Aaaaaannd dropped.
Aaaaaannd dropped
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really makes you think
If you're looking for a politician that you agree with 100%, you're going to be looking for a long time.
WOW holy shit i am now officially With Her(TM)
Sup Forums is the main source of autism
Yeah, Trump always drops the mic.
what did he mean by this?
Wow he's practically green texting
What about the global warming tweet? That should be a red flag to Trump supporters everywhere
What are you doing on pol?
i thought i was the only one who recognized this
>Trump browses Sup Forums
Maybe Trump actually made this thread. Is that you, God?
Trying to make this board libertarian
He's pond scum, why are you surprised
Why is Sup Forums pro-vaccine? The people who profit the most from vaccines are the Jews who make them.
Trump is a fucking idiot but he's the best fucking idiot I want running for President
now Rob Schneider made a good case as for why you shouldn't get your kids vaccinated
If you consider that "too crazy" how have you been with him after the hundred other crazier things he's said?
So take off your clothes and do a little dance you fat fuck
Really makes you think.
Hillary probably has legitimate autism, so shE GETS MY PITY VOTE BECAUSE SHE IS THE *cough cough cough* ONLY CANDIDATE WHO CAN SPEAK UUUUUUUUUP TO DONALD TRUMP.
What a fucking idiot. The world is doomed. Trump will not be the savior.
Is it working?
>TFW I'm an autistic Brit
How much global warming research have you actually read yourself? I have read a lot and I realized that most of what I had learned, and most of what I believed, was entirely inaccurate.
Still voting trump, even after his Israel shill
Wow, guess I'm #HillaryArtillery now.
Doesn't make it a fucking Chinese conspiracy though does it?
You'll all come back around once Trump fails
Vote Brexit
It'll help your autism the most by preserving the culture and environment you're most familiar in
>Healthy young child goes to Sup Forums, gets pumped with massive shitposts of many trolls, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!
Checkmate, Donald.
Does anybody have the non-shopped version????
I used to think anti-vaccers were all batshit conspiritards, until I saw first hand what the coctail they use in Commiefornia does. It can and will fuck your kids up.
The vaccines need to be spread out over a longer period.
A friend's kid got the coctail and stopped speaking. Until you've seen a grown man leaking tears over what happened to his kid you don't give it much credence.
>"Healthy young OP goes to Sup Forums, get pumped full of shitposts, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!"
That's pretty fucking stupid @op, I agree. But I'm looking to vote for my next president, not my pediatrician.
Sup Forums is filled with idiot normies who don't understand that vaccines change all the time, or a vaccine can be whatever a company markets as a vaccine, or that companies who make vaccines can't be sued over harm caused by them.
Just look at any vaccines ingredients, then look up if it should be in your body.
That post really made me think OP... Wow fammmm
>YFW Trump is literally some rich enterpreneur who lurked here in his free time.
>YFW we pretty much injected him with memes, redpill pics, shitposting and banter.
>YFW at his final stage he ascended and became a man made of pure Sup Forums memes.
Is this Sup Forums's ultimate power?
wtf am now a /jebhead/
The "cons" are worth the rewards of having a population vaccinated.
Hillaryartillery. Yes. It's beautiful
>he thinks that a billionaire wouldn't have access to a teensy bit more hard info than he does
I'm pretty sure his son Barron is an aspie. Trump knows why and he's pissed.
>Healthy young child goes to doctor
>gets pumped with massive shot of many vacines
>doesn't feel good and changes
Many such cases!
just get the fuckin flu nigga
kids are allergic to fuckin GRASS now becuase of all this pampering
if the flue was deadly, the person who had it wouldn't be walking around to infect you
I want to buy land anyway so I ain't vaccinating my chilluns'
you don't know what vaccines are like in the US of A bruv
monkey brains, goats testicles, chinese ram's horn
witches toenails
>Many such cases
Like his son, Barron.
Problem is that the amount of vaccine used is tiny compared to the kid's immune capacity. I agree if you're saying "I can understand why parents might be weirded out".
>A friend's kid got the coctail and stopped speaking.
The problem with this kind of story is that autism is a spectrum disorder. It's not the kind of thing where first you're healthy, then bam, you "catch teh autism".
>But I'm looking to vote for my next president, not my pediatrician.
Right. Compared to marxist denialism about hereditary racial differences, the fact that Trump had a secretary or something whose kid got autism shortly after vaccination is entirely irrelevant.
im just shitposting dude
Out of curiosity, out of all the insane things he's said over the years, why was this the one that got you?
>I want to buy land anyway so I ain't vaccinating my chilluns'
thanks user
(((Trump))) best friend (((Putin))) certainly got a lot of vaccines
He meant that he is into the whole "vaccines cause autism" idiocy. Or was, he is sufficiently elastic in his views that he may well believe something else now.
Hitler. I only disagree with him losing the war.
Because he's a shill for big pharma
So he has been stupid for a long time?
Really makes you wonder
Trump said a thing and wow I just can't even. I am now #TerminallyHill
Woah. This will totally affect foreign policy, immigration, and the economy. No way I'm voting for Trump now. I'm now a Cruzlim™.
Some would argue that all the people who do not get sick and die gain the most benefit from vaccines.
needs a doge pic
Considering he basically lost the war cause he made shit decision one after another, you basically disagree with him about the most important part.
>The vaccines need to be spread out over a longer period.
Why? What makes you believe that makes any difference?
until you remember most environmental treaties somehow exclude china, the leader of these "harmful" gases
You do know that if he is the POTUS we will be a subject of immense interest going forward. Every politico and shill all over the world will want to meme something into being.
That's it im a #hilldrone
I bet Trump shitposts on /biz/
Disgusting to see Americans mentioning the Führer. You're one of the reasons why he lost, you idiotic cunt.
He's not against vaccines himself, he's just worried about pumping a child full of vaccines in one go.
I don't know man. His kid was a normal kid. The vaccines instantly fucked him up.
The father is a smart, conservative dude that's a big cheese at Apple. He has no reason to exaggerate or be a tinfoil hat weirdo. It seems obvious that the vaccines destroyed something in his son.
Okay, OP
Fuck I'm a #cruzmissile now.
Healthy young child goes to Sup Forums, gets pumped up with massive quantities of memes, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!
The only decent hypothesis is that antibiotics are causing autism.
This is due to prescribing too many, then the antibiotics kill off good gut flora. What grows back is bad gut flora, which in turn mildly poisons the brain over time.
Obviously yes.
how bout one that ain't retarded?
Wow, now i'm, #JohnsonFrenchFriedKrispyKremesThatAreChillarySoYouDontGetABernie
could antibiotics cause autism to an adult ?
You're just dumb and live under a rock - don't invent stories.
ha I seriously want to buy land, I'm from the san francisco bay area, so when I say that shit everyone here thinks basically "squeel like a pig boy" and that I'm not gonna have electricity and my kids will die of a potato famine
urbanites are so fuckin dumb
only thing that saved me was while hitchhiking once I met a pot farmer, and I went to live on his farm for a few months, and probably have altogether lived there for 9-12 months now
but since I stopped being a drug addict about a year and a half ago I've stopped going to get a more steady job. Sad cause at the farm I could make 200 bucks a day
It sure could, but it'd be much rarer. A child's or baby's gut flora is still developing, and they usually get antibiotics for recurring ear infections.
that the best you got? a tweet from last year?
It's not that vaccines are inherently bad, it's that some of them get spiked. Look at how many people died/got fucked up by the Gardasil shot, for example. I can't believe most of Sup Forums is so blue-pilled and naive that they would put their trust in the corrupt WHO.
Most of the processed food that we eat and drink is filled with shit that slowly kills you, but it's not the processing that does it, it's needlessly using shit like aspartame and HFCS. It's the same deal with vaccines.
>Why is Sup Forums pro-vaccine?
Because vaccines are technology.
If he is so dumb how can he have had done 500 start ups and only a small % failed when the average startup up company fails 80% of the time?
you're right, you got me, I'm dumb I should have just not posted anything.
thanks Romania.
>that pic
Oh no, and people were only following Trump because all his ideas, without exception, were great and his opinions on literally everything were positively, unassailably right.
Whatever shall they do now, settle for another candidate they don't agree with on everything and may have opinions that are wrong?
... wait a minute
He has the vocabulary of a 5 year old.
I don't know if I would do this if I was balding
I have long hair, I like it, but my dad is bald, so I might have to cut it
I just like having long hair. feels like I'm "tapped in"
You clowns have no idea what you're talking about. This is more a public service for any anons not up to speed on vaccines rather than shills:
>Vaccines are a massive vector of mercury transmission
>Extremely common for autists to have 'leaky gut' syndrome
>Not fully understood, major deficiency with intestinal microbiome (good bacteria required for digestive function)
>poor microbiome health = poor cognitive function in healthy people
>gut biota fucked in developing children, theoretical link to massive quantity of vaccines (>50 currently on AMA schedule) and immune disruption
>autism at literal epidemic levels
>CDC whistleblower before congress testifies agency destroys data confirming correlation between vaccines and autism
>manufacturers of vaccines CANNOT BE SUED for the legitimate side effects vaccines cause, federal anti-indemnification laws
>vaccines have side effect, read the inserts in vaccine packaging before you say otherwise
>federal government has a fund which pays $$$ for those injured by vaccines, has paid $3 billion since it began
>Pharma can pump out whatever garbage they want and has no liability
There is a ton more here. Respect for the Don just increased tenfold, if that were even possible. Disregard shills as they can't/wont address any of the points above. Vast sea of info on this topic.
>if the flue was deadly, the person who had it wouldn't be walking around to infect you
That sure turned out great for the 50 to 100 million people who died of the Spanish flu, right?