Shocking Poll: 52% of Brits Now Favor Leaving the European Union

You can't do this, Britain!

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Leave or I will KMS.


It's never gonna happen!

Have you heard anything from the government about a contingency plan just in case the people vote in favor of Brexit?

If they were seriously putting something this momentous to a vote, they would also seriously be crafting an exit plan just in case.

I have not heard a single mention of the preparations being made in the UK for a possible Breitling.

This is not something you do at the last minute after the vote. This takes time and careful preparation.

There is no plan because the vote is fixed.

They have worked too damn hard and long on this project to leave it up to the people to decide the fate of the EU. We all know what contempt they have for the voter.

The UK will remain part of the EU no matter how the people vote.

Sup Forums found a way

>That picture

Still at the good ol' fear mongering tactic remain?

That bus has a Jap face.

Don't worry, it'll be like Austria. They're going to rig it.

the only shocking thing is its not 90% out and 10% in.

>possible Breitling.
*possible Brexit

>Implying Labour is good at anything but fear mongering
They're just as bad, if not worse than the Democratic Party in the States from what I've seen.

you better leave britfags. this will be the first step toward the Great happening


you're fucked dad

>Still at the good ol' fear mongering tactic remain?

See I think that ad backfires. To me it is saying, "Do you really want to trust BRITISH politicians to run Britain instead of foreign Euros? OMFG"


pepe no! get out of there!

It's not only Labour shilling for remain, the conservative party is split in terms of voting leave or remain and pretty much every party but UKIP is involved in remain to a certain extent.

But yes Labour is shit and would ruin this country even more if given the chance and they're the main ones along with Cameron trying to push for remain.

Laughter is the best medicine, vote exit

Screenshotted because you are going to be right unfortunately.

This. It's either rig or renege. No way does the UK actually leave.

You better leave you fucking faggots, it on July like 29th? Pls leave, come home papa

If the polls are looking close there's no way bexit will win, it won't be allowed to

They're planning in secret already

June 23rd

Cmon older brother you can do it! This is the first step to undoing cuckedness on a massive scale. Others will follow this example! Freedom first, THEN REVENGE.

They're not going to immediately exit if the vote goes leave though, right? Surely they'd have time to craft an exit strategy if the vote goes leave. Besides, their government's official position is stay, if they plan, or publicize plans, for Brexit before the vote takes place, it shows a lack of confidence in their own position.

>If the polls are looking close there's no way bexit will win,
Turnout favours it actually, remain can be 2 points up and on general election turnout leaving still wins.


Thanks fucking God we're finally rid of the Brits. Maybe we can focus on saving ourselves for a change.

Article 50 of the Lisbon treaty gives a two year negotiation period before exit.

Close polls are the easiest to rig

>Britain leaves EU
>Muslims over take EU
>Germany launches strike against Britain
>Britain shits pants
>Trump saves Britain, annexes Europe in great crusade

If people vote in favor of Brexit that doesn't mean that Britain leaves the EU the next day or the next week. It will take a while in which time there will be a lot of planning.



Oh wait, UK is full of faggot pussies and elected a shitskin mayor of Londonistan.

Stay away from me until you purge yourself of your sand nigger menace.

Look at that fancy meme.

exactly why ive bet 400$ on stay

lol, UK leaving EU only to realize that tea will spike to 500% prices because most of it is grown outside of the UK and you don't have free trade anymore.

enjoy, britcucks.

Yeah please fuck off already.

>annexes Europe in great crusade

Oh no spics and niggers coming from across the ocean, China help!!

I used to love watching JoeCartoon. Thanks for the nostalgia, user.

> you don't have free trade anymore
stop spreading lies

"Yes we can"

>oy vey you will save 1 shekel per month on your cellphone if you stay with our communist organisation


So they can just postpone it for two years. Enough time for them to screw people over.

what you can bet on vote results now?

Britain no!

Sorry, mate. EU membership comes with benefits of free trade between EU borders. It's literally the "Liberal International Relations doctrine."

Contrast this to the US who practices "Realist International Relations doctrine," which state that everyone is only out for their own country and the only way to stop war is to build up so much that everyone is scared of doing anything to you.

Neither one have worked. The only way to win is an American hegemony -- The Unites States of Earth.

Don't be like the Austria cucks and actually put people watching every unit when they're counting the votes.
Of course they'll try to rig it again.

i dunno if you still can bet i did my bet over a month ago

52% support leaving EU.
Watch that number magically flip come referendum day.
The Brit elections are rigged, just like every other country.

Does anyone actually believe the majority of Scots actually voted to stay attached to the UK? Seriously?

Perhaps. I am, however, thoroughly dubious. If the EU can't get its way with the people it has a history of going behind their backs and doing it anyway.

Still, everyone in favor of Brexit should definitely vote just in case my view of Brussels is too cynical.

That undecided 13% of voters (last I checked) is all they need to make it look plausible. They don't need a landslide victory to stay in the EU.


I think that word has lost its meaning

>merkel on tv saying we would be dumb to vote leave
>demented dave spouting ww3 if we leave
>BBC saying bacon will be banned if we leave

Why cant i vote to abolish the license fee and deport politicians?

>uk leaves eu
>becomes the 51st state of murka

Isn't there supposed to be a big debate next week?

except trading isnt free with the EU

we pay for the privilege of getting price gouged. i work in steel and being blocked on shit chink steel wiped half our business out.

most people dont want/need top grade so they go buy from people with access to the cheap stuff.


>"Bacon will be banned if we leave"
>inadvertently drive the Muslims to vote leave

They're get their guns and free speech back

Plus they automatically get to hate on mudshits for free

aquela lylian não passa de uma chupadora de cachorro. e sim, eu vi essa retardada da helkena chupando sim e outro dela tocando siririca. na boa? já vi coisa melhor. devia estar bêbada de vodka se achando a vicky dos filmes de pedo, chupando sei lá quem. e antes que tu esqueça, eu passo a maior parte do tempo vagabundeando e pensando como me livrar dessa sarnenta.

You can bet on anything in the UK


Oh we're well passed that. They aren't escaping.

Yeah because we import tea from Germany.

>Does anyone actually believe the majority of Scots actually voted to stay attached to the UK?
Yes, you fell for the memes of a vocal minority, old people (with little social media presence) turned out to vote in.

we need to hope that the strongest amount of meme magic ever recorded can pull us through to victory


It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.

- Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

Reminder to ignore the paid "it's no good they've never let us leave it will be rigged" shills.

We're leaving. The passion of the leave camp is unstoppable at this point.

Leave signs everywhere.

Comments sections on news articles full of leavers.

Youtube videos dominated by leavers. All pro stay videos massively downvoted, and leave videos full of support.

Leave side full of well known meme politicians like Farage, Boris Johnson and Galloway all campaigning, remain have boring inept twats no ones likes such as Cameron and George Osborne.

It's happening lads. By the end of the year EU will be crumbling and Trump will be in the White House. What a time to be alive.

Come on, Brits are cucks of rare kind. They wouldn't pull it off, sadly.

Not happening fellas and it doesn't matter what the common folk wants. There is no chance that the economic bonds granted by EU and benefiting the gov and the lobbies are gonna be wasted for shits and gigs. If these bonds are torn, the costs are gonna be colossal.

>vote on british sovereignty
>48% will vote no
>massive voter fraud will ensure you stay
Ultra-cucked. How can you only manage a pathetic 52%?

Give it time, there's been a 12% swing to leave since April.

>This is what deluded leavecucks actually believe.

I dont say that because i want to discourage you from voting

it might be massively popular and yet you will lose. you will see

> Shocking
For whom? Who gives a fuck really?

I want the UK to leave the EU and I want Trump to win the American presidency, not because I think either is necessarily good for their respective countries but because the future will undoubtedly be very interesting if it happens.

Yeah, actually. Tea grows in multiple EU member states...but not enough in the UK for the UK's tea habit. So you import it from abroad. Spain, France, Germany grow and export more tea than you do.

And you import from all three. I wrote one of my final papers for my econ degree on it.

The hitch is that if you no longer get 'free trade' with them, you'll run into increased prices for tea leaves. The cheap stuff will be more expensive than the good stuff, and good tea will be a premium product.

It's possible to turn around and negotiate free trade agreements with each individual country, but that would require leverage that the UK, sans EU, would be bereft of.


Don't be a sore loser that your side will lose.

Do it, Britbongs! Put a crack in the EU so the rest of the EU colonies may leave, we need this!

Do you think that if ISIS attacks Europe before the end of June, will more people vote to leave?

Never worked in the real world have you.

It's completely natural to put off doing work that might not be needed.




I hope you guys do leave so that Texas can see what'll happen and then shut the fuck up about seceding when it all goes disastrously wrong.

If Britain leaves the EU, that will bolster Trump in America.


Yes the EU is a huge source of tea for us.

>The hitch is that if you no longer get 'free trade' with them, you'll run into increased prices for tea leaves
It's not in their interests to begin a trade war since we import more than we export to them. Do you think Germans will like Merkel crashing their economy by cutting trade to their 3rd largest export market out of spite?




Better pepper ur angus for federalisation when your lose Nigel.

Brexit-fail will only accelerate things. EU Army coming next.

State leaving a nation is not comparable to a nation leaving a supranational union

What a load of garbage.

1. The current government won't exist in the event of Brexit. The PM is campaigning to stay and should he lose will resign or be forced out.

2. There is no need for a "contingency plan" in the first place. It's not some secret or unknown what will happen. There will be a shitload of negotiation and decisions over a period of 2 years as per Article 50 of EU law. This is what will happen. If you don't know this then it's your own ignorance not some indication of a conspiracy.

The joos will cuck Brexit like they cucked the Ausrtria election.

>whatever happens around half the country will want to leave quite badly
>many other nations in the EU think similarly
>far right groups and anti establishment sentiment rising
>migrant crisis
>terror attacks on the rise
>leaders pushing more immigration despite this
>sex crimes and rape skyrocketing
>race attacks skyrocketing

You better pray leave wins because the alternative will be horrific for all of us

>I want this not to be true
>But it deep in my heart I know it is
Ameri-kun, please ;_;

OK, but you'll be leaving the treaty so who cares? If it takes more than a month to figure out and publish a timetable, you need to throw out your government.

Brit/pol - THREAD

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