I am voting for hillary because of pick related
I am voting for hillary because of pick related
>implying ephemeral physical feature determines one's masculinity
>good goy
>liberals think this looks like a manly man
>those chickenarms
That post really made me think.... Liek wow OP, Jesus that really makes u think man.... Damn fammmm
wasn't this guy on an STD public service announcement?
> Justin Beiber Hairstyle
> Habib Beard
> Sleeve tattoo of slaves picking cotton
> Charm bracelet
gr8 b8 m8s
>wimpy skinny faggot with tattoos and a 2010-core beard
>hipster beard and "my dad left" sleeve tattoo
very manly
wtf I love hillary now
oh well i guess you can say im a #hillarymissile
do libs actually think that people don't want to vote for shillary because she's a woman?
can their brains not get past identity politics?
That dude looks like a fucking insurgent.
Fuck off back to /fa/, you bug chasing faggot.
>zero arm definition
>Literally the first result when you google "guy with beard stock photo"
Jesus christ shillary isn't even trying.
damn for a moment i tought they used that fag for the local hofer leaflet
This post really made me think. Looks like I'm a #HillShill now.
C'mon m8 I'm Greek and even I know he has syphilis
holy shit... I'm literally with her
Just realized these two are EXACTLY the same photo
I stand with Syphilis.
He's a fucking white male
>voting for someone soley because she probably has a vagina
>degenerate tattoos
>bad posture
>weak angry glare
This is what is considered manly these days? That guy would get beat up and called a fag in my town.
its 2016, having a clean shaven face is manlier now.
This is just a scowling hipster!
so you vote hillary because of a hipster cuck """"""""""alpha male""""""""""
>Full beard+undercut
opinion instantly discarded.