different worlds. Very weird people. Thankfully i stayed at the Gymnasium.
Kek. Did you tell your primary school teacher to suck it?
>like learning how to do taxes or any of that shit
Holy shit, this so much. I was blown away when I graduated to real life and discovered I had no idea what the fuck I was doing.
Glad I goofed off enough in my senior year of HS to take "stupid kids" classes and at least lean some things like how the judicial system works for instance.
I drew a comic of Ash Ketchum holding a sword once freshman year, they put me into in school suspension/AEP which basically destroyed my entire education and caused me to graduate literally at the very bottom of my class. They also made me see a psychiatrist and treated me like I was a violent kid that would shoot up the school any day.
Lowest ranked school in the county
The other children were more animal than human
There are worse things than an over abundance of Asians.
>freshman hs
>had really bad allergies beginning school
>sneeze 10 times in a row
>get referral and stand in hallway
This zero tolerance guidelines are wrong.
It's all Indians though. And they're replacing us.
in the city?
>Did you tell your primary school teacher to suck it?
No. Never got the chance. in 2004 when i was still in gymnasium she went on vacation to thailand for christmas. Her bloated body was found on a beach a couple of weeks later...
Oh, then never mind.
Fuck people for not making the distinction.
My first grade teacher would smack me for slouching at my desk and her nickname for me was dingbat. The following year, she berated me at Target for not saying hello to her. She died of cancer and that news didn't make me feel sorry.
Feels good to get that out.
high school was my redpill
>be part sicilian, name is italian as fugg
>0.2% North African DNA
>browns say I'm not white when tehy rayciss to whites, white's count me as white
>niggers dumb gangsters
>I hang with asians and a few whites, cause in AP classes
>mexican chicks whores
my senior year I had an economics class, and the teacher was LITERALLY a black nationalist. She had dreadlocks, "oaklandish" sticker, etc
>live 5 minute walk from school
>still late sometimes
>set the curve on the tests, so I have a good grade
>it wasn't an AP class, so there was a bunch of dumbasses who were late/ didn't show up to class
>she would literally forgive them but try to lock me out of class
In the end, she tried to fail me so I woudln't graduate, because I was late to class
our vice principal, my mom, and her had to have a sit down, and the vice principal was a canadian hockey smoking syrup white guy
>black nationalist teacher tries to say I'm supposed to be preparing for college, and this is not how to do it
>I say 'oh? college? you mean where you don't even have to show up for class if you don't want to and all that matters is your test scores? by the way, mr. vice principal, check my test scores, you will notice that I have the highest grade in the class"
>he forced her to make me graduate, and was pissed as fuck at her, for trying to fail an A student
>tfw she was the first person I ever heard who said "only white people can be racist" and I fucken exploded
jesus fucking christ what the fucking fuck
Kek. Ok, now you're fucking with me.
nope. i swear it's true... Tsunami swept her away with her husband on phuket. she was a good woman though, news made everyone sad in my town.
They made us learn to write checks in 3rd grade. By the time I was old enough to actually need to write a check I had completely forgotten.
>>live 5 minute walk from school
>>still late sometimes
i lived 5 minutes away from my school too. i was ALWAYS late. It's a curse living close to your school/work place
yep, plus the fact that it was a non AP class made it harder to show up on time since it was so boring and shitty
>non AP class
what are AP classes anyway?
I had a black female art teacher my freshman year, one day she fucking lost it when some kid made a joke about watermelons.
Advanced Placement classes. They're basically "college level" classes that are taught in high school.
>private school, unaffiliated with any church
>1 of 35 students in my grade
>did pretty well, all B's in accelerated and AP courses
>a couple of my teachers were total bitches, and bad at teaching to boot
>one of my teachers got me interested in the Air Force
>overall good experience
>They're basically "college level" classes that are taught in high school.
then what's the point of college?
i have a friend who after graduation went to california to study physics at a college. he spent his first two years learning basic math shit that we covered in highschool years ago.
he told me that an american college is on the same level as the last two years of german highschool
>Was good at tests but never did my homework so was practically a straight F student all the time
>Always got passed on because muh no child left behind
>Get to high school where that shit stopped
>As expected I got held back
>Dropped out and got my GED 3 years later because I'm a stupid lazy asshole
Now I'm unemployed and hating life wishing a happening would crush civilization.
basically they are classes that should be taught to everyone, but since we have dumb niggers, they are for "special, smart kids"
how do these people even become teachers?
oh wait, affirmative action
like I said, my uncle took a DNA test and he got 0.4% north african, making me 0.2% african, and because of the Laws in the United States, I now qualify as african american.
y'all niggas need to stop shit talkin muh peoples
Public school in France is a pure socialist paradise : sandniggers and niggers are complete retard who don't know how to read/write and basic maths when they enter middle school, so they mix a handful of good white pupils with a bunch of retarded shitskins, supposdely to encourage them to work harder. What happens is that the white kids are bullied, because they are too smart, because they look different, etc. In the end the white kids' grades are lowered, and the shitskins' grades remain the same.
The standards of middle and high school diplomas have been lowered again and again over the year so that shitskins can get them, because otherwise that would be discrimination and racism. End result : everyone now got those diplomas and they ain't worth shit anymore.
Shitskins also get affirmative action programs to get them into prestigious schools even though they don't nearly have the grades required to do so.
Despite the education budget being the largest one in France, most schools are old as fuck and so worn down they look like deserted buildings from another age. In summer it's hot as fuck but you can't open the windows, in winter it's cold as fuck and the heater doesn't work, there is abestos fucking everywhere. The toilets as dirty as the streets of India, and there is no toilet paper. I never dared to take a shit at school, ever.
The teachers are all communist faggots and are always trying to indoctrinate kids with their bullshit. You can't escape the "muh 6 gorillion part" and the anti-white and anti-French propaganda in school books portraying us as an evil country of nazis, colonizers and esclavagists. Teachers usually go on strikes half of the year, and are still getting paid.
Well that's basically the gist of it.
I know that everyone should learn that shit, but instead of having rigorous classes, they would rather lower the standards as much as they can to get more and more funding
that's what common core is as well
>What was your school like?
Zero shootings.
>Be American
>have to make threads on a snake charming board to tell people I had a normal childhood
Muslims, Muslims and Muslims. My own class was white though, as it was 100% Estonian immigrants.
There really wasn't any nigs, only gypsies and domestic white trash that caused trouble and one russian kid.
In 9th grade some sand nigs came to the same school as mine:
>one sandnig attacks female teacher
>male teacher grabs the sandnig and holds him on the ground by his hands
>another sandnig comes and kicks the male teacher on his rib bones
>the sandnigs were suspended for couple weeks from school
Freedom ain't easy motherfucker
Need more Slav stories.
Had this bitch in high school that would never shut up about Fox News being biased. She was a literature teacher so no fucking idea why she had to complain about it everyday
Did International Baccalaureate at a public school in Canada. Really high achieving academic school. Was like 85% asian 10% persian 5% white though with like 2 black people
I dont feel much bad about actual school insides, i just hate the fact that i needed to get up early and go somewhere i didnt want to every fucking day, i skipped so many days its a miracle they didnt kick me out
In the first school in the 4th grade i once came to school after skipping like 2 weeks, turns out there was some school organised concert or something and our class was supposed to dance on the scene for some reason, turns out if was some kind of hip hop or something, not sure not the music i like, in the end i wasimitating dancing among other 5 people on the scene, that day i learned i have no such thing as a fear of scene
In the second school(from first one i dropped out and stayed same year) there were only 5 people in my class, i was the smartest one and everyone else didnt care so it was basically a personal lessons for me by teachers for 2 years
We played futbol sometimes with classmates, some of them were pretty assholish and tried to bully me some times, but me being tall and fat they never did anything besides words coz i just went up to them, wrestled their arm, put on the ground, sit atop and was making fun of such chair of a bully
Nothing much ahppened besides that
elementary school - tiny town probably 99% white kids in school
middle school - just outside the city switches to probably 70% white
high school - literal inner city drop out factory all the people from the small towns get sent there probably 60% black. I've been mugged by bloods and crips at that school. DIVERSITY
Someone wrote a bomb threat on the bathroom wall in sixth grade (I was twelve)
I'm the schools punching bag so I get thrown out. NY parents put me in a Catholic school instead of letting me go to alternative. Catholic school almost worked but not quite. Now I'm a 23 year old alcoholic who's about to be homeless and wants to kill himself every day.
I was a little fuck and never showed up to class
Technical school best school!
>tfw I wasn't dumb enough for tech school.
learning a trade at that age would have been great for me. but our district used tech schools as a place to send the dumb kids in an attempt to keep them from dragging down the rest of the school
Pretty much, even the professors are pretty shit. I was in a supposed Electrotehnician/IT class. You basically learn control panel and some basic electronic circuits and thats it.
>raised a Jehovah's witness
>kids would always make fun of me
>"Get over here Jehovah, I'm gunna beat the shit out of you for being weird"
>teachers didn't understand.
>wanted to kill myself every night
She angered the great Kek!
Elementary (grades 1-6, ages 7-13)
>grades 1 and 2 we had a retarded laestadianist woman
>got angry about every fucking thing boys did
>acted like a jew (common in laestadianism)
>grades 3 and 4 we had a bluepilled woman
fun fact: at that age, I started to learn about politics, as I have always been a discriminated kid.
>also complained to boys about every single thing
>total sociopath
>grades 5 and 6 we had a chill male teacher
>redpill, but had to be lowkey about it
>overall a nice guy if you didn't act like a kid with ADHD
Junior high (13-16)
>the bluepill was fucking insane
>got into trouble for having the "nazi ideology"
the school police didn't give a shit though, as it's not illegal (yet, thanks EU)
>gave me a warning
>got bullied for every fucking thing
>started watching anime
Overall a fucking shit experience, I'd rate it 0/5
School was kinda okay, nothing special, teachers were mostly okay.
I'm a teacher myself, kids these days are lazy shits and get away with a lot more shit than we ever could.
Pay your debt. Man this is cringe.
>nazi mentality
It's a joke you are not supposed to actually have the mentality.
Pay your debt, welfare state.
I actually had a pretty cool anarchist teacher who introduced us into climate change denialism, libertarianism, illuminati conspiracies and all those crazy stuff. He redpilled me for the first time in my life and I love him for that.
None of the other teachers liked him so he was fired anyway.
Do you think that my political views will change because of this reply ?
Lots of sluts who fucked anyone but me.
>i have a friend who after graduation went to california to study physics at a college. he spent his first two years learning basic math shit that we covered in highschool years ago.
he told me that an american college is on the same level as the last two years of german highschool
Remember this very well. German school system might be retarded in many cases, learning lots of stuff you don´t need, memorizing retarded numbers in history etc. but when you have finished the abitur in germany, you basically have already done half a college degree in the US already (in terms of knowledge). Thats one reason why the US has retarded courses in college that have nothing to do with the subject (but you have to do them) while in german uni you don´t find something like this. You only have lectures on the subject you study in 99% of the cases.
The "american education" meme did not arise just for fun. When I look at US college classes and sheets available online I laugh my ass off at the difficulty level (doing my phd in physics). What I had to do in the first semester they seem to have in the 3rd or 4th semester.
Probably because you were a straightedge faggot.
It's fucking impossible to not get laid in high school, even the ugly weird ass kids would shack up with other weird/butterfaced bitches.
Guessing you were either socially weird as fuck or never liked to party or do anything.
I was one out 40 white guys among a thousand students
and the only guy over 6 feet
it wasn't so bad
I have autism so yeah, pretty spot on. I was also pretty overweight. Tbh I never even interacted with girls so I'm not really complaining.
I moved a lot. Went to a total of eight schools excluding preschool. Make it nine if you count my exchange. Didn't get the opportunity to make many friends and mother was an idiot who lived off of food stamps and money from my father who died due to liver failure because he drank alcohol while taking his medication (After getting a little older, I think that due to his depression he had suicidal intentions).
I never focused on school very much and was a total failure at math. I didn't get F's but I got C's and maybe a D here and there. Still passed because of shitty school system. Other grades weren't impressive, but I did better in English than any other area - however that is nothing to brag about, as I took a test and am far below in skill than I originally thought I was. Also linguistic skills come naturally to anyone who isn't brain dead or has a specific disability.
Realized in high school that I'm a mathematically illiterate moron who can't explain basic physics in an A.P. Physics class, along with doing generally poor overall in mathematics. Took the F in physics and decided to quit the class as I was wasting the teacher's time. I had other distractions during school like family members dying and realizing that my mother was using religion as an excuse for drug use, however I don't use those as excuses for my own failure. I let things like that get the best of me, and it was my own fault.
To elaborate on the religion bit, my mother raised me to be devote and in doing so taught me to hate everything "sinful." When I found out she had been doing marijuana with a license, she had said that it's god's will for things like that to be on earth and other bullshit, which made me realize that god itself is only something that the individual gets what they put into it, like a cat. God was the only one who didn't change though, even when I did move, so there was a sense of betrayal on both sides, though I had already started to hate my mother (now only the woman who birthed me) before that.
>dad got stabbed when i was 9
>fucked up for multiple years, never talked to anyone, just barely graduated year 6 and got to go to high school
>year 7 decided to get back on track and learn everything i needed to
>get sister to teach me what she learned
>breeze through algebra, start to do calculus, trig and geometry
>she hooks me up with some of her friends, actual smart people, learn tons of shit
>all classes stop interesting me, slack off
>have best or second best grade in all classes except PE (no interest)
>one teacher spots this and tries to get me accelerated two years up
>principal denies it
>stop caring completely
>get yelled at every single day by everyone from the teachers to the janitors
>stop going to school
>drop out in year 10
>never get high school diploma
>decide not to go to university because fuck 4 more years of that bullshit
>start work at 16
>at 18 move out
>get various other jobs
>now at modest 75k office job
>posting on Sup Forums at 6:13 AM in the morning with my kitten on my lap and a coffee in my hand
>kekking at other people my age (22) fluffing around in university while i'm actually getting money for my work
>life's okay
school is only good when you are able to get on with everyone you're forced to be with
grades don't matter
nothing matters except dick sucking
at least i'm getting paid to suck dick now
I went to a 99% black elementary school (in every grade, I was the only white person of my class), so some obvious stereotypical niggish things would happen.
>Classmates fucking in the bathroom
>Also in the bathroom at another time, a friend of mine wrapping up heroin or cocaine with some garbage bag plastic
>White, fat, middle-aged female teachers regularly losing their temper and yelling because some nigs are being disruptive
>Twerking at recess
>Fighting is a common occurrence
>Armed adult seen walking near campus once (the school was literally right next to a projects)
>At graduation, a friend of mine's mom starts going ballistic on a female classmate, calling her a whore, slut, etc.
>A year after I graduate there's a news story about how the projects had a shooting at a kid's birthday party, 7 people were killed
>Can't find any of my old nig friends' facebooks because they all had retarded, hard-to-remember names
>I am. going to this new nation which does everything for me.
>But I'm going to be a dipshit and claim some oil nigger country as my home country, cuz that's the country that allows me the freedom to shitpost on a chinese whalehunting forum
Worst experience I had was when I was going home from my grandparents' house to my own one night like I always do by foot, and someone attempted to mug me. Before continuing, I always went to my grandparents after school so then I could use the computer they had bought for me as a gift, as well as it being a way for me to not be around my mother. Moving on, the attacker hit me on the head and blood poured out and covered me, but I was still conscious and tried to fight back with no avail. Recognized the attacker who was a student and he I, but after trying to push for his arrest I found myself being suspected by the school cop that I could have been dealing drugs because it was late at night and no one else was around except the two of us, despite me not doing anything criminal in the past or rather not doing anything that would warrant such suspicion. Didn't eat for a couple days due to stress and developed panic attacks where I felt like my heart would fail, complemented by a disgusting rage and taste for revenge the likes I had never felt before along with perhaps a lost of mental functionality that I don't think I'm totally aware of (it may be memory). Confronted - as in ask why he did it - the attacker before I graduated and he denied it. Helped get shit off my chest though, as I'm able to at least say I tried to talk to him about it when I had the chance.
I have one last shot at life through community college, but if I fail I can see myself selling everything, taking a flight to somewhere fairly remote like Alaska and then wandering into a forest to freeze to death or die of starvation or perhaps even be eaten (although being eaten sounds romantic in the sense that I filled some sort of purpose).
Sometimes that just sounds like the best thing to do.
Enjoy the beauty of nature a little, perhaps cry a little because of its beauty and then freeze to death.
and healthcare?